My brothers bearded dragon has a bit of a crooked jaw, took her to the vet and was told she has MBD (we had her set up wrong), she also has a broken jaw on one side which hangs lower than the other side (can't provide pics atm but will do asap). She's still eating as she normally would (her diet consists of broccoli and crickets), she's also still lively as usual. The vet only gave us the option of euthanasia, we were still in shock so we didn't ask much questions so that's what I'm doing here.
Is there anyway to cure her broken jaw? I've read that you can reverse MBD but I'm also sure this is a pretty severe case and I can't seem to find much info on it.
Thanks to anyone willing to help!
Is there anyway to cure her broken jaw? I've read that you can reverse MBD but I'm also sure this is a pretty severe case and I can't seem to find much info on it.
Thanks to anyone willing to help!