MITES?! Betadine didn't work?

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Smaug's gone through one treatment of Mite-Off and a bath of diluted Betadine and he is Still absolutely covered in mites!

We did see some of the mites in the water, but not nearly as many as were still on him.

The nearest reptile vet is hours away and I'm worried.


Extreme Poster
You've only done one soak and one treatment of the mite off? One treatment isn't going to cure him. Bathe him in the betadine solution about 3-4 times a day and use the mite off as much as the directions say to.

Have you disinfected the tank?


Original Poster
I'm scared to use the betadine again. He seemed to stop breathing for a bit (his head never touched the water) and he's not moving much - his limbs look paralyzed.


Extreme Poster
Sounds like he just doesn't like baths. But I would take him into the vet if you don't think it's because of the water.

*Edit: Have you disinfected the tank, and replaced the papertowels each time?*


Original Poster
He doesn't like the baths much at all. He's moving now though, but seems a little stiff.

Closest vet we found is 2 and a half hours away so it's a last resort.


Extreme Poster
What did you disinfect the tank with?

It sounds like he might have other problems other than just the mites. Have you put the UVB on him yet?


Original Poster
It hasn't come in yet, but should within the next two or three days. He's by a tightly sealed window though to make up for it. Unfortunately, it's been raining for the past two days.

I disinfected the tank with a small amount of bleach in a gallon of water and replaced the paper towels.


Original Poster
therese30":50d30 said:
Oh my goodness, What are mites? How do you get um? And what do you do to keep them away?

Mites look like this (the red spots). They move, too.

They can get on your beardie from sand and not taking proper care of their homes - uncleaned wood brought in from outdoors, etc. So just keep the tank disinfected, try to stay away from sand or at least keep it clean.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

IF you do take him to the vet please do not let the vet give him a medication called Ivomec or Ivermectin. It is contraindicated for reptiles & really should not be used. It causes way too many problems & can become very toxic to them.
Continue with the treatments & when you have him in the bath, try to get them off of him while he is in the bath.
Did you wash & bake all wood items in the tank? The mites will infest the wood & will continue to get on him.
It is relatively easy to get rid of mites, but you have to take everything out of the tank & replace it or clean it really well.
The wood can be soaked in hot water & baked for 30-45 minutes at around 250-300 degrees.

Good luck.



Original Poster
I took all the wood out of the tank entirely - replacing his log (the only wood piece there) with a small box wrapped in paper towels which are lightly sprayed with Mite-Off, as the bottle says to do.

I will bake/soak the wood log before I put it back in.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Good luck. I am sorry you are having so much trouble, but, keep trying & you should get rid of them soon. Let us know how things are going for you.
Is he eating right now?



Original Poster
No. He's still not eating right. There's still two days before my phoenix worms get in and he's not touching any of the greens he's offered, or any crickets. I'm hoping his lack of appetite is just from the mites.

If he doesn't eat the worms, should I take him to a vet immediately?


Hatchling Member
not eating could be lack of uvb

puting him by a closed wind will not help as uv light will be blocked buy the glass

is the viv glass or wood

if glass i would remove every thing and bleach with 10% bleach solution then rinse over and over till there is no smell at all then dry and only put paper towl down as a substrate ant rocks or stone should be backed or boiled as well as the wood

keep the viv as bear are posible till all the mites are gone try just having papeer towles and food bowl for a bit as that helps keep the viv easy to clean and you would se anny mite on the paper towl

good look as so if you any othere reps you should check the as mite can become a eperdemic real fast if you have a few reps
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