Juvie Member
- Beardie name(s)
- Clyde
Hi all!
This mostly an introduction but I’d also love any advice from anyone who has rescued a beardie similar to Bodie. She/he is a beautiful little baby…
…but I bet you couldn’t guess her age. She is around 12 months old her body is that of a 3-4 month old beardie.
I found her, underfed and neglected, on an Offer Up post:
I had no plans of getting/rescuing a beardie but when I saw her photo (and that she was nearby!) I knew I had to step in and help her. After some inquiring I learned that this owner had MANY reptiles. I was able to rescue 3 in total (2 beardies and one leopard gecko) that she wanted off her hands. It pains me knowing she likely has more reptiles. I was able to inform her that both beardies had been severely stunted.
Little Bodie has never had a UVB and was allegedly fed twice a week. Not only does she look like a baby, but she acts like one too! I don’t how much or if she will grow, but upon first glance she looks like a slightly skinny yet healthy 3-4 month old. She has minimal deformities (uneven ribcage and a slightly small jaw). I would love any information on stunted beardies who look like babies!
She has loads of energy, surprisingly! She is already eating great, but has not pooped yet. Because of this she is only being offered salad and baby food to make sure she doesn’t overeat. She loves her salads too!
I am currently waiting on some liquid calcium that she will be supplemented with and some beardie buffet so she can have a liquid protein until she starts pooping. It’s only been 2 days I’m sure she’ll go soon.
Okay, time for the fun part, photos!!!
Her bath today, she is still a bit nervous around me hence the stress marks!
Basking today <3
Very full belly after drinking lots of bath water! She was so thirsty.
Peeking out 🫣
Very stoic.
For anyone with experience, my main questions are about wether I should be caring for her like a 12 month old, or like a 4 month old. She looks and acts 4 months old, which makes me feel like I should be adjusting her basking temp and diet to that, but I know in reality that she is 12 months old…
I’ve also noticed some digging and hiding in her hide, but she also eats and basks. Could this be relocation stress? I really don’t want her to go into brumation right now, she should be trying to eat and grow right now.
This mostly an introduction but I’d also love any advice from anyone who has rescued a beardie similar to Bodie. She/he is a beautiful little baby…
…but I bet you couldn’t guess her age. She is around 12 months old her body is that of a 3-4 month old beardie.
I found her, underfed and neglected, on an Offer Up post:
I had no plans of getting/rescuing a beardie but when I saw her photo (and that she was nearby!) I knew I had to step in and help her. After some inquiring I learned that this owner had MANY reptiles. I was able to rescue 3 in total (2 beardies and one leopard gecko) that she wanted off her hands. It pains me knowing she likely has more reptiles. I was able to inform her that both beardies had been severely stunted.
Little Bodie has never had a UVB and was allegedly fed twice a week. Not only does she look like a baby, but she acts like one too! I don’t how much or if she will grow, but upon first glance she looks like a slightly skinny yet healthy 3-4 month old. She has minimal deformities (uneven ribcage and a slightly small jaw). I would love any information on stunted beardies who look like babies!
She has loads of energy, surprisingly! She is already eating great, but has not pooped yet. Because of this she is only being offered salad and baby food to make sure she doesn’t overeat. She loves her salads too!
I am currently waiting on some liquid calcium that she will be supplemented with and some beardie buffet so she can have a liquid protein until she starts pooping. It’s only been 2 days I’m sure she’ll go soon.
Okay, time for the fun part, photos!!!
Her bath today, she is still a bit nervous around me hence the stress marks!
Basking today <3
Very full belly after drinking lots of bath water! She was so thirsty.
Peeking out 🫣
Very stoic.
For anyone with experience, my main questions are about wether I should be caring for her like a 12 month old, or like a 4 month old. She looks and acts 4 months old, which makes me feel like I should be adjusting her basking temp and diet to that, but I know in reality that she is 12 months old…
I’ve also noticed some digging and hiding in her hide, but she also eats and basks. Could this be relocation stress? I really don’t want her to go into brumation right now, she should be trying to eat and grow right now.