Sarth, Daeds, & Starling **5/28 First Camping Trip Pics!**

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I figured I would post some pics of Sarth...even though he hasn't been eating very well the past month he still finds every opportunity to be cute! I think I might just keep adding pics to this thread along with my blog, we will see!

The most recent ones are at the top.

I thought this was adorable...he was kind of lounging against the glass, looking at me like "what?!"

Just trying out a close-up of his's hard to get good pics during the weekdays when the sun is going down by the time I get home

Scoping out his rearranged tank

Morning stretches, as usual :)

Him looking *really* grumpy sitting in the sun on the back of our recliner. And I put his tail like that, lol

My husband took this :roll:

A rare shot of him actually eating his salad

Watching Glee with me!

He loves to explore the coffee table, not sure why

I did not put him like this, lol. I should have entered it in this months photo competition!

Him still being really mad from the vet's visit the night before. He looked so hilarious, all puffed up with the black beard. I started petting him and he deflated while managing to look confused.

Just looking cute. This was right around when he stopped eating about a month ago.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
So am I, hopefully the antibiotics do the trick, poor Daeds. I loved all the pics, Scully sure is a little fatty! But so cute & she gets along with Daeds so well, it's great to see.


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Jess":38xjxigw said:
They look so happy on the beach!! I love the one of Scully and Daeds basking together... Scully is SUCH a chunker!! :shock:

It's awesome that Daeds is feeling better! I'm glad that they didn't find anything horribly wrong with her.
Yea, Scully is going on a psudo-diet...basically I am just feeding her once a day now instead of twice, lol. She is really into her greens which is great, I put a big pile of them in her tank in the morning and it's all gone when I get back, unlike the other 2! Actually I think she's probably chunky since I feed them superworms :p My dubia colony is at a weird point right now with lots of breeders and TONS of babies but nothing in between! I put an order in for some mediums but they won't ship til Monday >.<

I think Daeds is getting a bit more used to the outdoors now. Maybe 4 car rides and 2 full days outside in two weeks shocked her into it :mrgreen: I took the girls out yesterday before my run so that they could get the last bit of sun and they both did great. Except Scully was waving like crazy at something...I guess it could have been Daeds but she hasn't waved at her in over a month o_O

You can see Scully's paw kind of hovering as she finishes her wave...

Happy colors from Daedles!

I picked up her meds today, she gets .5 cc's of Baytil once a day for 21 days. I did her first dose today and she ran from me :shock: it's going to be a fun 3 weeks!


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Figured I would post a small update...I have some cute pics, but photobucket doesn't seem to be working...thought it was my phone at first but it won't upload from my desktop either :( I'll upload when able.

Daed's has been on the baytril for a bit over a week. I give her .5 CCs orally once a day - she hates it! I don't blame her, it smells awful, can't imagine what it tastes like. Once she gets a couple drops of it in her mouth she tries to run away, lol, but she slurps it all down eventually. She's been very active since I've started her on it, not as much limping in her leg when I let her out to run around, I'm not sure if that's due to the baytril or not though, I think her hip probably has good days and bad days.

I finally had to order some roaches for Scully. She is so fat she's like a little rollie pollie :p. It's gotta be those superworms, so I'm not going to give those to her for quite awhile. She seems to have been stuck at 17"-17.5" inches for the past month and gaining weight quickly. I wonder if she grew so fast in the earlier months that her body had to slow down or something? Either way I am watching her closely...she might weigh more than Daedalus now, and she definitely weighs more than Sarth :shock: I would feed her just greens because she loves them, but she's so young I know she needs the protein... >.< Hopefully the roachs will help stabilize her weight.

Sarth has been basking less and less lately. A couple days he just sat in his hide, poking his head out during the day, then putting it back inside when it was lights out. Yesterday I took him out in the morning and set him on his basking spot - he stayed for about a minute before he went to skulk behind his branch. He's definitely up to something!

Anyway that's mostly it for updates - will post pics once photobucket stops being bad!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Sounds like Sarth is starting to brumate. Didi went into his hide for 2 days, I got him out to give him water & now it's as if he never slept, so I'm waiting for that to stop.

