Papa Smurf - pretty on the inside - full of sweetness

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I'd like everyone to meet my new beardie, Papa Smurf. I met Papa Smurf at our local reptile shop last week. He was brought in by two pre-teen girls in a cookie tin, unable to walk, severely malnourished and destined for the freezer. They said they felt sorry for him and hoped he could be helped. He's has a severe case of MBD with jaw, limb and tail deformities. I was drawn to him and I wanted to take him so badly, but we already have our hands full and after the Holidays we were pretty broke.

But then PetCo had a $1/gallon sale and we got two 40-gallon breeders...and there was no excuse for not taking him. The shop owner said he would lend me an entire set-up if we took him saying he knew we would give him a good home, and even though we didn't take him up on the tank and lights loan, I just couldn't leave him there. :cry: :oops:

May I present the glorious Papa Smurf:

This was him the night I got him, December 28th. It took hours to set up the viv for him and the other new beardie we got that same day (yes we are insane LOL) so he got out of his pet carrier around 11:30pm. He looked so sad:

We gave him a midnight soak and he needed full support in the shallow tub water to keep him from drowning. :cry: I was worried I bit off more than I could handle with this sick boy, but after his bath he looked a little bit better. We noticed the blue sand in his eye and used a q-tip soaked in distilled water to gently remove it. Why do people house these poor guys on sand?!? His mouth had sand it in, it was caked on his vent, and his little arms and legs are stained blue. Now you see where he got the name Papa Smurf! He is little, grey-bearded and blue. :lol:

I hope this leg can straighten out. He has a really hard time walking because of it. I had some advice on here about vet wrap to protect his scales and I did buy some so we'll hopefully get him rehabilitated to be able to use this leg. I am kinda worried it may be broken or a prior break that healed wrong.

Here he is on December 30th, basking on his little low ladder in his jamming viv. He can't handle furniture right now because he is very crippled and can't really climb or get around, but he doesn't seem to mind. After mounting the UV inside the viv and raising the floor so he can be within about 6 inches, he really perked up. That UV is so important!

Here he is in his little bathtub with 1/2 Pedialyte and 1/2 water. Again he will drown if his head and neck aren't held above the water. He was drinking and drinking and all that thick saliva was running out into the water. After his bath he was swallowing and moving his neck as if we cleared out so much mucous. He looked much more comfortable.

And of course, after the bath we get a snuggle in the towel. He just lays wherever we put him and behaves so sweetly.

And here is how he slept. I was told here in my Beardie ER thread that he needed a night temp of at least 85 degrees since he is sick and it would help his immune system, and it really did make an improvement to the way he woke up the next day. He was much less stiff the next morning and ate breakfast right after waking up.

My husband, Otto, told me Papa Smurf may not survive and you just never know with a sick beardie. He is trying to make sure I have a realistic understanding of Papa Smurf's disease because he knows what a softie I am. I've cried over this little guy so much already. His poo is terrible and we know he has parasites. The medication to treat that is pretty harsh so he is worried the treatment may be too much for him. I've been giving him AcidolphiLiz daily hoping to boost that good gut flora in preparation for future veterinary intervention.

Papa Smurf is a sweet lover of a bearded dragon. He is tough and a fighter but gives the sweetest looks. He truly appreciates us and he knows we are trying to help him. He 100% allows us to do whatever we try to do with him and is a total doll. :love5:

Uh-oh I think I have fallen in love..... :oops:


Juvie Member
Poor little guy! Does he have vision problems? I thought I read somewhere that vision/coordination issues go hand and hand with MBD. Was his appetite good before the meds? Ponazuril isn't usually as hard on them or stop them from eating. Poor Papa I hope he is better soon!


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jewl495":34xjxrk2 said:
Poor little guy! Does he have vision problems? I thought I read somewhere that vision/coordination issues go hand and hand with MBD. Was his appetite good before the meds? Ponazuril isn't usually as hard on them or stop them from eating. Poor Papa I hope he is better soon!

Yes he has some sort of visual field deficit, but no problem with his actual eyesight. I think his problems are caused by the way his body moves, or doesn't move. He has some limited range of motion and he moves his head really weird to see sometimes. The meds didn't seem to affect anything at all, and I have been giving him AcidolphiLiz. He did lose 12 grams in the last couple of months, so I started giving him Carnivore Care again. He surprised me a few days ago and ate 3 roaches on his own, but we've had to rely on syringe feedings the last few days.

