Shiro's great adventures

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So I would like to introduce my new baby beardie, Shiro (it means white in Japanese) becuase he or she is a white hypo beardie.

Really happy to have him/her and I hope questions and answers on this post will help other people that have a baby beardie.

To kick it off she/he is stunning and very cheeky already! Took dubia from my hand without blinking and jumped onto her hammock and is happily watching her new tank.

So far so good and vet check next week and every six months from there on.

My beautiful girl Tengu will be sadly missed but she taught me a lot and she will always be in my heart and memories, RIP Tengu chan we love you so much.



Juvie Member
Original Poster
Hi there

Yes, sorry I'm doing the canon gallery now so everyday is early start late finish and just exhausted!!!

Shiro is doing well she's eating like a machine and just very cute. Yesterday she was a little cold in the morning and she went into pancake style, tooooooo cute!!!!!

Holding her is just easy now. How amazing it is to see them trust you. She loves to be stroaked :) last weigh in was 30g so I will weigh her tomorrow

I haven't even had time to hold her :( speaking of time it's 06:30 am and I need to get going. Canon is amazing but wow I'm tired!!!!!!

Talk later :)

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Wow, long days, thought there was something going on. Good luck with Canon and so glad to hear that Shiro is growing like a week, just like she should. :D


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Hello :)

So today is day off and wow its been a busy clean up sort out of a day! I was able to give Shiro time as well which was really nice

She is so much bigger now and I love her little spikes :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now I can just grab her and shes very cool about it. She runs up my arm and chills on my shoulder and I can just grab her and out her back in my hands. Bath time is getting better and she has a little swim and she is eating over 120 a day now!!!! It is quite amazing to see how much she eats! More veg is needed but I know she is getting what she needs from the gut loading.

The bond is definitely stronger from having them as a baby. I can see it for sure.

So how are the crew?

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
How old is she now? I've lost time with the kids :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Had Leo last Thursday and Friday and we had a good time together. Plus Dad was home at night, so that was great, too.
Yesterday they decided to turn into the children from hell, tantrums one on top of the other, screaming at the top of their lungs and we're all sick, so that didn't help. The kids get a cold bug for a day or two, the adults get that same bug for weeks, it seems. Not fair, this getting older. :mrgreen:

Gabriel is doing well, but his tummy is bigger. He's still very active. I had him on the end of my bed in sunshine and and jumped off and climbed the ramp and sat under the light that wasn't on yet, so when I finally noticed what he'd done, I turned the light on & he stayed there for ages!

Imp still isn't eating on his own, even though he did eat a superworm I offered last night, but only 1. So every day I still have to feed him. Time to eat breakfast and get the dragons sorted because the kids come back!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Screaming kids, never good!

Shiro is three months old and as of yesterday she is now 25cm long and 50g :) she is so much bigger than a month or so ago and she knows it LOL

She sticks her chest out in the morning while standing on her basking rock :) I love her morning routine :) she jumps up, lays flat to get warm and the sneakily like a ninja gets on the hammock to say "I'm ready" and then devours 50 dubia and watches the other 60-70 in the bowl. When I get back from canon they have all gone! She's shedding again now. Fourth time in two months! She loves getting held and is almost okay in the bath :) her stomach is so soft and white!!! It's like a marshmallow!!! I'm happy I can give her a great life out of the reptile shop :) she knows she's onto a good thing! LOL

Got her new repti sun 10 light yesterday and I wanted to ask you about it. It says on the box to replace in 12 months but I read to replace every 6 months. What's that about???

Picture coming soon I promise!!! LOL

Gabriel!!!! Seems to be hanging in there :) imp.... Strange he's not eating by himself. Hope he's okay.

Well I'm nearly at Tokyo now getting ready for the final two days. It's been HARD WORK for over 6 months and now it's drawing to an end its kinda sad LOL. Maybe I will go to the other places to see it and sell things :) only an hour on the plane to Nagoya so it's a maybe.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Good luck!

Oh Shiro, so cute and growing so well. I don't remember how long Imp was, but at 3-4 mo old, he was 60g, but that's also when he got sick and started losing. And I don't know why he won't eat. He decided to sleep today, so I'll let him sleep for awhile, see if that gets back his appetite when he wakes up. I won't let him sleep more than 4 days this time, see how he is when I wake him up with bath.

Now that I have the day to myself tomorrow, I'll get Gabriel everything he needs. He's not wanting bugs lately, so get a couple into him and otherwise, it's the mix every 2nd or 3rd day. That seems to keep him going, his belly is bigger than it was and not from food, hopefully that's not a really bad thing for him. Hard to guage what to expect, never dealt with what he has before.

