Now Introducing: Zero!! PICTURES!! 9/29

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Today March 29, 2013 marks the day my little home became a little more full and my heart became exponentially more happy. Today I brought home my Zero and I couldn't be happier. I love him for his colors and because he was the only one glass dancing at PetSmart, he instantly fell asleep in my hand, didn't want to be put down, but then pancaked asleep as soon as I let him go. It was love at first laugh with this baby and I'm so excited. When I put him in his viv he again didn't want to be let go. Whether boy or girl, Zero is gonna be so attached to mommy, I can already tell. :)

Asleep on his basking rock


I love my little Zero and I'm sure this will be a happy life for the both of us :)


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Hello!! Just givin' ya'll a Mother's Day update before I head off to bother my own mother. :p

Zero has been shedding like a champ. He completely shed both back legs yesterday and his shed kinda stopped at his abdomen and halfway down his tail. This morning, his tail has picked up where it left off, and I think his vent area has completed its shed as well. I was looking at one of his eyes (the one he likes to keep closed the most) and it looked like there was something on it. Now it doesn't look crusty, but it looks thicker (upper eyelid) than his other eye, so I'm assuming he's shedding his eyelid? Is that possible? I'd get a picture, but my camera won't focus that well.

So yea! He's in his bath now, seeming to be enjoying the soothing it's doing for his shed. I am about to take my own shower and hopefully not die from this sunburn I got at the beach yesterday. :roll: I just HAD to forget the sunscreen...


Gray-bearded Member
Thats such a cute picture I had Noodle snuggle her way into my shoulder and neck and her side spikes were all into my neck lol they tickled


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No huge updates as of yet. All I'm gonna say is, these Roaches better last a couple more weeks, I just spent $100 out of rent on my fluffy baby Moses for de-fleaing purposes, so I'm broke till next Friday (24th). I may have to cut back on Zero's portion sizes to make sure the Roaches last. He ran out of worms awhile ago because I accidentally spilled them all over the place and had to vacuum them up :x


Gray-bearded Member
Aw geez I think I love Zero almost as much as I love Noodle. I am just waiting for when your topic's heading is "Zero is a Girl :cry: " or "He is a she with eggs :shock:" or "Oki05 was right. Zero is my baby girl now" :twisted: lol you know I am just messing with you. I'm bored so I have to start trouble somewhere lol love you guys give Zero hugs for us.


Sub-Adult Member
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Oh man, that day will be my worst nightmare. I don't want to have to go through the trauma of eggs with my first beardie.

:lol: we feel the love. Give Noodle extra snuggles!

zandi202 Addict
I hear you on the egg thing. I was hoping and praying that Zy would be a boy so I wouldn't have to deal with eggs. I have heard stories and I just want to clog up my ears and say: "I substitute your reality with my own."


Gray-bearded Member
lol Liz that's funny I wish I could do that sometimes. Anyway its weird Noodle is 2 and Michele told me she has never laid eggs before. Also with me she hasn't shown any behavior wanting to lay eggs maybe I'm lucky and she won't


Sub-Adult Member
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Maybe you'll get lucky and won't have to deal with eggs!

Also, Zero's front right foot is beginning to she'd. IT CONTINUES!!


Gray-bearded Member
I hope so. I hate eggs but you cna have them all :lol: anyway yeah Noodle shed almost all of her tail but the nip before her body


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I have to head to work, but I'll give him a nice long bath in a couple hours :love5:
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