Morphs with more spikes?


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I was wondering if somebody knows whether there exist morphs with more or more pronounced spikes than usually? So the opposite of silkbacks and leatherbacks.
I'd guess just like some people like the look and feel of a dragon that's smoother, some might like extra spiky ones. (I would ;)) And it wouldn't seem to me unusual to "highlight" a certain feature of an animal during breeding, like it's also done with brighter, clearer colors.

(FYI: I'm not trying to get into breeding, and I don't want to get another dragon. I'm just curious :) )

xp29 Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I was wondering if somebody knows whether there exist morphs with more or more pronounced spikes than usually? So the opposite of silkbacks and leatherbacks.
I'd guess just like some people like the look and feel of a dragon that's smoother, some might like extra spiky ones. (I would ;)) And it wouldn't seem to me unusual to "highlight" a certain feature of an animal during breeding, like it's also done with brighter, clearer colors.

(FYI: I'm not trying to get into breeding, and I don't want to get another dragon. I'm just curious :) )
High expression Dunners


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How do they look like? Do you have a good example?
(I googled and found nothing, only "dunner". And there is little to no visible difference for me to my Taco which I got as a "standard" (they also sell color morphs).)

I've read Dunners have more scales, but can it also affect the spikes on the head?

I thought about some look similar to the "thorny devil":
(I know, different species, and not related.)


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So some like these:
? (Beautiful dragon, for sure!)

I can't see a real difference regarding spikes between some dragons sold as "standard" such a shown here in the forum or also my Taco (who might be a bit more on the spiky side?). Looks a tiny bit different on their backs, but I wouldn' say rougher, or more spiky.
Whereas for the silkbacks and leatherbacks, zeros... IMHO the difference between them and a "standard" is super obvious.

From this I'd guess it's genetically easier even totally getting rid of the spikes than enhancing them (for example: spikes on the head twice as long as normal, the thick rough scales on the thighs even more extreme like as in the "thorny devil").

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
Check their Instagram or Facebook for better pictures of their adult Barbara hybrids as opposed to just their babies for sale.

Here is a link to one of their Instagram posts with a very spikey Barbara hybrid. The second picture shows it the best.


xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
A dunner is a dunner, but some its more obvious. It is a scale mutations that make the scaling haphazard, it gives them a rangy rugged look. It's my absolute favorite morph.
This was my lil Sweet Pea, zoom on and look at her spikes.
By high expression i just ment the ones that are more obvious. My Sinatra for instance you have to look more closely .


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I also like the look of the spiky ones better :), much better than the ones with reduced scales/spikes.
My Taco ("standard") is quite spiky and on most body parts feels really hard to the touch*, but your Sweet Pea is indeed a bit more spiky.

* sometimes for fun I call him a "living stone" ;)

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