Superworm Care and Breeding, a Step by Step Guide

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Hatchling Member
well you do a great job with the Dubia for sure! I know what ya mean though, I'm working on a little colony have been for months. Can't feed off of it yet. Just let my girls try super worms they loved em but the roaches are their favs


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
You should give the supers a shot at breeding... its pretty fun, i have breed horns, supers, meals, roaches and tried silks... couldn't get the silks right but whatever... its a decent amount of fun if the people around you are okay with bugs... haha supers are the staple for most of my dragons. feeding large dubia gets to be a pain since they manage to climb out of the bowl quite often.


Hatchling Member
Yea I might give it a shot! I'm going to let my girls try silk worms here soon. I hear they are kinda hard to keep up. I got a Horn Worm pod just waiting for them to get bigger. How many Dragons do you have?


Hatchling Member
Wow, that's really cool! My 2 along with a dog and a cat keep me busy. Feed mine more super worms tonight and them loved em!
So, I have a question for you...

I started breeding superworms back in November (first beetles emerged). I started out with around 120 beetles. After a month i started seeing babies mid Dec. And 4 days ago I checked on the progress of the worms (yes I keep a water source in there at all times). And well they are pupating into mealworm beetles. So i checked the container and only found 5 superworms. So is it possible for my superworms to turn into mealworms...because this is what is happening. I would say I accidentally mixed up my mealworms with superworms but then again I dont have mealworms anymore (got rid of them about 2 months before getting the supers.

So I am confused as all HeLL. Any Ideas....................


Juvie Member
ahh This sounds like a excellent WTF moment :!: :book: I would think who ever you ordered them from made a mistake. One question though are the worms that are pupating into mealies in your bulb/feeder bin? Or are these from the babies? Cause if your super worm beetles laid eggs and they turned into meal worms then you have um well a problem for lack of a better word
triumphtt":jc97i30q said:
ahh This sounds like a excellent WTF moment :!: :book: I would think who ever you ordered them from made a mistake. One question though are the worms that are pupating into mealies in your bulb/feeder bin? Or are these from the babies? Cause if your super worm beetles laid eggs and they turned into meal worms then you have um well a problem for lack of a better word

I will take a few pictures when I get home later tonight. But just to re-state that the supers pupated into beetles and those beetles laid eggs and now that they have been hatching for about 2 months now all I am getting is mealworms that are pupating into mealworm beetles....


Juvie Member
JUST when I thought I killed them all by not giving them carrots every couple days I SAW THE BEDDING MOVE! :blob5: :blob8:
My beetles had babiieeesss! XD I'M SO BLOODY EXCITED! I don't think I'll ever have to buy feeders again.... plus I just bought like 1000small supers a week ago or something and my beardies together eat about 20 together(not each. XD)

But I moved the carrots in my old beetle bedding and I thought I was hallucinating when I saw the bedidng move. So I grabbed my magnifying glass, scooped that spot up and sure enough saw supers this long: --

XD Yaaayyyyyyyy
SUCCESS!~ Tomorrow I should switch out my beetles again. I actually saw one laying eggs.. Well I'm pretty sure she was. ;P

YES. I'm just so excited!
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