My biggest supers are the ones i "saved" from boxes filled with moth stuff. There are about 5 deaths everyday. They look a bit dark, barely move....and funny thing i noticed they barely touch the moisture source ( basicly ANYTHING i give them, potato, carrot, apple, etc. ). They also eat eachother. I hope this is because they used to be in a bin full of moths and also because before, ventilation was poor and few times it was full of condensation and mold. I removed mold and gave them better ventilation but damage was probably done. I am deciding now whether to leave them ( its about 250 of them ) to grow more and die 5 a day or start selecting biggest ones and put them to pupation.
Apart from them, my supers are doing great. I have 3 other boxes full of them + breeding bin. The biggest of those 3 boxes are now equal or bigger then the size of adult mealworms. They devour any vegs i give them, they move a lot, eat a lot, etc. I hope they will live until i can turn them to bettles. Soo its good news here. What i use for substrate is whole oats + some grinded oats in the bottom. I also add some dog food ( non grinded, grinded dog food seems to kill my meals and supers, and im not surprised, it smells awfull ).