Hey all I have a 1 year old dragon his name is mushu. Iv had many dragons in my life and nursed many a rescue back to health but this Lil man has me stumped. So let me start by saying I came home to find this Lil dork drinking his h2o with his back half still on his basking rock basically doing a hand stand to drink from his bowl... so then he starts gaping a lot and I figure its that he aspirated some water from drinking water upside down... I bought new temp and humidity gages just incase it was a RI so I know his Temps and humidity are optimal.. well now a few days later he's still on and off gaping.. and showing more liquidy saliva when he's gaping then usual however he's got an appetite ...he's alert no color changes eyes arnt sunken in... but tonight after his meal his tummy is bloated and he's kicking his back legs like he does to get his shedding skin of .. and he's gaping again with the sticky saliva and I'm not sure if it's impaction or an ri? Anybody have any thoughts? We have a vet appointment 10/3 the earliest my herp vet could get us in .. thanks in advance !