I wish you all the best in Tokyo! Keep me posted!

Big snuggle to Shrio from Gabriel as he's the only one awake right now.

And screaming kids are no fun. They're now at their mother's where they will stay for the week. Eric & I have been really sick with this bad cold, no infection, though, stayed on top of it and taking echanacea. We're both still sick, so good the kids aren't here for awhile, I need to rest.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Hi there

Ahhhhhhhhhhh now everything has calmed down,I'm in the middle of moving house!!!! Got a balcony for Shiro though :) Sun hits that area during its highest point which is so perfect for washing day!

I hope Imp is okay :? and you and Eric!

Well Shiro update. She is now 56g and such a long perfect tail. She is shedding again and yesterday/last night I changed her tank around a little because shes small and the light distance was too far away so the temp was around 37. I put a big branch under the rock and sort of made a cave under her basking area which I thought she would love....... and it is much closer to the light now and an extra level for her to cool down but still bask etc.

I was quite impressed with my handiwork and she........ well she looked at me like I was the devil and destroyed her world!!!! :banghead: :banghead: after about 20 minutes of being pissed she realized the hide hole was awesome and off to sleep she went!!! She would of slept there thinking she discovered it or something!

This morning she is on to of it quite happily basking as I stroke her beard :D Yesterday she had 67 bugs in the morning and by the end of the day over 130!!! I will definitely feel better when she gets to 100g it is like safety weight! She is only 3 months old so not bad. I look forward to the trip to the great vet in January! She will hate it!!

Hi to the crew (that are awake) :lol:

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Imp woke up yesterday, did the biggest poop I've ever seen and when I weighed him he'd gained 4g! How he did that fast asleep for a week, I'll never know.

The kids were here today, honestly Eric's head is somewhere else today, he let Leo jump on my air mattress (my bed at night) and he popped it. So now Eric has to replace it as I couldn't find the receipt, but I already had it replaced once for the kids jumping on it. Oh well, I don't feel bad for him. I told him to not let him do that. He doesn't get what a 3 yr old boy is all about. When you tell him it's time to go outside to play and he refuses and starts destroying my house (black crayon all over the carpet, red crayon all over the floor (luckily it's tile and easy to clean LOL). So the crayons didn't get put away like they were supposed to be. My fault for taking a nap. Anyway, we'll see what comes home.

I'm so glad Shiro is eating so well, I told you how many bugs she'd be eating and it will be like this until she's tripled in weight, then she'll not eat as much, but not for a few months yet. She sure has a great appetite! She reminds me of Imp after he was well and eating. Not so much now, though.

I'm glad the kids are going home tomorrow. It still affects them to be here when they were at their other grandma's, they stayed there for 2 days, then here today and home to Tara's tomorrow. I feel for Leo, he's so high energy, he really does need to be outside running around, no matter what the weather.

I'm just worn out, at least I have a week of rest coming up before other tests start. MRI Oct 24 and then arthritis assessment on the Wed Oct 26.

And my boss did call me, which was nice, I explained all the same but the worst was the fatigue.

At least tomorrow I"ll be at my sister's for the afternoon, Thanks giving dinner, the holiday was last weekend but no-one was home! So it's at my sister's at 3p.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Imp :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh my....... that sounds a nightmare!!!! How your life has changed.

Hope the thanks giving dinner was good and went well. We dont do that here but we have a lot of things like that.

Shiro is a beast!!!! As usual as soon as the lights come on she is up to her rock getting warm and then hops to the hammock and waits! I notice she doesn't give me stink eye which is great LOL I think the having her from baby is so different bond wise (you're right) I can just grab her now and play around with her. In the am I hand her a big leaf and she sits there eating away at it which is awesome. Small amount but better than nothing. She is eating on average between 100-130 dubia a day.

I am right in saying calcium five days and vitamin/mineral twice a week up to ONE YEAR OLD?

LOL she is watching me type, it is the same as Tengu exactly!

Ah well 3 more days and I can start moving into new house :) 21st I can sleep there (dont ask) I will send you pictures. Shiro should love her balcony. I will let her free roam in my room and balcony. The sun will be perfect for her in the mid morning to afternoon. I am banned from washing her in the sink though :shock: so have to get some plastic containers for her.

This morning was the job I hate the most...... ROACHES took most of the babies out of the adults only den and put them with the others in the baby den. Wasn't too bad and found three dead adults which is fine as they are old now. Must be 6-9 months old. I will keep them for breeding until the die out. I will get another thousand dubia this week. I will get S size as shes grown so much she can handle that size now which is nice for me :D now she is on the ss size. Some have grown and she loves the bigger size! :lol: OH she is full on watching me now her head is almost vertical!!

