Nathaniel, Cierra, Castiel, Freya, Grrl; RIP GABRIEL

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We never expected to get another dragon, but our neighbours next door wanted to give away Cleo, as he was called. We'd babysat him before, he's such a sweetheart. We nicknamed him Velcro because when he snuggles he never wants to go back to his viv, he hangs on as if he's made out of velcro.

So here he is. Today was his first day with us. He ate 13 supers and ate some squash, not bad for the first day he was here. He's only in a 30 gallon tank, which will be ok for now. He's 18" long but weighs only 200g. We figure he's probably 2 yrs old. Our neighbours rescued him last fall, they found him and a female (which they named Puff) on Craig's list. They were in a 30 gallon dirty tank, with sand and a huge log that took up 1/2 the space in the tank. Leo was at the bottom, he was sooooo skinny. He's gained weight, but never got the attention he deserved. I took some pics today, but will take more tomorrow. I think he remembers our place as didn't get stressed as I expected. No stress marks at all. When we let him run around the living room, he noticed our girls and immediate black beard, so his hormones are working!

He had a bath this morning, had a big poop, no smell, so not worried about parasites.

So here are a few pics, he's a yellow & dark gray, light gray colour.

Under the communal power sun in the living room:

Discovering there are girls in those tanks up above, he has a great black beard for such a skinny boy:

On the couch, he's got a pretty diamond pattern on his back:


Hope you enjoy
Deb and my six dragons :D :shock: :shock: :shock: :cry: :cry: :( :love5:

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator



Deb, I am so relieved that Sweetie is home now and was only egg bound. She probably was waiting for Roger to come home to lay those eggs :cry:

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Hi Lori, I really appreciate your kind words, you guys are just wonderful & have helped me so much during this time. You're an extension of my family & I love you guys buckets. I just hope I can help you out any time you need help. How are your girls doing? Is Rosie going to lay more eggs? I'm hoping that Sweetie will now retire, 'cause I don't want her to go through that again. She's feeling ok this am, I'm late getting them all started, as spent the night at my nepehws, so they'll be eating soon. I have meds to give them all, as my vet feels that they're all infected, so she gave me enough to dose them all 1 day/week for the next 4 weeks, then I'll get fecals back to her to test. Hopefully they'll all be done & back to normal.

beardie parents Sicko
They are doing good. Goldie's appetite has gotten back to normal. I haven't fed her any critical care for about 2 weeks, maybe a little longer. Rosie may lay eggs again, but I'm not sure about that. My one experience with eggs was to go into our bedroom one evening to hear my husband say "what the blank is this?" I come in to see little round white things. I counted them and got 22 (or 21, I can't remember). I do know she's not going nuts like she did this last spring. She's getting up at her normal mid morning for the earliest and waiting for us to get her out of bed. No, she's not spoiled at all! Or shall I say beardie :whip: .

beardie osk

Extreme Poster
Hello Deb,
I've missed so much, but I'm so happy to read that Sweetie is going to be fine, she needs to be home with her mommy............
Sorry I havn't been around much lately, I have to move again and there is so much up in the air, but forget about me, I pray you continue to heal from your loss and that your babies and family bring you comfort.
We love you here, Deb,
Prayers and hugs, and healing thoughts coming your way.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Hi Gina, I've passed along your hugs & kisses to Sweetie & I'll give her more tomorrow, as she's now asleep, back on her pillow where she belongs. I'm very grateful to our vet for taking such good care of her, I'm lucky to have her. And thanks to Roger's Social Security, I was able to pay for it all up front, YEAH, he's still taking care of our babies. I so appreciate your checking up on Sweetie, she's gone through alot over the last few months.

Hi Lori, I'm so glad to hear that Goldie is back to normal, and we'll just hope that Rosie won't make any more eggs. I'm really hopeful that Sweetie will cut it out, too, now, as I don't want her to go through this again. She needs more cuddles from Mommy, that's for sure!

Hi Christine, I'm so sorry to hear that you have to move again, boy you've sure had enough stress over the last 2 years. I'm doing ok, Eric is having more issues with his dad's passing than me. I did alot of grieving over the last 3 mo, as I knew there was something terribly wrong. I've been angry, too. My doc said I'm still in shock, so I"m sure I still have some grieving to do. I'm calling a grief counsellor on Monday, I'm hoping I can go with Eric, he needs more help, as he really misses Roger & is angry that he kept him away for all those months; Roger hadn't seen Eric since before Christmas. So that will help, I'm sure. I wish you good luck with your move & the decisions you have to make. Know that I love you, too, and I'm always here if you want to vent.

