Hatchling Member
I cant get the uvb right yet I dont have the money but I will be picking it up on my next check. But because I am on disability it may have to wait till the 1st of January. They are pretty expensive here
No feed raw and yes cut it up julien cut is fine-- Yes its possible but they usually get them in when babies like 2 months old -- post a pic of him then we can guess how old he is-- please go to the websites I posted for you for the UVB's --- order one of them and you need to get it replaced ASAP -- he will stop eating all together w/ out it -- this is crucial ---When I got him at the pet store they told me he was about 9 months. Is that possible? They told me that they never know exactly how old they are when they get them. Do I have to cook squash to give it to him or is it safe to just cut it into reasonable pieces like a julien cut?
This is a good fixture you need to change the bulb out to the Reptisun 10.0 T 5 bulb 22"I can’t find the sites you gave me for the UVB can you send them again?