potential emergency

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Sub-Adult Member
Hi all my dragon Yoshi is almost 3 yrs old and has had no health probs at all.

bout a hour ago he got a black beard and started shaking and twitching some and breathing fast and abnormally. I put him in some water thinking he might b dehydrated. he drank alot of water which isnt normal for him. and all day he has had a black beard, he neverrrrr has a black beard. Hes been in partial brumation so he hasnt ate alot lately but was eating good right before he started gettin sleepy.

his temps are 75 cool.......108 hot, same temps for last 2 yrs. he eats same thing he has all his life, no major changes.

what could be wrong?


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btw im watchin him right now and it looks like his stomachs twitching or muscle spasm.......i dunno whats going on.
what were some of the last things he ate before the sleep? did he poo before he went into brumation? I've read that leftovers in the stomach during brumation could cause problems later... or it might just be a muscle spasm after a long sleep...


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JailBirdStripes":cc523 said:
what were some of the last things he ate before the sleep? did he poo before he went into brumation? I've read that leftovers in the stomach during brumation could cause problems later... or it might just be a muscle spasm after a long sleep...

hes ate a lil salad everyday and occassional superworm. he pooed earlier today before all this started..... I dunno.


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Kazul":73715 said:
How would you describe the twitching/shaking? What kind of lighting do you have him on?

its in his stomach, like hes having stomach spasms or something.

his light is a reptisun 10.0, replaced 2 months ago so its not that.

I called the vet im taking him in at 3:30


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Poor Yoshi. I was thinking that perhaps it was just a normal muscle spasm, like what you and I would get. Was he lying down in a strange position? Or maybe he swallowed a super whole and it was wriggling in his tummy?

Please post an update as soon as you can. I'd hate to hear bad news of our little Yoshi.


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Goonie":581e4 said:
Poor Yoshi. I was thinking that perhaps it was just a normal muscle spasm, like what you and I would get. Was he lying down in a strange position? Or maybe he swallowed a super whole and it was wriggling in his tummy?

Please post an update as soon as you can. I'd hate to hear bad news of our little Yoshi.

I just got back from the vet his fecal was clear, and they xrayed him, the vet couldnt find anything wrong but she sent his xrays to a specialist because 1 lil thing bought his lung she wasnt sure if something was wrong or it was just like a shadow.

She gave me baytril and panacur to give him even tho fecal was clear, she said he could still have a worm not showing up, or have like a bacterial infection.

has any1 heard of doing this before?


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
cherokeeprincess":59eb7 said:
She gave me baytril and panacur to give him even tho fecal was clear, she said he could still have a worm not showing up, or have like a bacterial infection.
That's just as bad as going to the doctor with just a simple cold and leaving with two types of antibiotics to take. I'd be hesitant in giving him the meds until hearing something definite. But that's just me.
Glad to hear that the fecal was clear.


BD.org Addict
Retired Moderator
I agree I wouldnt give him tose meds if his fecal came out clear.Those meds are harsh and can do damage all on their own.Its just his abdominal area that is twitching or is it his entire body?Do you know if he had fallen at all?You are dusting his feeders right?


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vickson420":c5675 said:
I agree I wouldnt give him tose meds if his fecal came out clear.Those meds are harsh and can do damage all on their own.Its just his abdominal area that is twitching or is it his entire body?Do you know if he had fallen at all?You are dusting his feeders right?

its just his stomach, and he still has a blackbeard hes upset about something. I put calcium/vitamins on his salad he wont eat his worms if their dusted. and no he hasnt fallen.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Perhaps a probiotic like Benebac or Acidophiliz would help, certainly can't hurt. Even soy yogurt (no dairy) would help if his stomach is upset for some reason.

If you haven't checked the temps lately, that might be a good idea as the change in seasons sometimes calls for a bulb wattage change.


BD.org Addict
Retired Moderator
Hmm his calcium levels may be low I would definately get that checked out.I have found that it doesnt work as well when you dust greens especially with the spray on stuff although I can understand how finicky they can be.If the levels are low you could get some liquid calcium to administer directly.Also you might want to put him on a probiotic just in case there is something going on with his gutflora levels.Maybe some acidophilliz or even soy yogurt.

EDIT:sorry Diane we must have posted at the same time :wink:


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
We're just on the same page, that's all Vicky. Also, if he's getting vitamins at every feeding, that may be affecting him, should only get them about 1 to 2 days a wk. Something to keep in mind anyway.
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