She sleeps a lot, any reason for concern? I know it’s winter but as far as she’s concerned food and heat is more bountiful, so I’d think her biological clock would be for winter.
She eats great and basks she just decides the day is over around 4pm and starts napping. I think her lights go on just before 7. Got her up from her 3pm nap for window time today cause I was worried she didn’t have enough enrichment (and it seems that relocation stress is over) and was maybe feeling depressed. I kept it short since I assume she’s never seen a window before.
Put her back in under her basking spot, so she could bask or go to hide if she wants. She basked a little and now is napping… in her basking spot? This worries me cause it’s definitely warm enough to bask and she is asleep under it. Never seen a beardie sleep in such direct heat and light before… I’m just worried this is lethargy. She has great energy in the mornings though.
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