I have read this thread and will add my experience breeding supers even though I have only been doing it since early June.
Posted on the first page "500 eggs in a lifetime - of which around 50 will hatch". There is no way this is true from my experience.
I tried switching every 2 weeks and averaged only 8 worms per beetle per week. So from early June until July 25th I raised only 1700 worms. Then I switched every week and now almost tripled my worm production averaging 21 worms per beetle per week. So from July 26th - August 8th, I counted almost 2500 for the 2 weeks. I can count them 2 weeks after the switch but there are a few still too small to see. I should be able to count the August 16th batch this weekend and expect over 1400 worms from 64 beetles, 35 are females. BTW, I have noticed the baby worms seem to like to hide so check under the egg crate to see movement sooner.
My substrate is a mixture of oats, cornmeal, chick feed, wheat bran and crushed bird seed. Just enough to thoroughly cover the bottom of the bin. I put carrots and cucumbers on halved toilet paper rolls. Egg crate and toilet paper rolls for hiding that I leave after the switch and put new ones in with the new beetle bin.
The only negative is the number of bins needed to switch out every week. Anyway if anybody tries switching out weekly maybe they can post their results to compare with mine.