My bearded dragon is 4-5 months old. Since having him, he has been diagnosed with early MBD and possibly gout due to high uric acid levels. He also had a broken wrist possibly a complication of the MBD but it seems to be healing okay. He is on allopurinol for his gout and his calcium levels are at a good range. He has been doing ok but other than his joints getting very swollen from the gout, but as of about 3-4 days ago I noticed that his back is curved and it looks like there’s a bump in his shoulder. I don’t think his back is broken because he is eating, pooping, getting around as normal (his normal is not what a normal beardie’s is). He isn’t black bearding or looking stressed. I’m not sure if it is urgent but I am worried about him and I can’t get an appointment with the vet for at least a week.
Here is his husbandry:
40g tank (until he gets bigger)
100w basking bulb that gets his basking spot to 100•F
T5 UVB tube
He has a hide on the cool and warm side
Calcium dusted daily, vitamins once a week
Gets a mix of dubias, crickets and mealworms daily
Gets greens daily (usually kale, collard greens, butternut squash, blueberries)
Here is his husbandry:
40g tank (until he gets bigger)
100w basking bulb that gets his basking spot to 100•F
T5 UVB tube
He has a hide on the cool and warm side
Calcium dusted daily, vitamins once a week
Gets a mix of dubias, crickets and mealworms daily
Gets greens daily (usually kale, collard greens, butternut squash, blueberries)