Didi still won't eat any protein, so I'm continuing to give him & Sweetie Critical Care every morning. He'll eat some greens sometimes, but not alot, so still giving him baby food squash, same with Sweetie. I've got to get out the beautiful dragons nutrition chart & find more veggies/fruits that they can all eat, everyone's appetite has kind of gone downhill lately. I guess the parasite eggs have alot to do with their appetites, so I'm hoping the med I'm giving everyone will do the trick. Fingers crossed. And Didi still thinks he should be the only one out of their tank, so I guess the Power Sun is working, as he basks under it for at least 5 hours every day, then he still wants to be out on the ramp. He'll stay there all night if I don't put him to bed. Tonight I went to Eric's for supper, got home at 8:30 & he was still under the basking light at the top of the ramp, looking outside! He used to be asleep by 3p every day!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Hi Barbara, thanks loads, giving Sweetie lots of hugs & kisses, poor girl she walks so slowly, but she ate lots of Critical Care, babyfood squash, a white worm & a dandelion flower. That's alot of food for her. So she's now sleeping on Roger's pillow in his blankie & is happy.

I was taken shopping for my cousin's daughter's wedding finery today with my sis, mom & cousin. Found a beautiful black & white dress, beautiful shawl & a coral jacket & black party shoes. I felt just wonderful, had a great time. We went to honour a good friend of our family who died 2 years ago. Today was her birthday & she would have been 85 today. We got her a plaque at the antique train museum on the beach in White Rock, so we invited her 3 best friends & all of us & we toasted Mollie at her plaque with a bit of Mollie's scotch. Then we rubbed her plaque (brass) clean & shiny and then went for lunch. It was a happy day & it was good to smile all day & have fun. I even get to stay at my sis's overnight for the wedding & my niece Tehya, who's living in Berlin, will be there as she's maid of honour. We're all looking forward to Jennie & Tristan's wedding. Jennie is the one who had the abdominal surgery last year. She's recovering nicely & can actually eat regular food again. So it's all good.

We recently found out that Eric's girlfriend Tara (who's 22) has severe arthritis & 2 bulging discs at the base of her spine, resulting in great pain & difficulty in walking. So she found a scooter today for $500 & I'm going to help with the down payment (again courtesy of Social Security) so she'll be able to get around. She can't walk more than a few yards at a time. She'll need surgery, but being able to get around is going to be a blessing for her, she's been stuck at home for a few months now. I'm so thrilled, i"m on the say to their place now. All the babies are sleeping except Didi, he wanted to stay on the ramp & watch TV. He'll stay out until 9p without any issue.

So gotta go, I've got pics to download, but that will be tomorrow.

Gina, I gave Sweetie extra hugs & kisses from you and your crew and she said to thank you very much. She's walking very slowly after what she just went through, poor thing, I'm going to get her into the tub to swim a bit tomorrow & that will help, I"m sure.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Sweetie's feeling much better today, she stayed up until just now. It was so good to see her active again.

Jake came over today & snuggled each beardie & they sure took to him. He'll come in daily when I'm at work to snuggle them all & turn off the lights. He has leopard geckos, a snake, scorpion & dogs & cats, so he's used to animals & loves reptiles. He was great with them all, so I can get back to work without worrying about them. I'll be making him a key so he can get in. He already walks a dog in one of the buildings and also takes care of a cat. When I mentioned $ he refused to take any, said it wouldn't be like work for him. I'll give him $ weekly anyway, so he can at least have some spending $. He's 15 and very responsible & if he can't make it over one day, his mom will come in & turn off the lights. It really eases my mind to know my babies will have human company at the end of their day.

Didi still thinks he's the king of the castle & always wants to be out on the ramp. I've left him there & gone shopping & he really doesn't move from the top of the ramp, guess it helps that the TV is always on a cartoon channel. He & Leo love to watch TV, so does Rubio when I let him out.

I'm getting my home organized, the plumber came in today & replaced the kitchen & bathroom taps, as they were leaking. So that got done. I'm slowly putting Roger's clothes in bags to give to the Diabetic Society. I'm keeping his jewelry box & all his medals from the Vietnam War. And a few other things, too.

All in all, I'm feeling better every day, the asthma is easing off now, I'm hoping that will be gone in a few days. I'm sorting through alot of paperwork. I think I've done just about everything I need to do for Roger, tomorrow I'm buying a big box of candy & taking it to the ER nursing area who took care of Roger with a thank-you card. They deserve something for how well they took care of both of us.

I'm just glad things are falling into place, as I have to be super-organized to get all the beardie chores done b4 going to work (that's when I'm full time).

fresnowitte Sicko
Hi Deb!

I'm so glad to hear that things are falling into place and you are feeling better and it's wonderful new that Sweetie is feeling a bit better too. :) That's great that you have Jake and his mom to help with the beardies when you go back to work. Sorry I've not been around I threw out my lower back gardening I think...that's what I get for not doing my stretches first. ARG!!! So sitting really was painful. I'm feeling better today after days of laying on ice. :)

For you a big....

