Hi, I am moving from Norway to Spain this August and I am bringing my bearded dragon (or at least I am hoping to). I've had him for 7 years so I know that he usually goes into brumation somewhere around june, and usually stay like this until around October. He's a sleeper.. My plan is to replace his cave with a traveling cage before he goes into brumation, so that he will climb into that instead. I am then thinking of bringing him along the car ride all the way from Norway to Spain since he is sleeping anyway. But this is where I am wondering if he will wake up or if this will be fine? I will ofcourse make sure that the cage is as secure as it can be during the ride, and I will bring him inside at night, and always have something over the cage to make it dark. I will also bring food and light just incase. The alternative is to put him on a flight, where he will go as cargo and I have no control over how he is being treated or give him away, wich I really really dont want to. I know that this is not optimal, but does anyone have experience with something like this? I like my little man, and I really want to continue having him in my life All answers are appreciated 🫶