My Precioussses

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I debated whether this belonged in the introduction's forum or this one but because we lost these two more than 4 years ago I decided it should probably be here as they aren't new beardies, just new to you all as I've never really shared them with you. These first two, Miss O (for orange) and Miss Y (for yellow) were best friends. I didn't realize until almost 2 or so years after we lost them that this is very unusual. You would have had to see them together to understand that they were talking to each other, usually a lot and every day.

I will share some pics of them with you

Bill found Miss O hiding in this box inside of our living room and had to take a picture of her. Since the camera we were using at that time was a film camera, he took her and the box outside on our steps, which is probably why she looks a little annoyed.

Here's Miss Y and her yellow/black chin

Here they are enjoying Bill's Lamborghini

Miss O liked to hide this way a lot, with her loving look. She knew we loved her and that was very important to her.

Here's a pic of her chin, this pic looks like we took it at night, but we didn't

We submitted this pic for the calendar some years ago. This is one we took that I never noticed until we sent this in for the calendar that they were talking to each other. In this one, Miss Y was saying "I don't feel good" and Miss O was saying "I know, and I'm sorry" Miss O was like that, she had to comfort. She needed someone to love her and to be loved, and comfort when she knew we needed it.

I had better submit this before I delete what I've done, again.

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
Glad she's awake!

I love getting to know your own dragons over the years. How else do you discover that she starts to head bob before she gets gravid haha!


beardie parents Sicko
Original Poster
Lil Squirt's been laying eggs for a few years, but we don't know if she's working on eggs until she starts head-bobbing, it's usually anywhere from 5 to 6 head-bobs at a time. We know this because she's laid eggs for several years. We were hoping that she wouldn't be laying eggs again, as she hasn't for quite a while. I don't think she will lay eggs for a while.

beardie parents Sicko
Original Poster
Claudiusx":1tdnjlgf said:
Glad she's awake!

I love getting to know your own dragons over the years. How else do you discover that she starts to head bob before she gets gravid haha!


yes, that's when we say "oh no, not again!"

beardie parents Sicko
Original Poster
Here are some pics of our girls my husband wants to share with you all. They were taken on a high mountain near Payson, Arizona






Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
beardie parents":1qogeszr said:
The 4 of us (me, my husband, Rosie and Lil Squirt) hope you all have a great Christmas and New Year.
Oops! Missed this but hope you 4 had a Merry Christmas!

Wow amazing pictures! How cool that they got to come along.


beardie parents Sicko
Original Poster
I'm glad you liked the pictures, Brandon. They have come with us almost everywhere. Rosie used to brumate from September until somewhere in the middle of February. One September a few years ago we woke her up and took her with us but let her sleep while we were there. That repeated the next year, but she let us know by her expressions she didn't want to go. So we left her at home because she slept the whole time. A year or so after that we came home to find she had woken up and crawled to her backing rock and went back to sleep so we have taken both of them with us ever since. This last year at Payson they both got lots of attention (they have gotten used to a lot of attention when we take them places) We went to a place near Payson where my husband could ride the quad (off-road quad) I stayed with both of them at our Tahoo because I can't ride quads anymore, and someone has to watch them. After awhile I noticed Rosie giving me this look that said "Why am I not getting any attention?" We went back to the rim area where we were the previous time (3 days later) and she got some more attention so she was happier then. Our beardie kids are soo much fun to have around

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
When I first got into bearded dragons, it was almost solely due to seeing someone walk around with one on their shoulder. I thought it was the coolest thing in the world, and that's what started me down this path lol. Interestingly enough, I've never actually put any of my dragons on my shoulder and walked around the house or did "chores" or walked in public like that, even though it was always what I pictured myself doing the first time I saw one... Haha.

I think it's special to have that kind of a bond with a creature, especially a dragon.

Your post awakened a deep seeded nostalgic memory that I forgot I had :mrgreen:


beardie parents Sicko
Original Poster
I'm glad you have good memories. We take them to church sometimes. We take them into local stores where we shop. In one specific store that we take them to, one time we went there without them, one cashier specifically asked where Lil Squirt was (she hadn't seen Rosie then) we told her we couldn't take her with us because either it was too cold or she had to bask after eating. She informed us that we should bring her with us. The next time we went there we made sure to bring Lil Squirt and Rosie. lol It's great to be able to take them places and then when we can't - for whatever reason- you get informed you should have brought them. :D

beardie parents Sicko
Original Poster
Our oldest girl, Rosie, is either 12 or 13 (last year we thought she was 14, then I found this thread and read through the past years and realized I had forgotten her correct age. We hope she will be with us for many years yet. Lil Squirt has lost a little bit of her appetite because of the eggs she's been laying. She has lost some of her appetite and lays eggs every soo often. We are hoping that she gets rid of all her eggs soon as she will be really hungry once they are gone. Rosie used to lay eggs but hasn't in many years. Lil Squirt will be 9 on June 18th.

beardie parents Sicko
Original Poster
Our oldest beardie, Rosie, hasn't pooped in a while. We prayed that she'd poop, and she finally did, the only problem is that she did a little bit on my shirt but when i set her down on our bed (we let her and Lil Squirt sleep covered up there only this time she pooped out a LOT on the sheets. Thankfully, we could wash them but there is a little small stain left. We are just thankful that she finally pooped.

beardie parents Sicko
Original Poster
Lil Squirt hasn't eaten a lot, willingly, in at least a week or more. We got food into her, but with forcing suppers in her. She would eat a couple of greens and a carrot but that's all. Until this morning, she ate 9 supper worms. We had prayed for God to get her appetite back up last night and, thankfully, she ate.

She has gotten really skinny so she will need to eat super worms for several days.
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