Now Introducing: Zero!! PICTURES!! 9/29

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Today March 29, 2013 marks the day my little home became a little more full and my heart became exponentially more happy. Today I brought home my Zero and I couldn't be happier. I love him for his colors and because he was the only one glass dancing at PetSmart, he instantly fell asleep in my hand, didn't want to be put down, but then pancaked asleep as soon as I let him go. It was love at first laugh with this baby and I'm so excited. When I put him in his viv he again didn't want to be let go. Whether boy or girl, Zero is gonna be so attached to mommy, I can already tell. :)

Asleep on his basking rock


I love my little Zero and I'm sure this will be a happy life for the both of us :)


Sub-Adult Member
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Haha! Well his energy levels are up, I finished his meds on Friday, and I do another fecal in a couple weeks to see if it worked. All that's left to is to continue to use the eye drops. He keeps his eyes open more but he does this one eye open/one eye closed thing sometimes. He gre 1/2" last week and I weighed him today and he gained another gram for a total of 13g. He's slowly shedding his face and I'm just waiting for it to explode.

And that's the update on my little man :)


Hatchling Member
Spoony":14gabfzy said:
Haha! Well his energy levels are up, I finished his meds on Friday, and I do another fecal in a couple weeks to see if it worked. All that's left to is to continue to use the eye drops. He keeps his eyes open more but he does this one eye open/one eye closed thing sometimes. He gre 1/2" last week and I weighed him today and he gained another gram for a total of 13g. He's slowly shedding his face and I'm just waiting for it to explode.

And that's the update on my little man :)
Great to hear! Mine did the whole "winking" thing for awhile and stopped when I changed their basking light. Now they are healthy chunkers lol eating about 1000 crickets between the 2 of them in less than a week and that's not including their dandelions they get daily with kale and 2 wax worms everyother day. OMG I took them outside for the first time last week and Sunny gave me a heart attack!!! He took off like a race car into the neighbors yard... TWICE! So I had to channel my inner child and hop a fence TWICE! :banghead: Any who im so glad that hes doing better in the "video game" picture his color looks 100 times better :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8:


Sub-Adult Member
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Haha oh man!! Little cheetah, huh? Crazy! Yea, Zero was under a Neodymium coated basking light for the first couple weeks, but I have him under a white lamp now, so I'm hoping his eyes clear up soon. I try not to have his UVB on too often to help as well and I'm planning to make him a harness and take him outside, I'm just waiting for the weather to warm back up.


Sub-Adult Member
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Aw, poor Zero is super miserable today because he's itchy. I wonder when his shed will explode?


Juvie Member
Eri's did today. Like, literally explode! Looked like he was wearin feety pajamas with the zipper on the back!
He got most of it off by dinner time. :p
I think his early bath helped.
Poor Zero! Hopefully he's done it soon. :S


Gray-bearded Member
Aw poor Zero yeah Noodle is going through her yearly shed. She has been shedding all 4 of her arms and claws and as of today only her back ones are left. She started shedding around her mouth and her tail is turning to a lighter color so I think her tail is next


Sub-Adult Member
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Zero's face has been in pre-shed foreeeever it seems like, and I'm pretty sure his legs and tail are getting ready to start as well, but I can't tell for sure.


Gray-bearded Member
Wow thats crazy a month! Well Noodle's right back leg full shed after her bath tonight so just her left one and I think she is done.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
I'm super excited. Currently attempting to upload a video of him "dealing" with Dubia.
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