Is your dragon sleeping too much, not eating enough? READ ME

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Your situation sounds different than the brumination that has been the subject of this thread. I would repost as a new topic. My first concern is that you say the temperature is about 80, but the basking spot should be much higher than that, close to 100 degrees. It is good that your new BD is drinking water, it would probably also help to give them a warm bath to keep them hydrated as well. How big are the crickets you are using? At 8 inches your BD should be eating the little ones they sell, not full grown crickets.


My little dude Samson is showing these same symptoms, but, he's just a tiny little guy. If he's two months old, I'd be surprised. Just a few days ago, he was happy and active, would explore everything when you brought him out, and would chase around and eat any crickets I gave him as soon as he saw them. Temperature is good, UVB is good, he has a hide and stuff to climb around and play on. He perks up a bit for water and mistings, but then goes back to being mopey. Would he brumate a) at this age, and b) even if I keep my apartment at around 80 degrees? (I'm pretty much cold blooded myself) The weather here in GA has been going back and forth from 60 one day, to 16 the next. Just not sure how outside conditions would affect him when he's not been taken outside. One thing to consider, he went nuts over pheonix worms when I first gave them to him, went nuts he second day, but on day three, he might as well have flipped me a bird and told me to take them back to the chef. Then he went ballistic over crickets. My BTS had brumation like symptoms for a couple days too recently, but it only lasted two days at most. The iguana never has done this in six years, so I am kind of new at this! I guess I'll get a pooper from him and take it to the vet, just to be safe.


New member
My friend rescued an adult bearded dragon last February. He got him and he had parasites so the bearded dragon was treated for them and had a follow up visit. He went from 12 ounces to about 16 ounces. My friend thinks he started his brumation in September and has barely eaten since then but he's still awake and pretty active. He weighed his beardie tonight and he was 14.8 ounces so he's lost a considerable amount of weight. He has really lost his appetite since September and will barely eat anything. My friend can only get him to eat an insect once every few days, if that, and he won't (but never does) touch his greens. He said it's definitely been over a week since the beardie has taken an actual poo and it looked inky in the water of the bath. He's really worried about his little guy and doesn't know what to do, especially since this is the first winter with him. Is there any way he can stimulate him to eat or is a visit to the vet in order? Also, his beardie will not touch greens at all, what is the best way to get him to start eating them?
I just wanted to say thank you for this post OP! I am still relatively new to owning a beardie, and had never been told about or read about brumation! My beardie has been doing just this, and I've known something was up, but didn't know exactly what it was. Thanks for an informative post for us inexperienced owners!


Hatchling Member
So after joining this wonderful forum, I made some changes in my Shep's tank. I put in the reptile carpet and got rid of the sand and hooked up a uv hood and light. Since I've changed the tank around, Shep has been sleeping more during the day and not eating much. I thought brumation but after I read that article, it did not sound like brumation and I think he's too young for brumation. Last night Shep decides he wants to be active and playful. He ate and we talked and he played. It looks like he switched his days and nights. Is this normal?


ok sounds like my dragin because he hasnt been eating and has been really lazy and sleeping alot, But i am worried because when he does get up and go to walk he stumbles like he is having trouble walking what could be causeing this? please help me!


Usually older than one year, but there are lots of examples of dragons on this site who are starting earlier. Mine was only about 7 months old when she started. As long as they are looking healthy, it seems best to let nature take its course.


Juvie Member
Mines is 7 months and starting in mid november when it started getting cold he began eating way less than usual and he started hiding under the leaves and hangin out on the cool side. Im not sure if thats whats goin on but he hasnt post any weight and has no parasites. I hope thats what it is.


Sounds exactly like brumination to me. I can't figure out how mine isn't skin and bones after eating a fraction of what she used to for over two months now - but she is totally fine. I bathe her every few days and she generally will eat one superworm or a couple of waxworms after her bath, and maybe a few greens from time to time. But her color is good and from everything I can see, she is just happy to sleep in her sand pit away from her heat lamp.


Juvie Member
Thats exactly how it is for me. Mine hasnt shedded in around 2 months either or grown for that matter which kinda worries me but if it is brumation then it shouldnt be so bad, i hope.


Mine hasn't shed since she stopped eating in October, and since she is only 15 inches, I am pretty sure she isn't going to break any records for size once she starts up again. But what can you do? Supposedly they keep growing until about 18 months, but I think that she is missing some of her prime growth time this winter.


Juvie Member
Im just hoping mine has a major growth spurt once it warms up again. I dont wana have a midget beardie lol. He grew so fast and i didnt even notice it until he stopped. He glass dances alot too. Does yours?


Felix hasn't done much of that - she seems content to sit and watch the world go by. That might change as she finishes growing and has extra energy for other stuff.
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