Jace, Zy, Sorin, Ava, Nissa, Koth, & Phoenix -->Vet Update

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My name is Liz and I have been a member of this website for a year now. I have had another blog about my reptilian babies (http://www.beardeddragon.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=185026), but am starting a new one. I want to start the new year with a clean slate - especially since it will also start with a new moon. I want to move on from the problems of the past and look forward to the new adventures that lie ahead.
A little about me: I'm twenty-two years old and am an author - (A Shadow's Lullaby by: E. Rexer). I go to Western New England as a Creative Writing major with a minor in Philosophy. I own six reptiles, three bearded dragons and three leopard geckos. I have been with my boyfriend, Paul, for four years. I currently work two jobs - Heritage Woods (assistant living) and Table and Vine (liquor store) though I did try to quit Heritage Woods and was guilt tripped into working there per diem (once a month). I will be putting in my two weeks notice with them in February. Unfortunately it is a sad job and emotionally I cannot handle it anymore. Table and Vine doesn't give me the hours I would like, but I worked out a deal with my grandfather that will help me out financially. Now enough about me.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Aw Liz, I'm sorry to hear this. Sounds like Paul needs to do some growing up, those games are addictive, no doubt about it. It's not fair that you had to find out like this either. So we'll hope that he gets it through his head that he has to be honest with you and everything settles down.


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Well, I guess our talk was the kick in the pants Paul needed last night. When he got home from work, we had another long talk as he had about half an hour to think everything through before coming back here. We told me about his car problem - that he was late on two of his payments for car insurance so they dropped him. Because of this the DVM told him that his registration is no good and he would have to re-register once he got new car insurance. So I'll be driving us everywhere when possible as it is technically illegal for him to be out driving right now. He said he'll help me pay for gas, so that's no problem.

He's finally going to talk to his mom about everything that is going on. Though he knows money has been tight for her since she started going back to college, she doesn't work as much. I will end up helping him pay for everything if she can't and he'll just have to pay me back as he needs a car.

Then because of his bad grades this semester, he very well might not graduate until 2016 which would really suck, but it might have to be done. He's going to talk to his advisor on, I think Tuesday, and see what he can do. I know he mentioned before that his advisor will private courses over the summer if a student needs it, so maybe Paul can get a couple done then.

It's so overwhelming, but I feel like he's finally getting his act together. Definitely late in the game, but late is better than never. I really hope that this brings us closer together. I made sure to tell him last night that I will always be there for him when he needs me and that he is more than welcome to open up to me as I love him and want to see him happy and relaxed - and lying does neither of that.

I also found out that he's sad that he's having trouble making friends. His best friend since middle school moved to Flordia for school so he could be with his girlfriend. His girlfriend wants to move to Cali after graduation which is the exact opposite from us. His other friend moved out to Washington state for school and will most likely be staying there. The one friend he met in college passed away. And then, because we are transfer students and commuter students, it is really hard to make friends at school because they have been friends since day one and we're only at the school as long as we need to be and no more.

On a side note - I'm going to make a doctor appointment for Friday. I've been talking to Paul's mom who is a nurse and she told me that there is no shame in going on medication for depression. She also told me that she wants to see me smiling again. So I promised her I will try. It will be hard, but I will try.

Last night Nissa ate two suppers. Koth ate one. Ava ate none. Phoenix ate all three. Both Zy and Sorin pooped yesterday - probably because I cleaned their vivs and they are evil little babies. Jace was my love bug.

I still have really bad allergies, but can't really do much about that anyways. I want to wait until after to see if Paul needs any money from me before talking to my grandpa. My laptop has been getting very slow pretty quickly so I want to see if my grandpa will help me buy a new one and that I can just pay him back weekly. We'll see how it all goes.


BD.org Addict
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My grandfather's niece died today due to liver disease. She was going to turn 52 this month. R.I.P. Joanne.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
I'm very glad you got this sorted with Paul, sounds like he was sinking & needed a helping hand to figure things out. I'm very proud of you for going to your doc, as I've said before, there is nothing wrong & everything right with going on meds for depression. If your brain isn't functioning right, it needs help & there's NOTHING wrong with that. Thank goodness Paul's mom was there to talk to. You need to be able to smile and enjoy life, too, Liz, not let it get you down. Let me know how it goes with the doc.