Today it rained all day long because of that tropical storm in the Gulf, and Papa slept all day long, except for a 15 minute period where we woke him up to clear space in the living room.

IT work was just too much for Papa.

We cleared away all the computers and stuff, and found a sleeping dragon:

He is sleeping in my bedroom on the floor almost under the bed right now. I think the rainy weather really made everyone sleepy today. Even Chief went to bed at 4pm today. I cleaned his entire enclosure, substrate and all his furniture with a sanitizer that kills coccidia, and tomorrow when he goes back into his home it will be so nice for him! Papa actually appreciates a clean home and looks happier after it has been cleaned. Or is that just my imagination...?

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHIEF, too bad it was a rainy day, but then he got to get a clean tank & bet he got spoiled. The pic of Papa Smurf was funny, Lonzo did that today, after everyone else was settled, he'd been out & I found him beside the ramp, settling down for the night. He's never done that before, but he still got put into his tank & wrapped up in his fleece. They can be so funny sometimes, in things they come up with.


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sweetiepie9":3i29utp6 said:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHIEF, too bad it was a rainy day, but then he got to get a clean tank & bet he got spoiled. The pic of Papa Smurf was funny, Lonzo did that today, after everyone else was settled, he'd been out & I found him beside the ramp, settling down for the night. He's never done that before, but he still got put into his tank & wrapped up in his fleece. They can be so funny sometimes, in things they come up with.

LOL! I love it when they want to sleep in or go to bed a little early on the weekends, and I think they can tell that those are the best days for it. :D Papa never really got up this morning! He slept out in the living room all night and woke up for about 15 minutes when we move those computer, then I put him on the bed to see if him seeing the girls would wake him up, I went back in there about 3 minutes later and his beard was getting really dark, then about 10 minutes later I found him on the floor next to the bed in the padding I put down there in case he jumped. I saw him just start to make comfy-butt and he hid his head under my jeans. And that was the last we saw of him. Scarlet put herself to bed under her ladder at about the same time Chief went to bed. Even the Rankins slept a lot, now that I think of it. The rain put everyone out... :sleepy2:


Sub-Adult Member
Hi Shannon,
I popped in to catch up. Awesome on the move into a house. That's exciting after apartment living. All the extra room, having the entire place without having to consider neighbors on the other side of the walls. Good for you! :blob5: When ya moving? That will be an endeavor. How many "homes" do you have to move aside from your own? :lol: I must have missed it in the reading. I'm thinkin' you may have some moody dragons on your hands after the move...can we say relocation stress? It's shouldn't be to bad for them, everything and everyone will be familiar except their view. :D You have Rankins? My husband wants to look into them, he thinks they are so cute. I bet the new little ones you have keep you busy. Papa Smurf is looking amazing! Good for him on having his mojo back. Black bearding and letting everyone know he's back on his game must feel so good to you! I hope he feels better after the meds. Have you heard how the little rescue is doing at the shop? I hope your moving day will be joyous...after all the carrying, lifting, stumbling, jammed and pinched fingers, stubbed toes, twisted backs...oh, and the exhaustion! Have Fun! :lol:


Hatchling Member
It good to hear that Papa is doing well. For the last 2-3 days my two have gone to bed early as well.
They think cloudy weather sucks too!


sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
We're actually getting sun today, I can't believe it, it's like a foreign entity over here! I may even be able to get them out for a bit before I get to work!


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dragonlover3":o1n03oqq said:
Hi Shannon,
I popped in to catch up. Awesome on the move into a house. That's exciting after apartment living. All the extra room, having the entire place without having to consider neighbors on the other side of the walls. Good for you! :blob5: When ya moving? That will be an endeavor. How many "homes" do you have to move aside from your own? :lol: I must have missed it in the reading. I'm thinkin' you may have some moody dragons on your hands after the move...can we say relocation stress? It's shouldn't be to bad for them, everything and everyone will be familiar except their view. :D You have Rankins? My husband wants to look into them, he thinks they are so cute. I bet the new little ones you have keep you busy. Papa Smurf is looking amazing! Good for him on having his mojo back. Black bearding and letting everyone know he's back on his game must feel so good to you! I hope he feels better after the meds. Have you heard how the little rescue is doing at the shop? I hope your moving day will be joyous...after all the carrying, lifting, stumbling, jammed and pinched fingers, stubbed toes, twisted backs...oh, and the exhaustion! Have Fun! :lol:

OMG we have 20 reptiles and a worm biz, so our move will be about 90% reptile stuff and 10% people stuff. I am hoping we can afford to pay some movers, since we have very little furniture so I think it will be cheap and since it will be August in Florida, cooler. LOL We are moving 1.5 miles away. HAHA not far. Thanks for the well-wishes!