Talk soon

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Oh she is just so funny, it is different when you have a baby from day 1 and they're healthy. I love hearing about her and her antics. It's amazing the amount of dubia that they'll eat as babies, but now that she's eating a bigger size you know that she's doing well.

Imp can't digest the heads of roaches, it's really strange, not all but some. He's still awake today, I thought for sure he'd head back into his hide, but he's sleeping on his log tonight, not even near his hide. I can't do anything with them on the weekends, which is a drag, because of the grandkids. They aren't gentle enough, even though Leo on his own does well. Here he is with Gabriel and Imp:
He calls them giant dragons and now that I see the difference in size, I understand the term. I love him dearly but it's a bit too much with both of them by myself. They're like two little tornados!

I hope the moving goes well for you, David, and I know Shiro will enjoy the balcony. I have corregated cardboard covered in blue plastic. Roger bought the stuff when we moved here in 2006 so our dragon Sweetie could have outside sunshine time on the balcony. They came in long sheets 2' wide and they still are all the partitions in the house & on the balcony. If your balcony has any stucko that would be easy for her to grab, they can climb stucco. That's how I almost lost Sweetie, she climbed the stucco wall on one side of the balcony and turned at the end of the wall and was a bit away from the balcony. I managed to grab her tail and was able to pull her back in, as we were on the 4th floor and were above the courtyard. Anyway, once the blue stuff (as I call it) was up, she couldn't climb it so couldn't get to the stucco and they've been safe outside for the 10 years I've had dragons. They really can't get their claws in it. Not sure about a baby, but none of our adults have ever been able to climb them, no matter how sharp their claws.

Listen to me going on, again. I'll be looking forward to pictures of your new home. I hope the move goes very smoothly for you and you get to sleep in your new home soon.

And yes, it's 5x per wk calcium and 2x/wk vit/min until they're 1, then it's 3x calcium and 1x vit/min. Because I give them liquid calcium, I give them calcium 2x a week. I'm not sure what the difference is, but I'm glad I gave up powders, even though I have them for my leo now. I've left her in the dark so she can catch her worm, they have useless eyesight unless in almost total darkness. I just figured that out, not that long ago, and she's eaten 2 super worms in a week. Now her 3rd is covered in vit/min and waiting for her to catch it. I'll have to check in a minute, have to change crestie food, too. So here are my geckos:
From left to right, Selene (palest), Camilla (darker); Bunny, bicoloured.

This is my leo, Miss Leona in her coconut hide, she loves it in there :D

I love that Shiro likes to watch you type, makes me feel as if she's reading our posts! So much like Tengu.
Please keep sending me these lovely stories of the two of you, love them!

And here's pics of Imp after combatting Ella the Elephant!

Bella sunning
Gabriel and Imp on the ramp
Gabriel after climbing up to the top of the ramp (as it is now)
Don't know if you can tell that his belly is bigger. The aneurysm still hasn't popped and I hope it takes years before it does.
Bella keeping watch over Gabriel on the ramp, you can see it's a climb now to get up it, unelss they climb with cushions LOL


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Gabriel and Imp :lol: :lol: :lol:

HUGE now!!!! wow reminds me of Tengu and yes I can see Gabriel's stomach is bigger.

The balcony is waterproof so it is sort of smooth like glass so no way she can climb, also the hole for water to go out of is meshed. I will make sure it is dragon proofed on Friday :)

Yesterday I changed the table her tank is on. I was going to buy one and then when I was pacing and about to break down my kitchen stand/prep board thing I thought this is perfect! LOL it has two shelves for the dubia containers and dragon stuff as well as two draws for anything else of hers.

I moved her onto it and she was :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: but now loves it because she is higher than before.

She has a full body shed going on again so shes not the happiest and this morning the bulb had gone! I was surprised and she was looking at it as if to say errrrrrrrr so I put the 50w in for this morning and I will go and get a 75w later on. Lasted two years nearly so not bad.

Well it is bath day for this little girl (I think) she wont be happy about it.

OH quick question:
She had a monster number two yesterday and it had water and a lot of white which is water so I guess she must be drinking it from bowl or getting it from dubia etc. Is that a good thing having water come out. I guess so.

Now after she has had 50 dubia in the morning I dip around 10 one at a time in water and feed to her, she chows down so that's one way of getting water into her :lol:

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
That's a good way to get water into her, if she'll eat them. All of my dragons have water come out with their poops, the white stuff is called urate and is their pee. So every poop should have a bit of water and the white urates. It's when the white urates aren't soft that she needs more baths.

