Is your dragon sleeping too much, not eating enough? READ ME

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Gail Addict
I've seen several posts lately about dragon who are suddenly sleeping most of the day and/or not eating like they used to. Well folks, its the time of year that many dragons will be going into brumation. For those who don't know, brumation is a type of "hibernation" that reptiles go through. It can be scary for owners the first time their dragon does this but it natural and in no way harmful to your pet as long as its healthy.

We have a great article on this site about brumation, everyone should take the time to read it.


New member
I'm glad you posted this. I have a little girl whos been sleeping now for a couple of weeks, but every few days she will twist herself all up...her bum will be flat on the ground and she will twirl and have her head upside down and her front feet in the that odd? I have pictures if that helps..


She usually does it just on the sand but today she got up around her rock and dish. has anyone seen this before?


Juvie Member
I have yet to make a hide for my dragon but I think hes trying to burmate. He keeps going under his rock and trying to sleep. Somedays he has came out and ate greens on his own or some squash and some supers but he goes back to sleeping under his rock.

He has not been having bowel movements unless I put him in a bath and massage his belly.

Should I stop feeding him, encourage a bowel movement and then get his hide going?

Gail Addict
Original Poster
Kimi, that is not normal and has nothing to do with brumation. She needs a vet ASAP.

Screaming, it up to you if you want to try and get him to go into a deep brumation or leave him the way he is. He is ok sleeping for a few days, then waking up for a bite to eat, just make sure you keep bathing him so he goes to the bathroom.


Juvie Member
Gail":25v7vxy2 said:
Kimi, that is not normal and has nothing to do with brumation. She needs a vet ASAP.

Screaming, it up to you if you want to try and get him to go into a deep brumation or leave him the way he is. He is ok sleeping for a few days, then waking up for a bite to eat, just make sure you keep bathing him so he goes to the bathroom.

Well he was eating and doing so fairly well when I would pull him from under his rock and offer him supers. But he was not having a bowel movement, and he looked like he really wanted to go to the bathroom. I was bathing daily at this time but he was still just trying to sleep on me. Should I just offer a hide, leave his light schedule on as it is and then keep offering greens incase he comes out on his own? How often should I bath him? If hes sleeping under his log (under his light BTW) is that ok? Should I cover him with a towel or just leave him be?

Ive had him since september of last year, he is around a year and 3 months old and im almost positive this is his first burmation.
I think my dragon is semi-brumating ... but as he's my first it's so hard to tell.

He is sleeping a ton, sometimes for an entire day straight, but then the next day he's awake. When he's hiding under is log, I just leave him. When he's awake, I feed him. I offer fresh fruits, veggies, water, daily etc. I am bathing him and he is still going poo every day as usual. Just lazy I guess is the way I'd describe it.

He's in a 40 gallon tank with the proper temps on high end and cool end. Lights are new.

It's so hard to tell if it's normal behaviour or it his way of brumating.

I weigh him every few days to make sure he's not loosing weight and watching for any other signs that something else might be wrong, but so far, nothing.


Juvie Member
Lazlo had a bowel movement the other day and then went to sleep. I covered what was showing of him with his favorite towel. so He is under his rock, with his towel overtop. He has been in this same little spot for about 2 solid days now. When should I try and get him out for a bath?

Ive had him for a year but Burmation is new to me.

And Ive read the burmation article its very nicely written.


Hatchling Member
Hi, I'm so glad you pointed us to this article as I was wondering if my beardie could be going through semi-brumation. She is 13 months old, so this will be her first time. I had been worried about her for a couple of weeks as she seems very sleepy and eating very little. I have checked everything in her viv and even bought a new uvb earlier than necessary as I thought this may be the cause. She seems to have no other outward sign of illness. She has been having whole days where she is sleeping on and off under her log and not wanting to come out and other days where she will come and and bask for a while and pick at her food. I am still bathing her every couple of days. I am just worried that it isn't brumation and something else is wrong, but I don't suppose there is anyway to know for sure without taking her to the vet. I was wondering if it is a little too early for brumation, but as other people's beardies seem to be going through it at this time, I guess not. These little dragons do seem to give there keeper's a whole lot of stress!


Hatchling Member
seeing this made me feel a little relieved but i'm still scared cause my beardie Warlock is acting so out of character for him.he's limp and seems to be sleeping a lot,i think...i'm not sure,he has his eyes closed a lot.he opens them sometimes and he seems to be having bowel movements still,although they seem a bit watery to me.he does move still,kinda shifts,and when i put him in for a warm bath today,he swam vigorously like before this.i'm worried cause i can't get him to eat and i don't want him to he bruming or sick?he's only five weeks old,but does that matter with bruming?


Hatchling Member
Hi, I think your beardie is too young to be brumating. I would repost in ER section and see what people think


Just a quick question about brumation-- can beardies change their schedule from year to year? Because Chiz's brumation lasted from October to February last year, but it looks like he started this year's a few weeks ago. :? I've heard of them brumating early, but can they shift their schedules like this?

diamc Sicko
Staff member
They certainly can change in the months they go down. They have no way of knowing what month it is, so it can vary from year to year.

diamc Sicko
Staff member
I agree that this is not normal. I think a vet visit would be a good idea. Might be something neurological going on.



Hatchling Member
Wow I am so glad you posted this it has been extremely helpful. As a first time beardie slave I had no idea of the signs of brumation or the effects till I red that well put together bit.

Up until recently my beardie who is not yet a year old but nearing it, (Completely full grown though at 20in) was exhibiting some extremely weird behavior. In the mornings he will stay on the cold side of his tank instead of basking. I could not understand for the life of me why he was doing this so I kept moving his basking bulb over to the side he was on to keep him warm. In addition I've noticed over the last week or two that he has been getting sleepy earlier in the day and more lazy during his waking hours. Finally I noticed he has been eating less.

Naturally I have been worried to the end of my wits, fearing my little one was dying on me or at the very least gravely ill. As I have lost my job I don't really have the money to take him to a vet so I've been taking care of him best I could. I've been loosing sleep and its been worrying me 24/7. I just can't imagine life without him there in it.

After reading the post it seems he could very well be entering brumation and if that's the case its worlds of worry off my shoulders. I think I will leave the basking lamps on the opposite end of the tank from his normal sleeping rock so he can use it for brumation.

Being a first time beardie slave is amongst the most worrisome, frustrating, melo-dramatic mess that I can recall in my entire life. But it is also some of the most rewarding times as well. When he clings on to fall asleep on me I wouldn't trade it for all the care free existence in the world.

Why must they be so difficult and yet so endearing?
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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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happy birthday :)

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