PLEASE HELP!! What IS this?!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

It sounds like Pancake is doing a lot better now.
I think the nail looks fine but as AHBD suggested,
you can get some betadine to treat it with. Does
it seem to be bothering her?
Be sure to keep her on probiotics right now, to help
get her system balanced out since her antibiotic
regime is lengthy.



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

It sounds like Pancake is doing a lot better now.
I think the nail looks fine but as AHBD suggested,
you can get some betadine to treat it with. Does
it seem to be bothering her?
Be sure to keep her on probiotics right now, to help
get her system balanced out since her antibiotic
regime is lengthy.

I haven't noticed the nail bothering her at all. I'm gonna buy some betadine today. Is there a probiotic you recommend? Maybe even one that I can sprinkle on her food?


Hatchling Member
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Maybe this one? I can replace her herpevite with this while she's on the antibiotics

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Sure, that one should be just fine. If it has vitamin A in it give sparingly so it doesn't become toxic.
How is she doing today? How much longer will she be on the antibiotics?



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

Sure, that one should be just fine. If it has vitamin A in it give sparingly so it doesn't become toxic.
How is she doing today? How much longer will she be on the antibiotics?

She seems fine. She's supposed to take the antibiotics every other day, for 30 doses. The last dose in my calendar is September 16th.


Hatchling Member
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Hi everyone!I just felt like I needed to do an update since it's been a minute. We're still doing the antibiotics and Pancake seems very healthy, but she goes in her hide a lot every day. She basked for a good while today though after eating. I think she's extremely bored with her boring enclosure so hopefully she'll perk up a bit when her custom interior build is done.

The person who's mainly helped me administer her antibiotics has spilled quite a bit of it due to vision issues and being scared of Pancake, so I'm concerned that I don't enough to finish all the doses. I'm gonna have to contact the vet to see if he can authorize a small refill. How it pained me to watch such an expensive medicine repeatedly get squirted onto my hand instead of into Pancake's mouth...

Anyway, yesterday I took a look at her with the black light again. Her arm doesn't seem to glow anymore even though the ring is still present. My original vet said there might be scarring left behind after the fungus is cured so hopefully it's just that.

As far as the top of her head, that doesn't glow all over anymore either, except for the very tip of the spikes.


Anyway, she says "Hi everybody!!" She also had constant stress marks before, but they seem pretty faded. I took this pic immediately after giving her her antibiotic, which she hates, so I think she's doing well considering. I'm sure everyone's wishes for her well-being have helped too!

Next time I update this thread it will likely be to say she is confirmed fungus-free.

(And yeah I need to clean the floor. It's just from light shedding and letting calcium-covered bugs walk on it.)

P.S. Considering she's been shedding on her head and she shed on her arm like I showed in the last update, it made me wonder: Could the shedding be part of an immune response to try to get rid of the fungus? I have no idea if that's a scientifically accurate guess but that's how it seems to me.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
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Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
She looks much better, I'm happy your having such good success, she is a pretty girl


Hatchling Member
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She looks good ! What fungus did they think it was and what specific med. was she on ? [ name of the med ]
I was never told a specific fungus as the 2nd vet told me that a culture seemed unnecessary and expensive. He called it yellow fungus, but he said he uses that as a "general term."

The med is Itraconazole.

I would have liked to know what exactly it is, but told me he thought it'd be better to start on meds right away and resort to a culture only if it wasn't working

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Itraconazole is routinely used for Yellow fungus as well as black or other fungal issues. It is pretty
effective. Be sure you keep her hydrated as much as you can. Do you have her on probiotics also?
It definitely would have been nice to know exactly what type of fungus it was, but yes, it is expensive
to send it off for analysis.
She does look really happy! I agree, her condition does look great, bless her. She must be feeling
pretty good now.



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

Itraconazole is routinely used for Yellow fungus as well as black or other fungal issues. It is pretty
effective. Be sure you keep her hydrated as much as you can. Do you have her on probiotics also?
It definitely would have been nice to know exactly what type of fungus it was, but yes, it is expensive
to send it off for analysis.
She does look really happy! I agree, her condition does look great, bless her. She must be feeling
pretty good now.

Oh gosh, I forgot the probiotics 🤦‍♀️ I just went to order the one I had found and it had some concerning reviews. If you know of a good one I'll order it right away

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