Moving a bearded dragon during brumation

Hi, I am moving from Norway to Spain this August and I am bringing my bearded dragon (or at least I am hoping to). I've had him for 7 years so I know that he usually goes into brumation somewhere around june, and usually stay like this until around October. He's a sleeper.. My plan is to replace his cave with a traveling cage before he goes into brumation, so that he will climb into that instead. I am then thinking of bringing him along the car ride all the way from Norway to Spain since he is sleeping anyway. But this is where I am wondering if he will wake up or if this will be fine? I will ofcourse make sure that the cage is as secure as it can be during the ride, and I will bring him inside at night, and always have something over the cage to make it dark. I will also bring food and light just incase. The alternative is to put him on a flight, where he will go as cargo and I have no control over how he is being treated or give him away, wich I really really dont want to. I know that this is not optimal, but does anyone have experience with something like this? I like my little man, and I really want to continue having him in my life 🌸 All answers are appreciated 🫶🌿🦎

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
Hi, I am moving from Norway to Spain this August and I am bringing my bearded dragon (or at least I am hoping to). I've had him for 7 years so I know that he usually goes into brumation somewhere around june, and usually stay like this until around October. He's a sleeper.. My plan is to replace his cave with a traveling cage before he goes into brumation, so that he will climb into that instead. I am then thinking of bringing him along the car ride all the way from Norway to Spain since he is sleeping anyway. But this is where I am wondering if he will wake up or if this will be fine? I will ofcourse make sure that the cage is as secure as it can be during the ride, and I will bring him inside at night, and always have something over the cage to make it dark. I will also bring food and light just incase. The alternative is to put him on a flight, where he will go as cargo and I have no control over how he is being treated or give him away, wich I really really dont want to. I know that this is not optimal, but does anyone have experience with something like this? I like my little man, and I really want to continue having him in my life 🌸 All answers are appreciated 🫶🌿🦎
Lets have @CooperDragon help you

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
As long as you keep the ambient temp in your car above 68ish he should be fine.

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
That sounds like a fun drive! I think he'll be fine in the car. I'd just get a carrier that you can strap to a seatbelt. Usually something the size for a cat or small dog. That will have a soft bottom and you can line it with something like fleece to make it even softer. If he's sleeping/in brumation it probably won't disturb him much to just move him to the carrier when you leave. Keep the car at a normal, comfortable temperature as mentioned, and he'll probably just sleep through most of the trip. If he does wake up and seem to want to interact a bit, you can make a rest stop and try to give him some sunlight. If you are staying at hotels along the way, I'd just keep him in the carrier and let him sleep. If he is awake, you can set up a basking light for him (clamp or connected to a stand) so he can warm up in the mornings before you leave. I've done several multi-day road trips with my dragon even when he's awake and it has gone pretty smoothly. I wouldn't worry about it too much and enjoy the trip =)

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I can’t wait to see Dr.Wilson be a big dragon but I try to cherish hard the moments while he still fits in my hand 🦎
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I can feel her staring into my soul demanding food
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