I'm glad Paul has you, he sure has been going through a lot of lumps this last few months. And to not be able to drive, that just adds to it all. Hope he feels better now that all of his problems have been aired out. They just get bigger in your mind if you don't have someone to talk to. Glad he's got his advisor, too, but it must have been very hard to lose so many friends and one forever.

I'm so sorry about your grandpa's niece, RIP Joanne. She was younger than me! Makes me realize that life is very precious and there's no time to be negative about anything!

I'm glad Koth ate, is he starting to feel better? Do you still think he needs to see the vet? I know you've been worried about him. Sounds like Ava is feeling better, too. That must make you & Paul feel better.

You take care & let me know what the doc said, k?


BD.org Addict
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Thanks, Deb. It was a very long talk. Was at his job for about 25 minutes talking about it and then continued for about an hour after he got out. I think he is just starting to learn to accept help and that help isn't a bad thing.

I know, I plan to make the appointment for Friday as other than Jeremy and Kristine coming to pick up Phoenix, the day is free. We'll see how it goes. About that post on Facebook, a lot of friends came through for me and either commented on the post of sent me a private message on Facebook. It was nice and made me feel so much better.

Well see, because he never told me that his car was no longer registered, he was still driving. I don't feel comfortable using his car any more than we have to. I'm going to have him call up a place today and find out how much to get a new bumper done. Then he has to get the car inspected, fix anything and reinspected if need be, then get insurance, and finally get registered. Hopefully we can get this all take care of over the coming week.

It's scary how fleeting life can be, it really is.

As for Koth I'm still worried about him because his color is never bright anymore and he's dropped a concerning bit of weight. Well, concerning to me. The reptaid I ordered from Cheryl is supposed to help, but the order has been "processing" since April 1st, and I usually never have to wait this long for an order to be sent out, but I'm getting antsy. I need to find a place that sells stage 1 baby food as just chicken or turkey for him. Chastity thinks Koth could also have an upset tummy so I ordered some acidophiluz+ which she said to put a couple drops into his and Ava's water dish. Since reptaid is supposed to be 3x in one month, I'll give him until the end of April and if he still is failing to thrive and has continued to lose more weight, I will take him to the vet. It's hard with money being really tight between me and Paul.

Yup, I will. I'll also see the doc about bc as the sooner I start that, the better.

Paul has his week long trip to New Jersey sometime this year, but I don't know if he can make it a week long as money has been getting tighter and tighter. I'll have to talk with him about that. His sister last year and this year had to make the hard decision of not going because she doesn't get paid time off and is trying to move into an apartment by the end of summer with some friends so she can't afford to. So maybe he will have to look into a four day trip or something. It's not much, but it won't cut as deeply into his funds. We'll just have to wait and see.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
He'll get it all figured out. Good luck with getting everything done that needs to be done to get his car back on the road. He's very lucky to have you and I'm glad you've made him see that getting help is a good thing, not a negative. That's why we're here, to help each other.

Also glad you got responses to your Facebook entry, friends are good!

Good luck with the doc and end of term, which is coming fast. Summer courses will be starting before you know it!


BD.org Addict
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Yup, it's all so fast and mind boggling. There's so much to do and no time to do it.

I just realized in the pm I talked about getting a second job for the summer, but can't do that anymore as I just realized my summer class sessions start at the end of May and to the beginning of July. I'm going to have to do homework while at the Cape as it just hit me my summer class will still be going on then. Well, poo. Maybe I can bust my butt and get the homework done before the trip. So overwhelming.


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So I have this nagging feeling that once Paul talks to his mom tomorrow, he and I will be seeing a lot less of each other. It's scary and overwhelming, but will probably be for the best. It's going to be a very long rest of the semester. And very trying. I have a feeling my workload is about to get heavier.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Did I miss something, why would you see him less? And you'll get through the summer and the fall semester, it's going to go really fast.


BD.org Addict
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His mom will possibly/probably put him on curfew/probation after this.