Scully will do well on roaches, they're so good for her & she probably won't gain as much weight as with supers. My crew have always lived on supers, but I don't give them tons & they're all adults anyway. When they go thru spring fever, they hardly eat at all, so I like that they gain weight in the summer before brumation. Only Didi likes the roaches, he won't eat supers too much. So Scully should stop the big weight gain, she's still really young, even if she is really big for her age. She's still got some length to gain, too.

Sorry that Daeds has to take that awful Baytril, but hopefully it will do the trick & get rid of that infection.

Did you get pics of your 3 in for the calendar? I always buy both of them, would love to see your 3 in there, too!
Take care, give hugs from us all (and to Sarth, too, if he shows his face!)


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Yes Sarth is definitely starting his brumation routine I think. He really loves to sit in his hide and just watch us, then go to sleep when it's lights out. He sounds kind of like Didi, never really liked supers but loved roaches. This year he's come around though and decided he likes supers too, which makes it easy for me, cause Daedalus flips her lid over them! I'm going to give him a bath tomorrow too - he hasn't started burying himself yet so he's not quite ready for extended sleepy time :D

Oh photobucket finally started working! I did submit that pic of Scully in my bouquet for the calendar, I'm hoping it makes it on to a full page. I looked through my ones of Daeds and Sarth but didn't really find any calendar worth ones :( I took this one of Sarth that I LOVE but I doctored it up with instagram and I know we're not supposed to do that

Maybe I should submit it anyway?

Well here are some more pics now that I got them uploaded finally!

This is Sarth pretty much the past few days now

I took him out for a bit and he was insistent on jumping on my keyboard, so I set him on hubby's chair. He started looking for a good spot to jump down until I started petting him, then he was like "Oh! Ok!" *flop* Guess I'll stay on the chair after all!


A couple of the girls in the tub. Daeds loves to swim and splash around while Scully prefers to just sit in one spot, lol. She isn't the biggest fan of baths yet. It's so fun to watch them though, I can tell Daeds really enjoys it.


So I got this dog bed that was originally supposed to be for our dog...but when it got here it wasn't quite large enough :p So now I put the girls to sleep on it every night. They love it! It's so soft and fluffy, they just burrow into it and pass out

We took Scully to my aunt-inlaws place today for her son's going away party (he is joining the Marines). It was gorgeous out. Scully was a handful in the car -_- But she got to roam around their property and found a good place to dig. Once the sun went down she spent the rest of the night asleep in the crook of my arm. She was quite popular with all the teens, she got lots of pets and coos, glad she's such a good girl :)

Dig dig dig

I was trying to lock our dog up in the dog run and Nate set her on this birdhouse that was hanging from it. She looked so ridiculous, just had to snap a pic of it before I rescued her :p

But yea, Sculls enjoyed her roaches this morning, but right now she seems most exited about the greens I give her, which seems so odd, lol. I am excited for her to start growing again, I wonder how long she is going to be if she's already 17.5 inches at 5 months? She definitely needs to grow into her pudgy little body!

Deb, I do a lot of lurking on your thread, I just never post! I love seeing the pics of your boys, especially Gabriel, he looks so good now compared to when you got him, it's really amazing how quickly they can bounce back!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Oh that pic of Sarth is great, but it has to be the original for the calendar. I'd send it in anyway, the original I mean. That pic of Scully dangling on the birdhouse is so funny and the pics of the girls are so cute, love the dog bed & they sure love it. It's really nice to see them getting along so well. Scully sure loves to dig!

I wouldn't complain if Scully is finally enjoying her greens, it'll help alot in getting her weight down, it's so amazing to think she's only 5 mo old! Glad she's enjoying the roaches, too.

I'm glad you're enjoying my thread, don't worry about posting, honestly, I like coming to your thread to get caught up! Did you see the pics I posted today, I got a great shot of Mr Gabriel relaxing on his branch, he looks so smug! So that's going to be a calendar pic for sure. He is doing really well, really packing on the weight, he's now 448g, at least he was on Thursday when I last weighed him. And he's grown an inch in length since I got him in April, he's now 18" long! He's an eating machine, he'll eat anything I give him. He loves his supers but he will eat any veggie/green I give him, but like the others he has to be hand fed. He'll eat supers out of a bowl, but not greens, only hand fed and preferrably on my lap! My spoiled princes, they all get hand fed, means they don't get greens/veggies every day, but I don't have time to hand feed all 5 of them every day! Being adults, though, it's not a big deal for them.


