Pookie's Minions - Pookie's Gone ☹

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BD.org Addict
Wow, I am so glad you were able to catch up with him and that he did not make it to the woods. I know that feeling also. I had Geico out back and a slight breeze came up and shook the aspen tree which scared him. He jumped off me and run under my almond shrub and to the back stoop which had an opening under it on the side where my almond is. If he had made it into the little hole he would have been trapped under the back stoop which meant to get him out, we would have had to take the stoop out. Luckily I was able to corner him and grab him as he lunged for the opening. They sure know how to scare the heebie jeebies out of you. Wonder what scared him so badly. Emmett isn't allowed out without me right there with him or he is in the playpen, he is to quick for me if he got a hankering to run. Emily refuses to stray to far from me when shes outside, she gets to far away and she will come right back to me but, I stay right there with her. So happy squirt is safe and sound.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Even though we talked about this last night Gina, seeing it in print like you wrote it, brought tears to my eyes and gave me a lump in my throat because I could picture every graphic detail. What a horrible thing to go through and one you will never forget! Something really scared him BIG time for him to flatten out like that, probably wishing he was invisible. There's a different expression in his eye in pic #3 & #4, you can see that he spotted something and was "on guard." You kept a clear head about not running behind him & even thought to "crab crawl" to avoid the shadow. You did very good and should commend yourself for handling it the way you did. So sweet the way he cuddled up to your chest. :love5:

I'm glad it was all ok even though it took you so long to calm down, probably longer than it did him. Hope you didn't have any nightmares last night.


BD.org Sicko
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I always try to push my luck and end up with unhappy results :(

No, Diane, I didn't have any nightmares last night (at least I don't remember having any), but I did wake up to a killer headache. Originally thought it was my sinuses, but even after taking sinus medicine and ibuprofen, it never went away. Then during the day, I kept seeing small white auras and flashes of light, and after each episode, my head felt worse and the entire left side of my head was so hot that I thought I had a fever. Of course, as soon as I left the office and came home, and started to care for my babies, the headache was gone. It must have been stress :(


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Stress can sure cause LOTS of symptoms. Sorry you felt so horrible. I'm glad you felt better once you got home, cared for your babies & relaxed. You needed that!

Hope tomorrow is a better day for you.


BD.org Sicko
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I feel like my life had been turned into a Twilight Zone episode. So many strange things are occurring and I just can't wrap my confused head around it.

I hadn't seen Callie in days and was truly worried that something horrible had happened to her. Finally, I saw her this morning, sitting in her usual spot on the deck. I scooped out what was left in the can (which was nearly two-thirds of a large can) from the last time I saw her and went outside. As always, as soon as she heard the back door open, she got up and walked across the deck to the steps. And as always, she stopped at the top of the steps, looked back at me, then walked down the steps, meowing the whole way down. Then she stopped at the bottom, did a big stretch, and looked up at me telling her that I have her breakfast. Just like the last two times, as soon as she walked up to the second to top step, she stretched out her neck and began to eat out of the bowl, and eat, and eat, and eat. She no longer licks her food, but instead takes big bites; she was eating so fast that I was afraid that she'd choke. Then, as always, she left a few bites in the bowl and walked away, meowing all the way down the steps. She got to the bottom, did a huge stretch, meowed, rubbed against the railing post, groomed herself a bit, turned around, did another big stretch, then walked back up the steps on the right side. She walked past me and sat back in her corner, doing more grooming. I then picked up her bowl and walked towards her, trying to get her to finish her breakfast, but she decided that she was done and sprinted off. I walked after her and found her under the deck, rubbing herself on everything and meowing. I was finally able to get her to eat another little morsel before she wandered and disappeared into the woods.

