spaz the baby frilled dragon!

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Juvie Member
hi sorry i havent been on in awhile been real busy. i am painting an old tow truck and have been real bummed out after losing my frilled dragon roxie. the vet opened her up but couldent come up with a exact answer as to why she died she suspects renal failure from her past abuse. she just couldent fight anymore.
well as i said i have been really upset over roxie so my husband got me a baby frillie for my birthday. he arrived today i named him spaz as he frilled at me as soon as i opened the box!lol. he has settled in very nice and is even eating baby roaches from my hand.




Sub-Adult Member
So ADORABLE!!! I loved Frilled Dragons and I despeartely want one, but I don't have any place to put a big cage the size of what is recommended.


Juvie Member
Katie he is way too cute. I just love thoses skinny little legs. Congrats! He's gonna be alooker when he grows up. I can't wait to meet him. Is your tow truck blue by any chance? Lol :D :p Liz and the gang


Juvie Member
Original Poster
the difference in care isint much. they require a high cage they like to climb.some will eat a few veggies most only like bugs. they also like alot of humidity. they are cool little lizards.


Hatchling Member
Awww, he's sooo stinkin cute! Congrats on the new little one! They are definitely on my "want" list :D

fresnowitte Sicko
Aww Spaz is adorable! :love5:

Congratulations & Happy Belated Birthday!

Frank an I have wanted a frilled for awhile now but all these beardies keep me so busy just haven't found time to do all my research yet or space. Just wondering could you post a pick of his set up? I'm just curious.


Hatchling Member
fresnowitte":14lpp44f said:
Just wondering could you post a pick of his set up? I'm just curious.

Oh, good idea! I'm always interested in seeing set-ups. I can read and read all the care sheets available but unless I see something, I'm still unsure.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
he wasent happy with the other set-up so i redid his cage today. its covered on three sides with a tropical looking fish tank background.he has a hamock and a plant that sticks to the glass.his flooring is ecoearth i got from a petstore. it holds moisture really nice and i have been having humidity issues this has been holding it right allday so far. he loves his new set-up its a 40 breeder it will be too small when hes bigger as they need a 4ft tall min cage as adults. when he is bigger i have a nice waterfall set up for him.please excuse the water spots on the glass i have been misting the glass to try to keep the humidity up.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
its kinda funny about an hour after i fixed his cage up i couldent find him anywhere i searched and searched took everything back out of the tank dug through the flooring no frillie i darn near had a heart attack thinking he escaped somehow then i found the little bugger Clung to the screen top! what a little stinker he is! he was probably laughing at me the whole time i frantically searched for him!lol


Hatchling Member
Spaz is so cute! Frills are such the interesting little characters. I have a 8 month old named Flower (and getting 2 more in a week). Flower loves his romaine lettuce! The pet store where I got my little ones never gave their frills any lettuce (becaue they said that frills dont eat veggies). Well, Flower proved them wrong! So try a liitle letteuce with the crickets.
And FYI: the pets store will be having more Baby Frilled Dragons soon. So if any one needs info about the pet sore, let me know.
Take care!


Spaz is cute! I looked at pictures of frilled dragons cus I didnt know what they were. They look pretty cool


Juvie Member
Original Poster
true some will eat veggies. the one who passed away wanted nothing to do with them. with spaz i am putting some of the greens i feed the beardies in the bowl with his veggies so he has the option to eat veggies
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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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cookie event at my library today, quite fun! Made some bracelets for my comrades too, to give them at church in the morning. Got a busy day tomorrow even though I’m off work… i go back on tuesday so atleast I’ll have 2 days off to rewind….then back to hell lol
The head tilt tho! Aaaahhh

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