
  1. BuddyBeardedDragon

    Help! VERY severe MBD !!!!

    I went on a holiday to see some of my family in another country. While I was there, I visited my aunts house and her son had a bearded dragon. I really wanted to see his beardie , but when I did... I literally cried. He was a German Giant bearded dragon, and he was housed in a tiny starters...
  2. TheRedFox

    Metabolic bone disease

    My boy is only around a year and a half old, I got him from a neglectful previous owner, I have tried my best to help him so far but I was wondering if there's any ways at home that I can further nurse him back into proper health, everything going on fits the criteria of metabolic bone disease...
  3. zonkey

    Creating an enclosure for a disabled dragon

    Hey all, it’s me (as always) searching for some advice on how I can make an enriching yet easily accessible enclosure set up for my rescue beardie. She’s got MBD, and is missing some toes. She has trouble climbing up some surfaces sometimes, though is able to get onto her flat/thick driftwood...
  4. zonkey

    Urgent beardie rehome in Idaho/Washington

    Hi all, a rather urgent rehome situation here. Stumbled upon the story of this poor gal here he was found in a PetSmart dumpster some weeks back. The OP is trying to find a forever home for her. As you can see by the post, poor thing definitely has MBD..,, she needs a forever home that can help...
  5. S

    Questions about weight

    My little rescue girl, Lemon, is about eight years old (according to her previous owner), and came to us looking very emaciated and malnourished, dehydrated, and pretty much unable to move around because of muscle atrophy and MBD. She was living in a too-small setup with repticarpet, a single...
  6. catwu20

    Runny/Mucosal Poop?

    Hi everyone, these are pictures of my beardie’s (6yrs, F) poop taken at 5 seperate days over the span of June-August). I’ve noticed that my beardie’s poop has been more watery than usual (there’s usually a bit of water surrounding the poop, but this is excessive). On a few days there has been a...
  7. C

    Can MBD cause early signs of aging?

    Hi all, thanks for reading. My boy is ~8 years old. He had no heat or UVB on him at purchase (~1 yr old) and was diagnosed with MBD by my vet. He had a crooked back and tail and couldn't walk at all. Overall in really poor shape :( I hand fed him for almost 8 months, he had finally started...
  8. S

    Beardie w/ mild MBD not eating

    We got an 8 month old bearded dragon in December. When we first got her she was eating well but after a couple weeks started eating significantly less, then became lethargic. We took her to an exotics vet and they diagnosed her with mild MBD - X-ray showed “ghost bones” but no breaks or...
  9. M

    Beardie with MBD and not getting getting better

    I have a bearded dragon who is 3 years old. I noticed over the past few months that she had been not moving as much, sleeping all the time, and having a loss in appetite, so I had been giving reptiboost a couple times a week (because she lives at my dad's house and I spend a lot of my time at my...
  10. R

    What more can I do for my beardie’s bones.?

    Unfortunately this year his bones started getting worse again right when he started brumation, so I haven’t been able to help him as well as I did when it was hotter. Before, I would give him more calcium powder more often in his foods, take him outside in the sun safely for hours, and not feed...
  11. A

    Swollen back leg on new beardie?

    Hi all. Today I picked up a new bearded dragon (my first one) from someone of Craigslist, but when I took a closer look I noticed that the back left knee and leg are swollen. I managed to get a vet appointment for tomorrow morning, but in the meantime I’m worried. He doesn’t seem to be in pain...
  12. C

    MBD Care

    I am not sure if this is posted in the right area, but I need guidance. I rescued this little guy I named GECK (from the Inscription card game 1 health-1 life) from a pet store about 3 months ago. He doesn't use any of his legs therefore he doesn't climb and moves across the tank like a snake...
  13. Monpetitchou

    Bump on base of tail + uvb question

    First off, I want to preface this that I have a vet appt next week ! I noticed last week there is this bump at the base of the tail along the spine (first photo). Looking at old photos from January, I don’t think it was there before (tho I never actually felt for it like how I am with this...
  14. S

    Rescue bearded dragon MBD? rehabilitation

    Hello, I recently received a bearded dragon (my guess is she’s 4-6 months old?) she is a rescue. My neighbors asked if we wanted her.. we said yes.. when we got her she was in a 10 gallon tank and UVB light was burned out. She was severely malnourished and dehydrated. She was flat and sunken in...
  15. X

    Beardie Impacted???? Cloaca vent open and looks swollen!! Hind legs paralyzed!!! Please help!

    Hi! My beardie is 2 years old. He lives in a 55 gallon tank without substrate. We use a liner. He has the ZooMed 10.O and the Exoterra solar glow 125watt lights. He gets fed dubia roaches and collard greens. We attempt to feed every other day usually but he eats kind of when he wants. We...
  16. bergmite

    MBD Concerns

    Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great New Years. A while back I posted a lot about my baby dragon, Toast. Just wanted to start by saying eating is no longer the slightest issue for him and thank you all for the help. It was likely just relocation stress that lasted longer than expected. I...
  17. S

    Something is wrong with my beardie’s back

    My bearded dragon is 4-5 months old. Since having him, he has been diagnosed with early MBD and possibly gout due to high uric acid levels. He also had a broken wrist possibly a complication of the MBD but it seems to be healing okay. He is on allopurinol for his gout and his calcium levels are...
  18. W

    MBD like symptoms but not MBD?

    Our beardie has become very weak, his limbs trail, he’s trembling, won’t eat, poop or drink. We’ve been to the vet and they’ve ruled out MBD. They said to give him saline injections which we have been as well as changed up his diet, give him regular baths, and changed up his enclosure. He’s just...
  19. S

    Juvenile beardie diagnosed with gout.

    Hi everyone, My beardie Bindi, who is approximately 3-4 months (vet says he is 9m old but he is only 11 inches long??) old was diagnosed with gout. It noticed something was wrong almost a month ago when Bindi was limping and not using his left arm, and it was very swollen. After going to the vet...
  20. V

    Stool with blood

    Hi! Me & my partner have a Beardi Juvenile (I think) she is 5 months old. We got her about a month ago. So 26 okt she started to behave weird, she didn't eat as much and were overall not as active. She also had trouble with pooping, so we gave her a bath twice that day, but she didn't poop. The...
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