When I got home from work tonight, the first thing I did was to look out the kitchen window to see if Callie was lying next to the shed. Sure enough, she was, so I quickly opened a new can of food and dished out more than two-thirds of it, then went into the bedroom to change my pants and out I went. As soon as I walked out onto the deck, I no longer saw her sitting next to the shed. When I got to the edge of the deck, I suddenly saw her about 4 feet away, hunkered down low but out in the open. As I was walking towards her, she began to meow, and the closer I got, the louder her meows got. When I got within 1.5 feet, I squatted down and showed her the bowl, and she immediately stood up and walked over to me. She loudly meowed a few times then went right to eating her dinner. She gobbled down her food so fast that, just like during breakfast, I was afraid that she was going to choke, and a couple of times she acted like she was. While Callie was eating, I suddenly saw a tiny black mouse where she had been hunkered down earlier. It was whole and looked like it was standing up, but wasn't moving, for the entire 8+ minutes that I was watching Callie eat. I even praised her for catching a mouse. After she was all done eating, she went back to the mouse and just like a freak of nature, the mouse stood up and ran off! That little bugger was never dead nor injured! It just sat there the whole time that Callie was eating dinner, waiting for her. She then proceeded to play cat&mouse for the next 10+ minutes, and that wacky mouse kept running back to the same places where Callie could easily catch it. I felt like I was in the middle of a Tom & Jerry cartoon. After her little show (and yes, I truly believe she was showing me her natural predatory abilities), she came walking back towards me and plopped herself down on the ground, rolling back and forth and even exposing her belly. Seeing how playful she was behaving, I decided to try my luck and reached out my hand and said, "Come here." Just as I was going to bring my hand back, the little miracle that I'd been waiting for happened. She stood up, walked over to me, and rubbed her head on my hand. BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! Not only did she rub on me, but she also allowed me to pet her! I petted and scratched her head and back, and she was pushing against me while I was petting her. Then she went back to the little patch of ground that she was rolling on earlier and rolled again, then got up and walked back to me and allowed me to pet her again. I even got to rub her chin! Then, as fast as it started, it was over because she suddenly heard something rustling in the brush and took off chasing it. This chase didn't last long, and she walked back towards me, grabbed a few last bites of food from my fingers, then walked into the woods.

After my cloud 9 glory, I went to care for my scaley babies. I had to pick up Pookie and place him on his ladder in order to clean up his poop and wash off the acrylic stand that his tree branch sits on. Normally, Pookie would take this opportunity to jump down and visit Squirt or the girls, but tonight, he impatiently sat on the ladder and gave me a few stink eyes while I cleaned his house. I think he even gave me a few mini head bobs. When everything was cleaned and put back, he looked everything over to ensure that I put it all back just right, then to my surprise, he jumped back in.
Seconds after his lights turned off, Pookie walked off of his couch and around to the other side of his house. But instead of snuggling up to the hippo, he kept bumping the acrylic stand, as if he was upset that he couldn't go through it. I finally told him to go lie down on his mattress, because that's what it's there for, and go night night there, that he'll be more comfy. I walked away to do something else and when I got back a few minutes later, I found him curled up on one end of his mattress and not looking very comfy. Of course, I had to tell him that he was supposed to stretch himself out on it, not curled up in a ball in the corner. He gave me a glare and closed his eyes again. After awhile, I went back to check on him and he had moved a little more onto the mattress, but not completely flat out. Eh, close enough ;)
Gotta love my Pookie <3


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Goonie":xlyv3d97 said:
I always try to push my luck and end up with unhappy results :(
Gina, that's not true. Look at the cute story you just told about Callie and how she let you pet her, rub her chin, rubbed her head on your hand, etc and came back to you more than once. :p

Had to laugh at the Tom & Jerry cartoon escapade you explained. At first I thought the mouse was "playing dead" but it sounds more like they are buddies and doing that for your entertainment. :lol:

Then there's Pookie. :D I swear he knows exactly what you're saying to him & telling him to do. At least he laid on his mattress like a good boy even though he didn't totally stretch out BUT it worked for him. :laughhard: Gotta love the Pookster. :mrgreen:


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Glad to hear that Callie is warming up to you and letting you pat her, hopefully that continues. And what's with that kooky mouse :lol:

My heart was in my mouth the whole time I read the story about Squirt, wonder what in the world scared him like that, so glad you were able to stop him from going into the woods. And yes, something to contain him would be best if he's outside again! Poor you!

Pookie is such a funny beardie, he likes to make you laugh, I can tell. He's the master of stinky eye :mrgreen:


BD.org Sicko
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diamc":3k02op7o said:
Had to laugh at the Tom & Jerry cartoon escapade you explained. At first I thought the mouse was "playing dead" but it sounds more like they are buddies and doing that for your entertainment. :lol:
While I was watching Callie eat her dinner, I periodically "intently stared" at the mouse to see if it truly was dead, and it never moved. I couldn't even see its chest remotely go in/out from breathing, nor did it ever blink. It truly was bizarre to say the least how it just sat there, completely motionless, waiting for something.

Esther19":3k02op7o said:
I think Pookie is passive aggressive. Little stinker.
He sure is a passive aggressive little stinker! :laughing6:

sweetiepie9":3k02op7o said:
Pookie is such a funny beardie, he likes to make you laugh, I can tell. He's the master of stinky eye :mrgreen:
He also likes to make me think that I'm going crazy. And yes, he has a Ph.D. in the stink eye department.


