Is there a way to cure broken jaw caused by MBD?


Original Poster
My brothers bearded dragon has a bit of a crooked jaw, took her to the vet and was told she has MBD (we had her set up wrong), she also has a broken jaw on one side which hangs lower than the other side (can't provide pics atm but will do asap). She's still eating as she normally would (her diet consists of broccoli and crickets), she's also still lively as usual. The vet only gave us the option of euthanasia, we were still in shock so we didn't ask much questions so that's what I'm doing here.
Is there anyway to cure her broken jaw? I've read that you can reverse MBD but I'm also sure this is a pretty severe case and I can't seem to find much info on it.

Thanks to anyone willing to help!

AHBD Sicko
Hello, post pics when you can but did the vet take xrays to determine her jaw is broken ? If she's eating and active then she should do well as long as you get the uvb right and provide a proper diet + calcium. Leafy greens like turnip, mustard, collard kale, arugula [ no spinach or swiss chard ] are all better options than broccoli. There's no need to put her down though.


Original Poster
Hello, post pics when you can but did the vet take xrays to determine her jaw is broken ? If she's eating and active then she should do well as long as you get the uvb right and provide a proper diet + calcium. Leafy greens like turnip, mustard, collard kale, arugula [ no spinach or swiss chard ] are all better options than broccoli. There's no need to put her down though.
Thanks for the reply! They didn’t take any xrays, but it’s clear the right side of her jaw is broken (pics, if you want better ones I can take more).


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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
Long tube, says Reptile One.
ok please get a Reptisun 10.0 T 5 bulb or a Arcadia 12% 24 watt bulb --- better quality and will help w/ the healing process --- where is the UVB? top of screen or inside the tank --- the screen will determine placement and distance for that UVB ---


Original Poster
ok please get a Reptisun 10.0 T 5 bulb or a Arcadia 12% 24 watt bulb --- better quality and will help w/ the healing process --- where is the UVB? top of screen or inside the tank --- the screen will determine placement and distance for that UVB ---
Ok will do! It's inside the tank, we've placed a stick right under it as recommended by the vet.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

How is your dragon today?
I agree with AHBD, unless he is really suffering, I feel there isn't any need at all to put
him down. He deserves a chance & since he is doing well overall definitely pamper him.
He should improve with better lighting & supplementation. Though metabolic bone disease
can't completely reverse, it can be halted & the damage can be stopped. A lot have gotten
much better with improved conditions but it can be slow recovery.
I would highly recommend getting her on a liquid calcium if the vet hasn't already put her on
one right now. Keep us posted on her!



Original Poster

How is your dragon today?
I agree with AHBD, unless he is really suffering, I feel there isn't any need at all to put
him down. He deserves a chance & since he is doing well overall definitely pamper him.
He should improve with better lighting & supplementation. Though metabolic bone disease
can't completely reverse, it can be halted & the damage can be stopped. A lot have gotten
much better with improved conditions but it can be slow recovery.
I would highly recommend getting her on a liquid calcium if the vet hasn't already put her on
one right now. Keep us posted on her!

Yes thanks for the support! It already looks like her mouth may be healing but unfortunately it looks like one of her legs aren't working as normal although she's still active and can still climb rocks/sticks in her enclosure. We'll be sure to put her on a liquid calcium diet, thanks for the help!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That is great to hear, I hope she is healing up. It is a slow recovery but it can be done. I think
the liquid calcium will help a lot, it is more easily absorbed than powder in times like this. Be
sure the basking area isn't too high to where she can fall off & hurt herself.



Original Poster

That is great to hear, I hope she is healing up. It is a slow recovery but it can be done. I think
the liquid calcium will help a lot, it is more easily absorbed than powder in times like this. Be
sure the basking area isn't too high to where she can fall off & hurt herself.

Is there any specific liquid calcium you would recommend?


Original Poster
Tracie sells it on her website
Thanks! I’m based in Australia though so shipping may take a while, if I can’t find any alternatives I’ll definitely come back to this!

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