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I did see the pics you took of everyone for the calendar, Gabriel has a little belly now, he looks so cute! And Didi has some awesome colors :shock: Your boys are all darling :mrgreen: I'll send in that pic of Sarth and a couple others too, maybe one of the ones Jess took last year in her light box. Most of the good ones of Daeds also have Scully in them, but that's ok.

I hand feed mine for the most part too. Nate complains at me because he thinks they won't eat on their own, but I see them do it all the time so I'm not worried. I love hand feeding them! I hand feed Scully half her greens in the morning and the other half is gone when I get home for lunch. If I start Daeds and Sarth with a hand fed green then lead them over to the plate they'll start on it themselves. Sarth I like to hand feed his roaches :mrgreen:

So Scully has almost instantly switched from being excited about her roaches to indifferent, lol! I think I *might* have gotten 10 into her yesterday, and these are just medium nymphs too, so maybe the size of my ring finger nail, not very big. I tested with a couple supers to see if she was just being picky or wasn't hungry, and she gobbled them right up, so picky it is :p She's had another 10 today, a few in the morning and more just a few minutes ago for lunch, so hopefully she'll have more when I get back from work. But since she's scarfing her greens everyday I'm not worried about her going hungry :roll:

I had Sarth out yesterday afternoon. He puffed his beard a bit at the girls but no head bobbing, so he's definitely getting ready for sleepy time. Daedalus was doing some waving and bobbing though, and Scully a few mini bobs - they still don't want anything to do with him, hah. He got a bath yesterday, drank some water and had a poop, refused worms, roaches, and greens, and is now skulking behind his log. I took a peek at him just now and his eyes are half closed, so I think I'll move him into his hide so that he's nice and cozy.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
So Scully has decided that supers is her favourite food. Because she's eating all her greens you can reduce the amount of supers to 10-15 a day. She's still going to grow lengthwise, so she'll catch up with her weight. She's still so young!

Thanks for looking at the pics of my crew, Didi is a bright orange with yellow added in & his beard has red in it, so he's a very colourful beardie. Gabriel is growing really well, he's grown an inch in length, so he's 18" long now & last Thursday he was up to 448g, that's from 280g in April, so he's doing really well. He's getting sleepy, too, so I think he'll be down soon. I think he's about 2 years old, or close anyway, so we'll have to see if he konks out or if he's up & down. He's still eating just as much, pooping daily, so not sure. The rest are sort of slowing down but not alot, so not sure what their plans are for brumation.

Sarth sounds like he's ready for lights out. Wonder how long he'll be out for. Every winter is different, last year Rubio & Lonzo were out cold for 3 mo solid. Didi & Leo were out for about 3 weeks, then spent the rest of the winter sleeping for a day or two, then being up for a few days, like that until spring. So not sure what they'll do this winter. It's still warm & sunny outside, so they're spending as much time in the sun as I can manage. They won't go"outside" just on the balcony, which is really safe, so that's fine with me. Right now Rubio is sunning himself on a brick, but I think he's moving into the shade. He'll do that for the 2 hours I'll let him out. Lonzo & Gabriel have already been out for a couple of hours each. Leo & Didi are last as they don't like to be in full sunshine.

Thanks for the updates on your crew, how's Deads leg now, is she still limping?


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Daed's leg seems to be doing good right now. She is out every day and runs around with no issues at all - in fact she moseyed from the living room into the computer room (my guess is to tease Sarth, not like he cares right now though!), so I picked her up and now she's nestled on my shoulder. Such a love bug! She did not brumate last year, so I hope that continues this year.

Sarth concked out last year around the end of August and slept until the end of October I think. He didn't really pick up his appetite until the spring rolled around though. He's about 130 grams heavier now than he was this time last year. Looks like I last weighed him in July and he was 465g, he is probably a little lighter now though since he's been eating less. I'm curious to see how long he'll sleep this year since he's starting almost a month later.

