Jace, Zy, Sorin, Ava, Nissa, Koth, & Phoenix -->Vet Update

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My name is Liz and I have been a member of this website for a year now. I have had another blog about my reptilian babies (http://www.beardeddragon.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=185026), but am starting a new one. I want to start the new year with a clean slate - especially since it will also start with a new moon. I want to move on from the problems of the past and look forward to the new adventures that lie ahead.
A little about me: I'm twenty-two years old and am an author - (A Shadow's Lullaby by: E. Rexer). I go to Western New England as a Creative Writing major with a minor in Philosophy. I own six reptiles, three bearded dragons and three leopard geckos. I have been with my boyfriend, Paul, for four years. I currently work two jobs - Heritage Woods (assistant living) and Table and Vine (liquor store) though I did try to quit Heritage Woods and was guilt tripped into working there per diem (once a month). I will be putting in my two weeks notice with them in February. Unfortunately it is a sad job and emotionally I cannot handle it anymore. Table and Vine doesn't give me the hours I would like, but I worked out a deal with my grandfather that will help me out financially. Now enough about me.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
My son had to get his out, as there wasn't enough room for them to come in comfortably. If they're coming in crooked, they'll affect the rest of your teeth & it's extremely painful. You should talk to your grandfather about what's happening, see if there's dental $ set aside for you. It's not something you should have to go through.

As for getting a "real" job, it's just sending out resumes and trying job shadowing. Or writing full time. Seeing your guidance counsellor at school before you graduate might help; see if there are free gov't agencies that will help you with your resume. That's all I can think of; I went to an agency when I graduated high school & tried college for a year (it was a disaster) and they found me a job, so there's always employment agencies to help you. They're free for you, as the companies pay them to find someone. Good luck, but it's not until next spring, right?

As for where you're living, you'll have to make do until you & Paul have the income to move out. Staying where you are is hard, but it's also free, so you can save for a house instead of renting. Hopefully the house you want will still be there when you can afford it.


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
Thank you for stopping by and reading up on my babies. I'm glad you like their stories. :D They are all doing well...most of the time. :roll: :lol:

I wouldn't mind the pain if it wasn't for the fact it keeps me from extending my jaw enough to eat. I have to mush up everything in order to eat it. Yuck. And it limits my food choices - I'm a picky enough eater without this pain making it worse. :lol:

Paul and I think that though the living conditions aren't the greatest, he's going to move in with me at my grandparents house. There are a lot of pluses to take into consideration: cheaper rent, no contract so if things with us don't work out, we don't end up screwed over, and my grandparents are fine (more or less) with the reptiles so it makes things easier as there aren't many places in the area that allow reptiles. During that year we plan to save up the money for a house and what not so if things do work out we'll be able to make it to the next level in. Will probably take us two years to save up what we need. Will have to play it by ear though.

My teeth were coming in fine, but changed direction so they're coming in a little bit crooked now. I still have to wait for the other teeth to come up as right now it's only my left side before I can get them removed.

I wish I could write full time, but writing is putting a lot of money into it and hoping to get something out of it. It's just such an overwhelming feeling. I'm sure I'll get by, it's just a matter of getting their first. It should be by late Nov. early Dec. that I should start the job hunt for a real place.


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
Found this on my old thread and thought I would share it again - it's from Jace's baby days:

ou missed a spot, Ma

You gonna get that?

It's still there, Ma. I think it moved.

Yup, definitely moved!

Seriously, Ma, do you even see this?

If I can't see it then it's not there

But I know it's there

He looks so troubled in that last pic lol


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
Thanks, Esther. And not really. Except for a few things here and there like that, I don't really write much in the way of child's books. I have an easier time writing longer novels and such. Limiting myself to shorts stories is very hard for me. :lol:


BD.org Addict
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Ava Scare:
So as you know we had the laminate tiles on the walls of Ava and Nissa's vivs. We only did this because we had had them on Koth's for well over six months without any problems and still don't have any problems. Now as you can tell, this means we had a problem.
We got home tonight and went into the reptile room - I was grabbing something to help measure out the vitamins as you're supposed to mix them with water and Paul was getting ready to do the nightly routine with the babies. He turned the light on and as I turned to walk out, I saw that Ava was on something black and thought what the hell? I then realized, as I'm sure you already guessed, a piece of the laminate fell down while we were gone and Ava walked onto it.
I don't know how I didn't scream. I hurried rushed out the exclamation to Paul and race to take care of what I was going to do to distract myself. I kept fighting back tears thinking of her soft belly and delicate little toes and soft tail stuck to the laminate. Paul was the man of action and used a syringe of water to help carefully separate Ava from the laminate. I was mortified that something like this happened and was possible. I feel so at fault.
He gave her a sauna to help with the stickiness that was still on her belly. She also lost a couple big patches of belly scales though it wasn't deep, just the first layer as her belly is fine and there's no bleeding nor anything else that seems wrong or out of place. She still has a bit of tackiness - does anyone know what we can do? Just give her saunas until it wears off? We are such a lost.
Thankfully she is all right and she is moving as well as she did before - though that really isn't saying much. We are so blessed that she is all right and we will continue to check on her throughout the night before we go to bed to make sure she is all right.
This is all my fault, I can't believe I allowed for this to happen. We took off all the loose pieces for the night and tomorrow I will take off all of the rest and clean the vivs. I can't believe I allowed for this to happen - for this to have happen...if we had lost Ava, I would be besides myself.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
I'm so sorry to hear about it, but it was an accident Liz, not something you did on purpose. I still can't visualize the laminate you're talking about, but she's ok & the saunas will take care of the tackiness you're talking about. Just keep telling yourself it was an accident, as it was.


