Now Introducing: Zero!! PICTURES!! 9/29

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Today March 29, 2013 marks the day my little home became a little more full and my heart became exponentially more happy. Today I brought home my Zero and I couldn't be happier. I love him for his colors and because he was the only one glass dancing at PetSmart, he instantly fell asleep in my hand, didn't want to be put down, but then pancaked asleep as soon as I let him go. It was love at first laugh with this baby and I'm so excited. When I put him in his viv he again didn't want to be let go. Whether boy or girl, Zero is gonna be so attached to mommy, I can already tell. :)

Asleep on his basking rock


I love my little Zero and I'm sure this will be a happy life for the both of us :)


Sub-Adult Member
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Photo op!

Silly Videofrom last night when he got his second wind. (He had been sleeping for a couple of hours and all of a sudden woke up at 9pm all like MOM I WANNA PLAY)

It should be public, but I'm not sure.


After he stuck his claws in my face

Finally got him to sleep after putting him on my chest under my chin and petting him

From this morning. MORNING MOM

Within an hour of waking up - Can we play now mom? Pleaz?

Kisses <3

Couple of hams

My pancake :love5:


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Thanks everyone! I absolutely adore my spoiled little prince and yes, he's definitely tapping into his inner bunny rabbit.

Also thank you! I am quite lucky to have these baby blues. Out of 3 children, I'm the only one that kept my father's blue eyes. My younger brother and sister both got my mom's brown/green hazel.
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