my berdie isnt basking i need help.


Beardie name(s)
I got this bearded dragon a couple months ago it used to live with my ex for 2 years she's been with me for a couple weeks now her cage surroundings are different she has a different stick I've been struggling with the light source which ones are correct which one aren't the temperature I'm trying to get down she keeps running around the bottom of the cage digging digging digging and there's no where for her to dig for the glass she seems very stressed and it's not it's starting not to bask now can somebody please contact me and let me know what to do next please I need emergency guidance on what to do I couldn't find her bulb for the UVB do I use until I can find it cuz it blew I got a 60 W regular light bulb in it for a heat source she's not happy at all please help please

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Are you looking to purchase the Reptisun 10 T5 or Arcadia D3 12% or 14% T5 tube bulb for the UVB?
You can find them online, since most petstores simply don't carry them in store.
They often go through relocation stress when going to a new home & being in new surroundings.
What are the temperatures in her tank & how are you measuring them with?
If you can post some pictures of her, along with the tank setup that would be helpful.



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
here is a pick i have to get stuff for her need ideas and help cheap. My daughter's mom passed away so we have the bearded dragon now and all the stuff got lost for it this is what I can accumulate faster I could her name is Sparkles and she needs some


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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
here is a pick i have to get stuff for her need ideas and help cheap. My daughter's mom passed away so we have the bearded dragon now and all the stuff got lost for it this is what I can accumulate faster I could her name is Sparkles and she needs some
Ok what size tank is Sparkles in? Please ditch the sand and use paper towels for now -- did she lay eggs? How old is she? Usually the frantic digging could mean shes gravid--- you need to get two digital probe thermometers-- Zoo Med makes them found at Pet Smart or Petco --- the long tube fixture for a UVB is what you need --- I am going to post links for them and you need this ASAP- tank size we can work on later but we need to get the surface basking temps and UVB on par first ---- there are 3 good ones to choose from you want a 24" fixture ---- this will go into a bigger tank later --
Zoo Med 24 " Zoo Med ReptiSun T5 HO Hood this will come w/a 5.0 bulb you want this one 22" Reptisun 10.0 T 5 Zoo Med ReptiSun 10.0 UVB T5 HO
this one can be found at Pet Smart -- you want the 24 watt 12% bulb
Arcadia ProT5 12% UVB Bulb With Hood
or this one you need the 2ft or 24" -- you will need to change the bulb out to the Reptisun bulb I posted above --
here are the thermometers you need 2 of them one for the basking side one for the cool side of the tank
You want surface basking temps of 95-100 for a dragon over 6 months of age -the digital probe thermometer is going to tell you what wattage you need for the tank --- you want a clear solid bright white basking bulb --- household incandescent bulbs are good but you need the correct wattage to get the temps I posted - -- is she eating? Dragons will not eat if any of the temps in the tank are off and incorrect UVB -- this is imperative for her to live -- how is she getting water?


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
As mentioned she is probably going through relocation stress. Digging is also a sign of stress.
Those animals are not really "cheap" to keep, I'm afraid. A 60W bulb is unlikely to be strong enough unless your room is like in the high 80s °F.

Also you need a UVB, the one Tracie recommended is one of the best on the market.

The thermometer in the tank is also not suitable to meassure the surface temperature of the basking spot (!!that is the single most important temerature!!).
You want that basking spot at 95 - 105 °F (high 30s to low 40s °C). To meassure this you need a digital probe thermometer or an IR-gun!


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
I got this bearded dragon a couple months ago it used to live with my ex for 2 years she's been with me for a couple weeks now her cage surroundings are different she has a different stick I've been struggling with the light source which ones are correct which one aren't the temperature I'm trying to get down she keeps running around the bottom of the cage digging digging digging and there's no where for her to dig for the glass she seems very stressed and it's not it's starting not to bask now can somebody please contact me and let me know what to do next please I need emergency guidance on what to do I couldn't find her bulb for the UVB do I use until I can find it cuz it blew I got a 60 W regular light bulb in it for a heat source she's not happy at all please help please


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
I have upgraded her cage some I am struggling with the lights I don't have any UVB right now will the coil bulb be sufficient I have a 38 inch UVB bulb light but no bulb I need help with the lighting so I'm going to go get a thermometer exact one you said and I will come back is there any way you can give me a call my number is 904-604-0953 maybe you can help me a little bit if you don't mind if you're not busy sending pictures of the new enclosure same enclosure new stuff

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
I have upgraded her cage some I am struggling with the lights I don't have any UVB right now will the coil bulb be sufficient I have a 38 inch UVB bulb light but no bulb I need help with the lighting so I'm going to go get a thermometer exact one you said and I will come back is there any way you can give me a call my number is 904-604-0953 maybe you can help me a little bit if you don't mind if you're not busy sending pictures of the new enclosure same enclosure new stuff
I posted all the uvb options for you please click on the links


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Thank you so much for your help! I was able to find a store called Family Reptiles here in Lakeland, Florida. I purchased a basketball, UVB lights, and some sticks that I cut up myself. I also bought a log for my reptile. Thank you for everyone's support.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Thank you so much for your help! I was able to find a store called Family Reptiles here in Lakeland, Florida. I purchased a basketball, UVB lights, and some sticks that I cut up myself. I also bought a log for my reptile. Thank you for everyone's support.
What UVB did you get and what is the screen on the tank? Fine mesh or wide hole type

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
i got t have e zomed 10.0 t10 34inch buld the is a metal mesh on top i sat all to one side and he is soaking up the sun
Ok so fine mesh the UVB needs to be unobstructed --- the screen will block approx 30% of the UVB rays - you can either take the screen off or put it inside the tank - I can post things to hang w / if you need them - a piece of basking decor should be directly under it approx 12-15 inches --

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I am glad to hear you are trying to get your dragon's tank environment improved, that is important.
As Karrie has suggested, it would be advantageous to try & mount the UVB tube underneath of the
screen top since it is a finer mesh.
How is her appetite doing? I hope she is doing better soon. Do you have pictures of her you could
Sparkles is a great name!



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

I am glad to hear you are trying to get your dragon's tank environment improved, that is important.
As Karrie has suggested, it would be advantageous to try & mount the UVB tube underneath of the
screen top since it is a finer mesh.
How is her appetite doing? I hope she is doing better soon. Do you have pictures of her you could
Sparkles is a great name!

yes i will . ty but the name sparkles was when my ex wife had her br she died of an accident..come to find out sparkels the whole time is a male .lmao my thought was SPARK .so insted of sparkles it is now SPARK .i hold spark aroung 9 am .. THANKByou ,his cage he love it hes not sleeping on the bottom of his cage anY more so far he isnt running in CIRCLES he eatING .great kind spoiled so he eats greeen but more want the super and inch worms..ill be sending picks and videoes after 9am...,# ADD ME im tryong SPARK a net work of beardie buddies.

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