Yes, my dragons are all very big. Castiel is over 20" long and over 600g and 2 yrs old, so you can see what I mean. Nathaniel is the smallest of my dragons, 18 1/2" long and 450g. I have to wake them all up on Friday am for soaks and to see how they're keeping their weight on. Gabriel is 650g (with his big belly) but only 18 1/2" long, so he's very wide now. Cierra is bigger than Nathaniel, even though only 18" long.

Imp woke up today, he was in his hide with his head stuck out and awake, so I got him up for some outside time. Didn't give him anything to eat, won't do that unless he's back up tomorrow.

Sounds like the table you found that puts her higher is suiting her, she can see more. The balcony sounds wonderful for her for outside time.

I've been walking Bella at least 3x a day, if not 4 and she gets a dental treat after each walk, so she's a very happy dog. She's waiting for Eric to come home tonight, not sure if he will or not, until later anyway. And we found a few fleas on her belly, so she needs a bath...I have to go to the chiro tomorrow morning, but will try to give her a bath when I get home (don't think that's going to happen with Eric tonight). Never done that before, so this should be interesting!

I'll be waiting to hear how the move goes, good luck!


Juvie Member
Original Poster

Yes I thought so. The urate is soft and shiny :) yes great way to get water in her LOL she doesn't hesitate at all about it. So usually she takes 50-60 in the morning so I make sure I count each time I give her one with the tongs and then the last ten have a quick dip. This way I know she's getting the dusting.

She shedding like crazy LOL and I've run out of dubia today. I had to raid the adults only box and got about 60 out so have to leave it now. Maybe get babies once or twice more before the adults die. They don't last long do they! Well I guess they do.

This morning I took Shiro outside with her being bigger and not afraid anymore and she was great. She sat in my hand looking at the sun and really enjoyed it, only for around 10 minutes. She was a little nervous of course but so interested in it. So that was fun. Now she's basking quite happily. Interested to weigh her when we move in new house.

Today we get the keys so have to call gas, electric and get lights! I will start moving some stuff in tonight and do it everyday and clean/repair this place. We have as long as we want to move out so it's super useful the new place being across the road/train tracks.

I will take a photo of Shiro in the light box soon. I think after we've moved. Probably November when she's 4 months old. It's nice to have pictures of her as a baby and then growing up. I still can't get over how huge Imp is!!!!!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
And here I am thinking that Imp is too skinny because of the other big lumps I have. But then, Nathaniel weighs just a bit more. I'll see how he does in the spring. I'm thinking it's all because he won't eat much on his own, so I have to feed him to supplement his food so he gets enough. Will see if he gets up tomorrow.

I hope the move goes well, do you get a moving company to move the big items?

I had a feeling she was going to start eating more than you expected, so yes, it's time to get more babies. The adults live about a year or so, that's why it's good to have lots on hand making babies.

I checked the two roach bins I have and they're full of babies, which is great because Imp eats them about 3/4" or less, he hates the big ones now. When he was 7 mo old and eating every dubia he could find, he digested them really well, now he can't seem to digest the heads, strange. So I'm back to giving him probiotic every day, hoping that will help him digest better. We'll see how it goes over the winter. He might want to sleep some more. But I won't allow them to stay awake in their hides. I always pull them out and get them under their lights, get baths. I'm very strict about that.

I'm gearing up for the weekend onslaught with the grandkids, they sure make me tired! I'm going to make sure they can get outside alot for the 2 days they'll be here. I can't believe how energetic they are, it's been a long time since my son was a toddler, it was different, though. I had a big house I was renting at the time on a very quiet street, so he had tons of space and outside to run around, too.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
weekend onslaught, :lol: :lol: :lol: hope it goes well!

Big things............... only things that are a slight problem are the fridge and washing machine. other things we are getting new so its not too bad.

Today I moved sooooooooooooo much stuff, so tired now. It was funny with, Shiro today :lol: :lol: this morning she was watching me because I didn't feed her until 10:30am and normally feeding time is 08:30 I only had 50 dubia left and she was not impressed so I went to the pet shop and got her 30 crickets........... she went CRAZY :shock: like a wild savage ripping heads off and just shocking actually!! She loves them so it is like a treat for her LOL even though dubia are better.

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NEWS :lol: You will never guess what I caught her doing yesterday....... I was talking to my friend on Skype and as I looked at her she was drinking out of her bowl!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: so now I know she is drinking water every day from her bowl!! I was wondering why she had water in her business and never took it from drips or bath, because she didn't need it! Still shocked she does that. Pet shop was water in bowl so she remembers it. maybe when she gets older she will drink from the bath or drops.

So she is all good and had time outside in the sun today as well as crickets. Happy, healthy dragon :D :D

Have a good weekend!
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