I have a sick Leopard that I rescued it has severe MBD, and the first thing I've thought about is to give it some Phoenix worms, but I also have to think about my bearded dragon that eats Large one's already before I just order 1000+ cup of smaller sizes, and not give him any(he'd get jealous). So I'm unsure on the age, and she's very skinny at the moment so don't judge me on the picture remember that I saved her to try, and help her haha.
That's her in her new Humid Hide(she's never seen one poor thing :\, but she seems to love it) So with her size do you think she'd be able to eat Large? I know they aren't very big, but I don't want to make her sick from having too large of a worm.

That's her in her new Humid Hide(she's never seen one poor thing :\, but she seems to love it) So with her size do you think she'd be able to eat Large? I know they aren't very big, but I don't want to make her sick from having too large of a worm.