Red Spots and Black Area

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Original Poster
We discovered it was mites because those that you see clearly by his eye aren't there anymore.

I sprayed him and his furniture and tankwith Mite-Off yesterday. It says within 48 hours any mites left on him are probably dead and can be rinsed off so by tomorrow I should know. Otherwise, I'll wait another day and get the Betadine.

He's okay with being picked up and handled a little bit. He's not really looking any better - worse it seems. I'm seeing more red spots as I look closer, especially after the Mite-Off. I can only hope that means it's working.


Juvie Member
I don't know about the Mite-Off, but I know the betadine is highly recommended with mites.
Is he looking worse because of the red spots (mites)? Or is he looking worse in other ways (dehydrated, not basking, etc.)?
The reason, I believe, that you are seeing more mites is because they are "coming out" due to the Mite-Off. Have you picked those off? I'd assume their dying, but I have no idea (I just don't know enough about mites, like I said, or the Mite-Off). You're keeping the tank spotless, right? Took the log out? He's on paper towels only now? Make sure that there is nothing porous in his tank. If you need a basking spot for him, take a plastic rubbermaid shoebox or something similar and wrap it in paper towels to allow him to get close enough to his UVB. Change his paper towels a lot.
Sorry for the questions, but he really needs a "hospital tank" right now. The mites will hide in anything porous and you may not get rid of them, despite the treatments, if they get into a log or something.


Original Poster
The tank is spotless, he's on only papertowels, and his UVB light isn't set up because the hood we needed for the tank had to be specially ordered (they were out). He refuses to stay on his basking "box" (a little paper-towel covered card box), continually running across the tank to the cool side to hide in the plastic bushes.

I've heard somewhere that Betadine stains them?

I'm so scared to pick off the mites in case he bleeds from it because they are in really deep!


Extreme Poster
You dilute the betadine with water until it looks like a weak tea color. Bathe your beardie in the betadine solution, and the mites will jump off. Don't like water. Don't pick the mites off, you'll just irritate him. Just bathe him in the diluted betadine solution and use the mite off.

You will also need to disinfect your tank, or he'll just keep getting the mites.


Juvie Member
Oops, sorry, don't pick off the mites. Now I know that :oops: . I'd take out the plastic bushes for the time being, but that's just me. I was wrong about the mites, so I don't know for sure.


Extreme Poster
Take everything out of the tank other than the papertowels and the cardboard basking spot. When you disinfect the tank, only put those 2 things back in. The mites will hide in and on everything and reinfect your beardie.
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