BD.org Addict
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I know it was - Paul keeps saying the same thing too, but I made a mistake. Wether intentional or not, the fault is still all mine.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
But you have to let it go Liz, or it will be like acid in your stomach. I've made my share of mistakes, too, but I've learned that I have to let it go. Take responsibility by making sure Ava is ok, that's all.


Gray-bearded Member
Oh Liz. I'm sorry for you and Ava and Paul. I can't count how many mistakes I've made that have ended up with me in tears thinking I'd never forgive myself. Ava is a strong little lady and I'm sure everything's ok. Yes, you made a mistake but it was just that. A mistake and you learned from it and Ava seems fine.

I do understand how you feel though. I hope you can feel better about it soon and let it go, if not it will eat at you. You know you're a good mom and you'd never intentionally cause harm to any babies.

Hang in there and don't be so hard on yourself, Liz (((HUGS))) for you and Ava.


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
Thanks, I'll try. I had a break down this morning and I'm feeling better. My emotions were still running high from last night so a fight with Paul this morning did nothing to help.

I wanted to share with you this piece I wrote for my creative non-fiction class. Everything in this happened to me when my mom was murdered. Some of it is pretty tough and I edited out some of the gorier parts for you guys.

My grandma and I got into a fight over something so stupid; I can’t even remember what it was about. I was sitting on the stairs in tears and she was trying to be so gentle and nice when saying “You’re turning into your father” and me crying harder. There is no nice way of saying that, not when your father is a monster – a despicable human being. It felt like she was trying to hurt me and not hurt me at the same time.
It was in the winter, because I remember running outside without a jacket. Once outside I just kept walking and walking, crying and crying. Paul found me – he had been on his way over to hang out. He told me again and again that my grandmother was wrong and that I was nothing like my father.
I asked him: “How would you know? You only know me as of now. She has known me for my entire life.”
I can’t remember his response. Just him hugging me and my realization as to how cold it was outside.
* * *
My grandfather and I had a nightly ritual after my mom’s death. We would go throughout the entire house locking the windows and drawing the blinds. To keep out the monsters, the bad stuff. Every night, as soon as eight o’clock came around, we would make our rounds. We would check, double check, and triple check all the doors and windows.
You may be able to lock the bad stuff out of your house, but not out of your mind.
* * *
Growing up knowing what a monster my father was did something to me. I have always and will probably always live in fear of becoming that same monster.
When I was first dating Paul – it was our senior year in high school. We had decided to go to Mitteneague Park and take a walk through the woods. I had spent all night rehearsing my speech. I was scared and every time I rehearsed it, I would break down into tears. We had been friends for a while, but he never heard the whole story of my past. Of what happened.
On the walk we took the path that lead to this huge boulder. It overlooked train tracks and a river. It was so beautiful in the late fall. We sat and talked and I told him everything. I thought he deserved to know the truth. To know about the monster I could become. I was sobbing part way through and he tried to comfort me, but I stopped him. I wanted him to know everything. I convinced myself to tell him the story because he needed to know what he was getting into. I used the phrase: “I could be my father’s daughter.”
* * *
Paul has always been my rock. We got into a fight over something stupid, but as always, this fight blew up out of proportion. For the longest time I would wait for Paul to snap, to hit me. I lived in fear of this during our fights, but I couldn’t bring myself to stop. If I didn’t turn into the monster, what if I married one like my mother did?
Some sick and twisted part of me felt as though those fights were subconscious tests on my part. I wanted to know the man I’d been dating - to see if there was a monster inside. Never once did he ever strike out at me. He proved to me fight after fight that he was not a monster. That he would never become one.
* * *
All my bedroom furniture belonged to my mom when she was a preteen - the twin bed, the desk, the dresser, everything. I now sleep in the room where she had been murdered. I don’t like to think about it and I’d like to think I’ve gotten pretty good at ignoring it.
But today, looking at my bed pressed up against the window like hers had been scares me. To see that invisible monster that would never cease to haunt me. It scared me so much that Paul and I made a trip out to Ikea to price out new furniture. My grandparents don’t understand what that furniture now does to me, how it haunts me. Paul sympathizes, but I don’t know if he could really understand either. His parents are divorced, but it was over far less than why my mother wanted a divorce.
My grandmother was upset to find out I wanted new furniture and didn’t understand why I wanted new things. I tried to tell her, but my grandma doesn’t get it. She just got mad and wouldn’t talk to me for the rest of the day because she didn’t want me wasting money when I had perfectly good furniture.
* * *
I went to therapy for many years after my mother’s death. It did nothing for me. At first I was still too young to really understand what happened. As I got older, I had mastered the art of distancing myself from the past. I would tell people my story, they would give me their sympathies, and I’d say thank you. No one could comprehend that someone could murder an innocent being. That there are monsters that walk amongst us every day. Even now, I feel like my memories of the past belong to someone else.