Papa didn't take the meds too well. He hasn't eaten feeders in a while. I'm sure by now you know my approach with him is very gentle and I haven't force fed him in a long time. If he doesn't want to finish his syringe, I don't push him. Well, he has lost 12 grams in the last few months and the meds haven't helped his appetite. SO over the last week I have been feeding him carnivore care, and he will eat a feeder or two, and then we are back on the carnivore care a day later. He hasn't been force fed in months, and he has been so pissed. Running away from Mommy, leaping off my lap and scurrying under his shelf where I can't reach times. :?

Nicodemous":o1n03oqq said:
It good to hear that Papa is doing well. For the last 2-3 days my two have gone to bed early as well.
They think cloudy weather sucks too!


For sure! Scarlet has been hiding under her ladder by 4pm... :? We just had tropical storm Debby roll over us and today was kinda clear, so I am hoping we can have a little less deluge and a little more sunshine. LOL

sweetiepie9":o1n03oqq said:
We're actually getting sun today, I can't believe it, it's like a foreign entity over here! I may even be able to get them out for a bit before I get to work!

You live in a whole other world from me! We get snow once a decade, and the sun just never seems to stop. Thank goodness for A/C or we would be in trouble. LOL We don't take them out as often as we should because we absolutely roast outside. Can't wait until we have a yard with a little deck to sit on. <3


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Papa Smurf has been very sleepy and lazy lately. Even by the time I get home he is ready for bed, and I get off work at 4pm. Today he slept under his blankie until 10:00 and I had to take his blankie off when I came home to check on Mecca. He was le angry. LOL

His appetite has been decreased since he had the two medications, and when he is tired he won't eat. He will barely lick the syringe.

This is what he looked like when I got home: No chance I am going to get him to eat...

But I have a secret weapon...CHIEF. If I bring Chief out, Papa gets angry and very active, and then I can feed him with no problems, and he will even eat a little more. They eventually get tired and sometimes I will find Papa sleeping inside and Chief sleeping below him. :lol: Chief has a way of running under Papa's viv and popping out the other side and infuriating Papa. Today I took a video of it just to show you how Papa moves. I sure wish I had a vid of when I first got him.

So for a beardie that had hind leg paralysis in December, I think he is doing pretty good. Hope you enjoy laughing at my two boys:


Hatchling Member
The vid was funny to watch. :)
Silly beardies, you would think they would learn about the glass by now! Hehe
Thanks for sharing that.


Sub-Adult Member
LMAO!! That vid is too funny! Had me laughing out loud. I love how chief pops up on different sides of the Viv to get papa going, priceless.


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Nicodemous":1l6q8jrq said:
The vid was funny to watch. :)
Silly beardies, you would think they would learn about the glass by now! Hehe
Thanks for sharing that.

Thanks, I am so glad you enjoyed it. :D They really are funny guys. If Brutis weren't in his hide it would be even more fun. He gets Chief going and Chief will run back and forth across the room giving generous amounts of hell to each. LOL

This has been really good therapy for Papa Smurf. It's like a work out for him.


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Menolly07":2obmzm9k said:
That's a really out of the box way to get some nutrition into him. The video had me in stitches.

HAHA it really is just being willing to try anything to get him stimulated enough to eat. Sunday he slept all day long, non stop, outside of his viv in a cozy spot. I know he likes to sleep, but I think he gets bored. I dunno. :?: I'm trying to figure that out. You see he does have a lot of energy once he gets going. He can run very fast. too. One day I will have to post a video of him running. I was trying so hard not to laugh filming because I didn't want anyone to hear me giggle. LOL


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Kalyn876":zybq9wrn said:
LMAO!! That vid is too funny! Had me laughing out loud. I love how chief pops up on different sides of the Viv to get papa going, priceless.

OMG I know! Papa gets enraged when Chief does that to him, how dare he pop up on the other side of his viv like that???? Grrrrr. :laughing6:

Once, I had Papa in my lap and Chief came into the room and had a total fit that I was holding Papa. Chief ran up to me and BIT my pant leg. LOL :eek:
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