That's nice you have a balcony that's safe for your boys. Would be nice if we had something like that, but our deck has spaced out railing and the fence around the yard is chain link, so too many escape avenues for them! Not that they've ever attempted to escape, but still, I'm sure someone would disappear after about an hour, lol.

I'm curious, do any of your boys get a long at all? Maybe not buddies like girls can be, but at least are able to be in the same room without a lot of drama? Whenever I babysit Jess's Dudley, he and Sarth have head bobbing competitions as soon as they can see each other :roll:


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Well somewhat exciting, doing my usual Craigslist browsing looking for a crossfire viv at a cheap price, I came across a 40 gallon breeder with a custom made oak cabinet to fit it. It looks really well made, so I e-mailed the guy to see if he'd be willing to meet tomorrow once I get a pic of the inside and dimensions. Hopefully he replies! Scully needs a tank that's not cracked and with the taller sides (she is in a 30 gal atm), and it would be nice to have a place to keep their spare lights, tank cleaners, and supplements.

Anyway, Sarth is officially brumating :( I am looking at him in his hide right now and he is sound asleep. I'm thinking maybe I should swap out the light I have on that side for a CHE to make sure he stays warm since it's starting to cool down significantly here (57 is the high today, compared to 80's last week :( ). He doesn't need the extra light now since he's sleeping. Might unplug his reptisun this time around too.

The girls are both doing well. I got new probe thermometers for both (white probe instead of black) and some new cleaners for the tanks that should help with caked on poo. Daedalus's leg seems to be doing better, and only 5 days to go on her baytril, we'll both be happy when that's over :roll:

I bought a small butternut squash and grated the top part of it a couple days ago. I've been sprinkling it on the girl's salads, boy do they love it! Funnily enough, Scully will eat around the squash to go for the greens and Daeds does the exact opposite :p For Scully I roll some squash up in a leaf and give it to her like that, little squash burrito, but at least she eats it that way.

Here's a cute pic of her snuggling up with my sweater and leg!

And Nate found a cheap gold chain laying around so we outfitted her with some bling 8)

Fingers crossed on getting that cabinet!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Boy that cabinet looks good. I have 3 of them, Roger found 2 that were downstairs by the dumpster, in good condition & we already had a credenza from when we had our own business. So Didi's 40 gallon is on top of an old dresser of mine, beside him is Lonzo's 40 on one of the free ones, Leo is also on a free one beside Lonzo, they're all in a row along the living room wall. Gabriel's is on the better credenza in my bedroom beside the dresser & Rubio's behind the couch on a low stand we found at a pet shop, as he's in a 75 gallon. That would be a great set & a bigger tank for Scully & it is nice to have all the storage. I sure like it as I live in a 1 bedroom apartment!

Good luck, hope you get it!

I think my crew are starting to slow down, so Sarth is in brumation land? Then you don't need the UVB on at all. As long as the temp in his tank doesn't go below 65F you don't need heat either. So check the temp at night, you don't want his temps over 70F as they don't sleep as deeply as they need to. I've been through 3 winters of brumation and that's what I've learned. I also give them water weekly, as my living room is always warm due to the gecko and they get dehydrated if I don't do that. I've decided to drip water from a syringe in their tanks this winter, I have someone I know who does that & they don't get woken up as long. Don't know if it will work or not, but it's better than waking them up for a bath.

I just loved the pics of Scully & what pretty bling. What does she think of it? And I"m so glad to hear that Daeds is walking better, oh I hope that infection is the real cause & once it's gone she'll be back to normal!


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sweetiepie9":2i4wdxdx said:
Boy that cabinet looks good. I have 3 of them, Roger found 2 that were downstairs by the dumpster, in good condition & we already had a credenza from when we had our own business. So Didi's 40 gallon is on top of an old dresser of mine, beside him is Lonzo's 40 on one of the free ones, Leo is also on a free one beside Lonzo, they're all in a row along the living room wall. Gabriel's is on the better credenza in my bedroom beside the dresser & Rubio's behind the couch on a low stand we found at a pet shop, as he's in a 75 gallon. That would be a great set & a bigger tank for Scully & it is nice to have all the storage. I sure like it as I live in a 1 bedroom apartment!