I had gotten up early this morning (7am) and when I looked out the window, I saw that the storage container lid that I had placed on top of the bird feeder last night to keep out the rain was on the deck floor, and the bird feeder itself was no longer clamped to the railing but on the ground. So outside I went to clean up the mess. After turning over the container lid and surveying the damage, I stood up to walk down the steps to retrieve the bird feeder. Just as I approached the top of the steps, I was surprisingly greeted by Callie walking up the steps. She immediately started to meow and look me straight in the eye. I quickly turned around, went back into the house, and prepared her breakfast. When I went back outside, Callie was right there, on the steps, waiting for me. After the huge dinner she had last night, I was surprised that she ate so much of her breakfast. As she'd always done, she'd stop eating about half way through and walk down to the grass to stretch and groom, then come back up to finish. When she was making her way back up the steps, I reached out my hand and wiggled my fingers, gesturing for her to come up. Well, not only did she walk all the way up, but she purposely positioned her head under my hand and rubbed her head on my hand! And while she was rubbing, she lowered her head down to continue her breakfast. I actually got to scratch her head while she was eating!!! Shortly after that, she ate a piece of food from my fingers.

Yeah, I had a great start to my day :D


BD.org Sicko
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Not much to report on the home front.

Gianna is definitely going into brumation. Until this afternoon, she remained in the same spot in the same position for 2 days. She had no interest in food. Finally, this afternoon, she decided to crawl herself out from under her tree branch and took 2 bites of her greens, then sat in front of her bowl for a few hours until she ate more greens. Then about an hour ago, she walked to the back side of her house and snuggled with her teddy bear for awhile, then walked under her tree branch and sat for a bit. Now, just a few minutes ago, she actually crawled up onto her tree branch and has her happy colors on :)

MoMo, surprisingly, has not shown any signs of brumation yet. She's still eating like a pig and very active during the day. She does, however, go into her cave before lights go out, which is unusual for her. Eh, that's ok.

Digi is still late to rise, but she does come out of her cave during the day. She would eat about 3-5 pieces of greens (about quarter sized) and about 2-4 worms every other day.

For the past 3 days, Pookie had been wanting to spend more time in his house. He'd come out to visit Squirt and stare at Gianna, then depending on what the other girls are doing, he'd go and visit them for a few. Then he'd go back home and lay flat out on his mattress, with his head between Mr. Bear's legs. This routine would go on all day until lights out.

Squirt is slowing down a bit, but still eating/pooping and playing with Pookie.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Sounds like your crew is really starting to slow down & MoMo sounds like Gabriel, up every day, alert, but he's not allowed to come out for another 2 weeks until the meds are completed. Then he'll be out all day again until he slows down. He's never brumated, so not sure what he'll do this weekend.

It's always hard when they start slowing down, maybe MoMo will stay up this winter.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Unfortunately, it's the time of year for them to slow down. At least none of them are totally down yet. Perhaps MoMo and Pookie will stay awake for you, bet you'd like that. :wink:

Is Callie still hanging around?


BD.org Sicko
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Since my dream-come-true event on Monday/Tuesday, I had been able to pet and scratch Callie every day, before and after her meals. She would walk right up to me and ram her head right into my palm, then turn her body around so I'd be scratching her back. She even allowed me to continue scratching her while she's eating. To make her trust of me even more amazing, she would lie down on the ground, bellied up, and groom herself with me sitting 5-10 feet away, and sometimes with Zim staring from the deck.

But wait! There's more!

Tonight, when I was giving Callie her dinner, she was so happy to see me that her meows were heard from half way across the yard. She walked up to me as soon as I got within a few feet of her, and as soon as I put the bowl down, she came right up to me. It was a good thing that I put out my hand when I did because she rammed her head right into my palm and pushed hard. She kept rubbing her head on my hand and wanting more, even after I pulled my hand back. She again allowed me to continue scratching her back/romp while she ate her dinner.


After she was done eating, she walked away a few feet and began to groom herself, while Zim was anxiously going up/down the deck watching us. After she was done grooming herself, she walked back over to me, rammed her head into my palm, then proceeded to walk around me. I thought she was going to walk away, but then I heard her faint meows behind me and then felt her rub against my back then my thigh. Thank god that I am very good at squatting, otherwise I probably would've fallen over. Then she walked back in front of me and to the right side, and rubbed herself on me again! She was so loving tonight, and looked up at me right in the eyes many times.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Oh, how sweet, Callie really cares for you & totally trusts you too. Adorable the way she leans against you and then looks right into your eyes. Love hearing about her. :p
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