Is your dragon sleeping too much, not eating enough? READ ME

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Juvie Member
Thats what worries me. I know during brumation theyre supposed to be lazy and not move much but mine is lazy only like 50% of the time. The rest of the time hes runnin around the tank so i have to let him out.
hey, well my dragon is slowing down, but he's only 5 or 6 months. so idt there ment to brumate at such a young age are they?
he seems ok he stil wakes up but he don't seem to want to bask or really want to eat much, he's poo looks fine and he goes every morning and somtimes mostly atleast twice a day. i have bathed him left him out to wonder and turned up the heat, but he still wants to sit and sleep, hes been like this since i've put a artificial plant in, he just sits in it at the top of the tank away from the light and sleeps, also when he basks he shuts his eats, he does still show interest in food, but hes not very bright an don't really notice them, but when he does he eats them, is this normal. other than the sleeping he seems pretty much fine, hes put on loads of wait in the two months i have had him and he's grown 2 inches since hes now about 11inches long :) thank you


This is really helpful, thanks! I was so worried that something was wrong with Charmander. She's been hiding on the bottom of her tank for the last 4 days, which is very unusual for her. Usually she likes to be up on top of her logs close to the UV light (never has much interest in the basking light). She has turned a dark brown colour instead of her usual golden yellow. When her eyes are open they are still bright and clear and she doesn't appear to have lost any weight. She eats once in a while (got her to eat some super worms last night and she picks at her pellets occasionally but not eating as much as she used to. However, I still have a couple of concerns that I'm not sure are connected to brumation or not. She had a tiny little poop yesterday but hasn't had a proper poop in over a week. Usually she likes being picked up and cuddled, but suddenly she won't let me touch her so I can't take her out to give her a bath. Is there another way to encourage a bowel movement without having to take her out of the tank? When I tried to take her out 2 days ago, she tried to bite me which isn't like her at all. This is her first burmation as she's just shy of a year and half old.
Another thing I'll mention: in the 13 months I've had her, she has never eaten salad. I've tried all kinds of tricks to get her to eat it but she won't. I give her an "all-in-one" moist pellet which she loves and then I add in live crickets and superworms a couple times a week which have been gutloaded and dusted. Also she never poops more than a couple times a week. Not sure if this is because she eats pellets instead of veggies and fruit. When she does poop, it looks totally normal and well hydrated, just MASSIVE because she saves it up for a few days. Please let me know if I have anything to be concerned about! Thanks!!!


And just like that, Felix is back in action! Eating like crazy and acting just like before his 4 month nap. So all is well.

The only downside is that he woke up right before a 5 day trip - anyone know any good dragon baby-sitters in Alabama?


Hatchling Member
Brumation was scary for me when mine first went into it. I thought he was dead, I gave him a wiggle and he came back, but is it ok to wake your beardie while they are in brumation?


jaidonx13":1y5vd9y0 said:
Brumation was scary for me when mine first went into it. I thought he was dead, I gave him a wiggle and he came back, but is it ok to wake your beardie while they are in brumation?
Much of what I read says it is important to wake them up and give them a bath every few days so that they don't dehydrate. In the wild this takes care of itself, but most cages do not have a natural moisture source under his/her vent that would facilitate hydration.


Hatchling Member
Oh ok. Beacause I was waking him up every few days to see how he was. He had a water bowl in his cage and when I woke him up he would go drink.


Hatchling Member
my bearded dragon is doing like almost the total opposite of brumation.
I recently switched my bearded dragons substrate from sand to newspaper!
And now she will only sit on her log, and when its time for lights out she lies on it and sleeps with her eyes open! It kinda freaks me out.

Is this a bad thing? One night I put a sock in her tank and she actually slept on it, should I make something comfy for her to sleep on?


Hatchling Member
oh yeah and I forgot to ask, how old will my bearded dragons be when they brumate? like is their an age when they will start this. Both of my babies are 7 months now :) Almost 8!


Supposedly they do not brumate until maturity, but it entirely depends on your BD. Mine was 7 months old and and pretty much slept from October to March, very much in time with the seasons. Others wait until they are adults. Some (as I understand it) don't do it at all.

Bottom line is to recognize the signs and not freak out. Just let nature take its course.


Hatchling Member
Mark1998":2zzyu1ze said:
Supposedly they do not brumate until maturity, but it entirely depends on your BD. Mine was 7 months old and and pretty much slept from October to March, very much in time with the seasons. Others wait until they are adults. Some (as I understand it) don't do it at all.

Bottom line is to recognize the signs and not freak out. Just let nature take its course.


I just got my 2nd beardie, and when i got her, she slept 24/7. She still does. And also, she is lazy, not eating much, and lets crickets LITERALLY crawl all over her? Help?


I think my beardie is doing this but I am not sure. She is not haveing bowl movements (Not even when I give her a bath), And she is not trying to hide, she just sits, does not move, does not eat... :|
So I have noticed the amount that my beardie has been sleeping, I let it go for a few days because I have been working so much lately I thought he was mad I had neglected him instead of his usual attention. After a while it began to bother me so this post is relieving how ever I was playing with him yesterday or the day before and tonight I noticed the top of his head was lumpy his feet are starting to shed so I am also assuming this is a normal shedding process but I was just so worried to begin with I thought Id post and get some insight.
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