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Hi Barbara, thanks for the hugs. I'm so sorry to hear about your back, but glad you're feeling better. What a drag sore backs can be.

Sweetie is much better, I've just got to work on her appetite. She is eating her critical care & even greens & a piece of raspberry here & there, but she needs protein. I'm going to get some crickets to see if Didi & Sweetie will eat them, then at least they're getting protein. They won't eat regular worms, only white ones, which I don't find often. I'm thinking next pay (next Fri) I'll get to the pet shop that sells silkies & see if that helps them a bit. Maybe some wax worms, too, as they both need to gain weight.

I'm doing ok, starting to clean out closets & drawers. Eric was over on the weekend & I gave him Roger's turquoise ring, it fits him & he was really pleased. He took a few other mementos, too. I start grief counselling next week & accoring to "benefits" Eric can be included if the counsellor & I agree that it's necessary. Her office is right around the corner from Eric's so that would work well. He does need some help to give him closure, he gets angry when he thinks of Roger, so that's got to change.

Get better soon, Barbara, and remember to STRETCH when you're going to garden, right!

HUGS back at you,

fresnowitte Sicko
That's wonderful news that Sweetie is doing MUCH better. :D

I'm glad that there's an option for Eric to get help too. Must be a sign that he lives just around the corner from help. :wink:
He can't use that as an excuse not to go, right? :wink:

RIGHT! I know better than to not stretch my old spine before gardening or weeding. :roll:
I just get so excited over my garden...I'm having a blast with it. This week all veggies came from my garden except for the butternut squash that I'd already bought and been using from and some bellpepper. :D I have 5 of 6 kinds of greens that are harvest-able as well as green beans. I have several other items on the way. And there are some grapes ready for picking too...boy do they love grapes. So does the turtle.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Wow, lucky you that your garden is doing so well, sure helps with the grocery bill. Rubio ate some impatient flowers this am. I also gave some to Sweetie, she used to love them, but this am she just looked at them, so I left them with her to see what she'll do. We're all having a lazy day today. Didi actually ate 2 supers, first time in weeks, so I guess the power sun is doing well for him. He also wakes up with a black beard & goes to bed with a black beard. I think that just late spring fever!

fresnowitte Sicko
When you say "we are all having a lazy day today" I hope you are including yourself as well. I'm sure you could use it. :wink:

I'm really loving the garden and wondering why I've not been doing this all along. A few items were giving me trouble but I think I have those issues all worked out now. I love walking out my door with a strainer and scissors to clip fresh greens daily for my crew. No getting upset because out of 4 or 5 types of greens at the store maybe 1 or 2 might be good enough for my beardies. Plus it's like 8 or 10 miles to the store that carries the better looking I only have to go 8 to 10 feet out my door an I know they are good enough for my beardies. :D

Hugs and Snuggles!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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I sent you a bunch of hugs on Z&W thread, hope your back is feeling better soon. I love the garden you've made, you'll have wonderful salads for your beardies. Wish I had some land to do the same, but only have the balcony. Rubio did eat some impatient flowers yesterday. He also loves dandelion flowers & leaves, too. He actually eats the most of all my beardies. The others seem to be affected by the hot weather, rain & high humidity. Didi has decided the living room is his & only his, he black beards all day until I put him out & he'll stay out for hours, just moving around the ramp top. Too funny. I'm going to grab Leo to cuddle him, yes I meant I've been having lazy days, too. Finally got the paperwork done & notarized to change the registration of the car from Roger's name to mine. I'm dealing with my sister's insurance broker, who's very nice & very competent. Help alot to have good help with paperwork, which is almost finished, YEAH!!!

Keep in touch,


Sub-Adult Member
Good to hear things are looking better for you! I wish I lived closer, cyber hugs are nice but real ones are the best!

Other than the itching and peeling on my arms, I've recovered from my heat exhaustion. Oscar has decided that after-bath togetherness isn't so bad after all (as long as he's not burrito'd). My house is clean. We should hear about the re-fi some time this week. And Mia has settled down into a crazy kitty, instead of a psycho-cat. That's all the good news.

Bad news is- Because of the mess with the bank, we never got our garden in. Which means no arugula for Oscar, no tomatoes,cucumbers or carrots for us. And my mummy has run away from home!!! She's off to Ucluelet for a couple of weeks to visit with my older sister, Margaret. Then it's Red Deer, Alberta for my younger sister's 2nd wedding in August and finally Sault Ste- Marie to visit with my step brother and his family (they have her grandpuppies!) She won't be back until mid-September, which is hard on me as I'm used to talking every morning with her.

Now use your stern "mummy" voice, and shake you finger at Didi. Good Beardies SHARE! Also Sweetie, EAT YOUR WORMIES!!!

Give a big hug to Eric and his girlfriend and to your crew. And I'm sending you the biggest cyber hug I can find.
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