Small worm thing that i found in my lap. . . im just confuse

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Sub-Adult Member
Alright well as im sitting at my computer i find a small white worm thing in my lap with a tiny red head and don't know what it is or where it came from.

So heres the deal, small white worm about a 1/4-3/8 of an inch, tiny red head, can climb smooth surfaces (i put it in a small cup with smooth plastic sides), also seems to excrete some sort of fine sticky string also has legs that run down its entire body.

i dont know what the hell this is, anyone?




fresnowitte Sicko
This time of year the grain moth is very active. It's a small moth that will destroy your dried foods cabinet. The pic's look like the little maggot looking worms that destroyed my first batch of super worms. The little moths like to attack our dry foods at this time of the year the worms that hatch from their eggs look alot like what you described. Much like a maggot. :bleick:

There are some pic's here also there's a couple of pic's that show them in worm stage.*:IE-SearchBox&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7DKUS&um=1&sa=N&tab=wi


Sub-Adult Member
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whats in the 1st pic, both of them look similar. . . i was just kinda confused cus i looked down in my lap and saw this lil white worm thinge moving about. . .

whats the 1st pic?


Sub-Adult Member
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on 2nd look i think its a grain moth larvae. . . blahhh i hope its not in my wheat bran and what not. . . i gotta go take a look. . . crap

thats odd. . . all my super bins are covered and screened. . i really hope they didnt infest my stuff


Sub-Adult Member
the picture i posted was a parasite found in the chest cavity of a bearded dragon
I found 3 of them in my kitchen this summer and they look like the same thing. I think they are something to do with flour as there were a few more in there. I checked my kitchen thoroughly as I was worried and got over run with flour weevles once - I bake a lot and the packet was full of them. Check all your cereal based prodice that is dusty in nature flour, icing sugar, weetabix anything like that can carry flour infestors. Not sure if they are troublesome mind you try google!!!

fresnowitte Sicko
Elora":c806a said:
the picture i posted was a parasite found in the chest cavity of a bearded dragon
Although h0ndap0w3r pic's are not that clear it was mentioned that it had a tiny red head which the larva of the grain moth does where the pic that you posted is very similar but doesn't have a red head on it. Or not that I could see even when I magnifyed the pic. So I hope that it is only a moth larva.

Also if you microwave your substrates for the supers before you use it and use a screen top like you are you will lessen your chances of having them. But even though we don't see them they can come in the dry goods that we purchase. I know pretty gross huh? The only dry items that I don't microwave is the dry baby cereals as they clump up.


Sub-Adult Member
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awww that is completely gross. . . i didnt think i would be able to get them unless i had moths. . . humm i hope i dont have to throw out my newly found batch of soon to be supers. . .

thanks for all the help tho, i havent since then, found another worm


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
LAME!!!!! so i found another worm in my super warmer. . . lol, i just came up with that name. but yeah, so i changed out and nuked the bedding in my adult worms, im just hoping they didnt come out of the bin with all my beetles. . .that would just make me sad. . .

fresnowitte Sicko
Yeah I got pretty peeved when I had to throw out my first batch of baby supers and start all over again. :evil:
Got lucky they weren't in my beetles. :D


Sub-Adult Member
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what im hoping is that it was in my adults, because one of them managed to climb onto the screen and chew a hole through it, which i was to lazy to fix, which is where im hoping that they climbed out of. . . fingers crossed. . .

fresnowitte Sicko
Watch for a clumping in your substrate. Have you ever seen the substrate that butter worms come in?......
How the worm kind of cocoons with the substrate. :?: If you have clumping like that just do yourself a favor and dump which ever container it is and start over with whatever stage was infested. Funny thing is my large supers are not covered an I have never had them attacked by these pests just the babies. :roll:
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