Hi, I'm thinkin about breeding Supers for my beardie Scout instead of crickets whose stink is filling up the hall and my bedroom. DX
And anyway I have questions:
1) Do you have to keep moving the beetles every few weeks? Because what I plan is to have three bins, one for pupating/alien worms, one for beetles to breed in, and one for the adult worms.
So I was thinking if the beetles layed the eggs and I saw the worms moving after they hatch or are big enough for me to see moving around, if I should just take a strainer and sift out the babies and put them with the bigger worms, that way I could keep the beetles in their same tank. (((Make any sense?))
2) can you layer the cups with the pupa worms on top of each other?(as long as their all getting air and stuff)
3) Is there a certain tank I should have the heating pad under(thinking of using a human heat pad)? (Tanks as in pupa tank, beetle tank, feeder size worm tank)
4) Can big feeder worms be in with tiny baby worms or will they eat each other? (I plan to have carrots in there everyday if that helps)
5) I think that's it, but are three of these sized containers big enough(with screen on top unlike I used for the crix)
**Edit**Oh and will they be better off in my closet?

It's big if I make room.