* * *
I don’t remember much about the night that I lost my mother. Just bits and pieces. Our bedrooms were connected so that in order to get to mine, I would have to go through hers. I was three at the time and my birthday was a month away. At that age I didn’t really understand what was going on. My mom and dad no longer lived together. I lived with my mom who lived with her parents, my grandparents. I didn’t understand things such as divorce or abuse. I don’t think I really even understood what happened that night.
It was dark out when I left my bed to go to my mom. I probably had a nightmare. It was warm out so the window above her bed was open. The room was dark. I don’t remember crawling into bed with her nor what it was that woke me up.
I do remember seeing my mom on her back fighting off the intruder. The window was wide open now - even the screen. I remember crawling onto his back and hitting him as he attacked my mother. I remember falling to the ground and then hiding under the bed. I don’t remember any sounds.
After he left, I crawled back to my mom and fell asleep. That night I slept next to my mom not comprehending death - what it meant to be dead.
* * *
There was a video I found when I was in high school - I was maybe a freshman or a sophomore. It was of when I was four or five years old when we were trying to get the Lizzie Law passed. We were on a talk show - an older one, I don’t think it’s around anymore. The question was if I should be obligated to visit my father in jail or if I didn’t have to.
They opened the discussion up to the audience. An older women with a big, floppy hat stood up. She argued that I should have to see my father - that he is still my blood no matter what crime it was that he committed. Another woman immediately stood up and shouted at her “If you say any more crap like that, I’m going to shove your hat down your throat. He murdered her mother in front of his child - blood doesn’t run that thick.” I liked her and wish I knew then to have thanked her.
* * *
My mother was murdered because she wanted a divorce. She no longer tolerated the mental and physical abuse my father dealt out. She got a restraining order on him. While we were gone for the day, my father broke into our house and opened my mother’s bedroom window for that night. If he couldn’t have her, then he wouldn’t allow anyone else to have her.
He broke many laws - breaking and entering, breaking a restraining order, breaking and entering with a weapon, homicide, and a few other things that I cannot recall. He was sentenced to double life with no bail and no chance of ever leaving.
The monster is locked up and how I hope and pray that I do not turn into him. That I do not become the monster which I have feared all my life.
* * *
I was constantly in the spot light for a long time be it because of the murder trial or because of executing the Lizzie Law. Looking back on it all now has made me wonder are the criminals in our world the only monsters out there? There are those who force a child and her family to relive the tragedy again and again.
I never knew why we stopped visiting my grandma’s cousins/siblings - I honestly only know they’re related, not how. It wasn’t until one of them passed away that my aunt told me what happened. Someone wanted to buy the rights to my story about what happened that night. The other family members wanted eighty percent of the cut for themselves and give twenty percent to me and my grandparents - the ones who really owned the story, the ones who really suffered.
My grandmother said no not because of the money. She said no because she didn’t want me to relive the moment over and over again every night that it was on television. She didn’t want me to suffer anymore than I already had. Greed and control can tare through a family and turn them into monsters.
* * *
Maybe a year or so before I started dating Paul, I found a document. It was something legal. My grandparents were listed as speakers and they had said that my father had no idea how hard it was for them to answer my question: When will mommy come home? My father was abusive and it took my mother almost four or five years before she decided to divorce him. He didn’t want anyone else to have her so he took her away from everyone: her friends, her family, and her daughter. That is what it means to be a monster.


BD.org Addict
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So I chiseled off the tiles that were really stuck on this morning - got myself a nice hole in my hand too boot. Paul is using Goo Gone to get rid of the left over laminate that the tiles left behind on the glass. It stinks in there, but it has to be done. Nissa has been exploring her old 10g while waiting to go back home and Ava's culled up in a critter keeper until we can get her back. She has some eco-earth stuck to her chin and belly, but seems to be fine other than that. She's been pretty active up until now.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
You are a very strong woman and will never become the monster your father is, no matter what happens in your life. I hope you believe that because I do. I'm sending you a ton of hugs, just because...


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
Thanks, Deb. It's hard living in a world of fear. This project did a lot for me as it was almost cathartic.

Today's been a really rough day. It didn't start off that great and it went downhill real fast. Paul left work early because he was getting real worried about me. I feel so bad that he felt it was necessarily, but I am also so tankful to have him in my life. He pushes me up every day. I honestly would be so lost and alone without him.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
I'm glad you have him, too, you make a great couple, so supportive of each other. Feel better soon, k?
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