Lighting Help for Newbies (:

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
TrackDawg":20jmctco said:
We decided to get a dragon, so I spent a few days building a vivarium. The tank is 54”x20”x20”. Currently I have a 100w incandescent on the left with a Reptisun 10.0 mini Compact fluorescent near the basking platform. The basking reaches a temp at 108 degrees. On the other side is a 24” Reptisun 10.0 tube. My concerns are the tube bulb on the right side is too high to be effective. Do you think this is a healthy setup? Also, if I replace my Reptisun 10.0 mini Compact fluorescent (eye health reasons) what MVB would you recommend to fit in a Reptisun mini combo deep dome (on left with incandescent)?


Can you move your 24'' tube over the basking area? Your basking temperature is good but the mini compact UVB bulb isn't useful but the 24'' T8 tube at 6-8'' above the basking area will be decent.


CooperDragon":1q5ti5b0 said:
Can you move your 24'' tube over the basking area? Your basking temperature is good but the mini compact UVB bulb isn't useful but the 24'' T8 tube at 6-8'' above the basking area will be decent.

Could I not replace the CF with a MVB or would it still be a useless setup on the left?

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
I wouldn't use a MVB because it will create a lot of heat and upset the gradient. They also don't produce as wide of a beam as the tube lights do so I prefer them in the main enclosure. MVBs are good in a small enclosure or as a portable basking light though.

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
The Metal Halide bulbs are very nice but they are quite powerful and tend to have fairly narrow beams. I prefer using a T5 UVB tube combined with a flood light for basking because of the wider area they provide for basking temps and basking UV. It is also nice to be able to control the heat and UVB output independently. I think MVBs and Metal Halide bulbs are better suited for travel and remote basking areas in the house rather than in a main enclosure.


New member
This is GREAT help! I was curious in regards to the overnight heat emitter, whether or not to use a black/moonlight HEAT bulb or to go ceramic since I have heard mixed reviews about both... I am going to invest in a ceramic bulb. This has been a helpful read :D


From what I have read you do not need a heat source at night unless your house get below the low 70's. A dragon can so those light spectrums and it will affect their sleep.

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
Yeah for overnight heat they are OK without anything if the temps stay above 65 or so. Even when the temps drop lower (during winter in my house for example) I only bump the temps to 70-73. I use a MegaRay heat projector. Arcadia makes them too. They don't get quite so hot to the touch as a CHE does but provide plenty of heat without visible light. CHEs are good too but they get VERY hot.


This post was a tremendous help!! So glad, I got a digital surface thermometer and am now getting a more.powerful basking light and single fixture and also an H5 UVB lamp, and did away with night lighting... Hopefully makes for a happy Rocco!


Beardie name(s)
Ok, So I currently have have a reptisun 10.0 and 75w basking in a dual dome, then an 18" flourescent but it is a Zilla. I understand that I need to switch the Zilla out for an 18" repti 10.0, but is that setup, dual dome and 18" on a 50 Gal a good way to go? I am a new BD owner and want the best for my babies. Currently the dual dome is set just above a screen mesh hanging. It is about 11" from the basking spot and the 18" is on top of the screen.
Ultimately I think I need to switch the 75W to a 150W for getting the best heat. Suggestions? things I am doing right, what I might be doing wrong? criticism welcome.

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
Darkestfallen":2zrqawv1 said:
Ok, So I currently have have a reptisun 10.0 and 75w basking in a dual dome, then an 18" flourescent but it is a Zilla. I understand that I need to switch the Zilla out for an 18" repti 10.0, but is that setup, dual dome and 18" on a 50 Gal a good way to go? I am a new BD owner and want the best for my babies. Currently the dual dome is set just above a screen mesh hanging. It is about 11" from the basking spot and the 18" is on top of the screen.
Ultimately I think I need to switch the 75W to a 150W for getting the best heat. Suggestions? things I am doing right, what I might be doing wrong? criticism welcome.

I'm not a fan of the compact ReptiSun bulbs. An 18'' fixture with a T8 bulb is OK for small enclosures but they have to be pretty close to be effective (6-8'' above the basking area). For a 50g tank I'd much rather see a 22'' T5 at about 12'' above the main basking area.


Beardie name(s)
So 8 have heard that about t8 and t5. But I have not been able to find alot of information on the difference. Is it just size? I was 5hinking of going with a reptisun 10.0 24" is that overkill on a 50gal? It's just easier to make good fixtures for a 24".

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
T5 bulbs are thinner than T8. They are newer technology and have a more powerful output. They also last longer before their UVB output degrades. T5 bulbs require a T5 fixture just as a T8 bulb requires a T8 fixture. Brands are interchangeable within the same format though. You can use a T5 Arcadia 12% or T5 ReptiSun 10.0 bulb in the same fixture as long as they are the appropriate length for the fixture.

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