Good luck, hope you get it!

I think my crew are starting to slow down, so Sarth is in brumation land? Then you don't need the UVB on at all. As long as the temp in his tank doesn't go below 65F you don't need heat either. So check the temp at night, you don't want his temps over 70F as they don't sleep as deeply as they need to. I've been through 3 winters of brumation and that's what I've learned. I also give them water weekly, as my living room is always warm due to the gecko and they get dehydrated if I don't do that. I've decided to drip water from a syringe in their tanks this winter, I have someone I know who does that & they don't get woken up as long. Don't know if it will work or not, but it's better than waking them up for a bath.

I just loved the pics of Scully & what pretty bling. What does she think of it? And I"m so glad to hear that Daeds is walking better, oh I hope that infection is the real cause & once it's gone she'll be back to normal!
The tank is mine! I am picking it up after my gym session today. The guy was nice enough to meet me halfway which is awesome of him, and he's going to take the sand out for me too! He sent a pic of the inside, it's got one shelf in the middle which are both filled with DVD's right now. The stand itself is 28" tall so that'll get Scully a bit further off the ground than she currently is now as well! So it looks like there will be plenty of room for all the dragon's goodies.

Yes Sarth is definitely off in lala-land! He's a bit more awake this morning, with his head up and watching me instead of sleep, but still tucked back in his hide. Pretty soon I'm sure he'll bury his head under the shirt so the light stops reaching him :p
I know what you mean about lacking space, ugh, our entire house is about 800 square feet, but we hardly ever use the basement for anything but storage/laundry so really the space we use is about half that. It has no dining room, so if we wanted one we'd have to share the living room, but the living room isn't really big enough to fit a dining table plus our TV and a couple couches and the lizards, so we've been eating on the couch at the coffee table for the past 6 years. We are moving out in Feb though hopefully to a place that's twice the size, I cannot wait! I'm hoping to have all the lizards in one room, with Sarth on the floor maybe, Daed's tank on top of his and Scully next to them.

Oh, and Scully was not much of a fan of the bling ^_^ Once she gets bigger she's definitely getting on of those beardie necklaces whether she likes it or not :D

Will update later with pics of the new setup!


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Stand is in! I wrestled the tank out of the car myself and got it all cleaned up. He had done a pretty good job of cleaning it out but it had some water spots and sand remnants. The guy had lifted and loaded the cabinet into my car himself so it didn't think it would be terribly heavy, but boy was I wrong, lol! It took both Nate and I some work to get it out of the car and up the deck steps, but we did it without scratching the cabinet or any walls, lol.

I trimmed Scully's Rep-tile substrate as well so that it fits in her tank much better without making any bumps or leaving corners flipped up. Also some paper towels as the base layer because we discovered the rep-tiles have small holes in a couple spots and leaked a bit whenever I cleaned it. Hopefully she won't take too long to adjust, really the only changes is the tank height so I lifted her hammock up a bit, and she's not as low to the ground.

Anyway here are a few pics!

Looks quite sharp - WAY better than the little table it was on.

Inside, plenty of room for all their stuff and some other things we have laying around that we can finally stash in there too

Scully inspects her new home. Now she's sitting under the hammock getting ready to go to sleep :roll:

I emailed the guy and asked if he made that himself or bought it/had someone make it for him. Would be great to have another one of these for Daedalus, one thing we are severely lacking in our place is storage/shelf space!


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Ok the girls have been hilarious this afternoon so I just have to add more pics :p Daedalus was scrabbling to get into Scully's tank so we let her in to explore. She had a major lick-fest and then invaded Scully's hammock.

Daeds hangs out to watch some football in a total couch potato pose


Scully comes over to check out the action


Giving Daeds the stink eye

Daeds notices -

Then retaliates!

Some rearranging on my part and then they sat in the hammock together happily for awhile until Daed's got bored an start scrabbling to get out :roll: I'm going to have to get her a hammock!

The guy replied and said he made the cabinets himself - that's what he does for a living. Unfortunately he's moving back to Australia on Saturday, lol >.< So I'm out of luck there :(
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