It can't go fast enough, though Paul might not graduation until 2016 - he was just barely going to make 2015 until this semester when his grades started dropping - if he can't get it all squared away Tuesday and maybe get the grades up some, he might have to wait until fall of 2015 and walk in 2016. So that will put our plans on quite a hold.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Now I understand what you meant. Well, it's best if he does get his grades up. Hope he will and graduate when he's supposed to.


BD.org Addict
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So it's has been a terribly long week starting Wednesday when I got so sick I had to miss class and call out of work. It was a combination of allergies, wisdom teeth pain, and nasty head cold. I couldn't even stand up and had a hard time walking. Also my depression had been in full swing for a couple of weeks now. Despite feeling like crap, did go to Home Depot and get started on their armoire for the leos.

By Thursday I was feeling a little bit better, though not much. Had a talk with the counselor at school and somehow survived through both of my classes. Left the school as soon as Paul was done with his engineering project and turned everything in. We went to Olive Garden that night - before I knew what a strain he had on his financial situation.

Friday was a day of homework and taking care of the babies. I had woken up a little after 4am (so not on purpose). I'm still suffering through everything and quite irritable. I got some homework done, beardies all got a cleaning. I got an early morning shower. Then finally got to hang at with Sam, Paul's sister. It had been originally supposed to be at my place, but she was cooking dinner after she got out of work so I decided to go there with the intention of us going back to my place to hang out as planned. Never happened. She didn't want to leave Chris's girlfriend, and his girlfriend really just wanted time with him so we all ended up being miserable. I left under the pretense of being tired and having to take care of the reptiles, which I did, before going to the mall and ripping a new one to Paul as this was the day his brother told me about their late night gaming. We had our very long talk.

Saturday I did homework and relaxing while cleaning. Hung out with Sam and vented to her my problems with Paul. She talked to me about stuff that she was going through and her own bouts of problems. She explained to me some of why Alex, their cousin, has now moved him. He's probably 16 years old and got into a really bad car accident (not his fault) and because the damage was deemed more than the value of the car by the other guys insurance, they're only paying for the value of the car which is total bull. But not only that, he doesn't feel safe at home anymore which is not good. Everyone should be able to feel safe in their own home. Don't know why though.

And then today: I worked 12-6, gave the beardies a bath before then, and did some homework. Paul and I watched My Little Pony before then. Now, I've taken a shower, feel all nice and clean, though my feet are killing me and I have a headache. It's only 8pm and I feel so...lonely. There's no one here. Just me and it's scary. Paul won't be coming over when he gets out of work tonight which I regret making that choice. I know it's for the best, but that doesn't mean it won't hurt. I did a little cleaning in the bedroom I plan to move back into. I also switched the beardies timers. I have them set for 7am-7pm instead of 8am-8pm because they've all already put themselves to bed by now and it will be easier for me in the morning to feed them at 8am instead of 9am. Will see how it goes and adjust as need be. I'm just so tired and still have more work to do. Not much, I guess, just a blog entry for my Philosophy of Fashion course :)puke:). So will probably get to work on it after this and then go to bed early.

Since Paul is not in major trouble, we'll be seeing Captain America 2 tomorrow. Also, because I currently have trouble trusting him after everything that has gone on, I asked Sam if he did talk to his mom and she confirmed it. I'm sorry if that doesn't seem right, but he wrecked my trust in him and it will take a lot of work for him to build it up again.

Any who, off to do the nightly leo chores. Hopefully Ava has shed. She's been a ghost for a few days now.


BD.org Addict
Being alone might not be great for you at first, but you may come to enjoy it. I'm so sorry that you feel afraid. Powering through it will only make you stronger. Sounds like a bunch of crap right now, I know, but maybe you'll see in time. I'm sending you great big hugs.


BD.org Addict
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Thanks for reading all that, Esther. That alone is greatly appreciated.

Thankfully I do also have fun things to look forward to - like moving back into my other two rooms again and getting the leos their new vivs. Also, been trying to convince Paul to let this happen - both Koth and Ava need new moist hides. I saw these really cool, old fashion small trunks at Hobby Lobby made of wood that would be prefect for the leos as the open on the top for easy access and could easily have an entry hole drilled into them. They're good size and I think it would be kind of cool and different. I would just have to buy some clear, waterproof sealer. The problem is convincing Paul to do it. :roll: :lol:
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