Hypo Babies! - The Coliosis Clan - Pics pg 11/12

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Juvie Member
Original Poster
Sorry I've been pretty busy. The poor little guy passed away 2 days ago :( I guess he was just too weak, he was skin and bones since he hatched. It seemed as though he was having problems pooping too as it was always stuck to him/her and didn't look normal (but then again he was eating baby food so that could explain it too). I really thought he was getting better too :( Everyone else seems to be doing really well at least. Mika has been eating like a pig and has even started eating her greens today for the first time. :) Does beautifuldragons.com ship to Canada? If so I'll get the Carnivore Care, liquid calcium and a few other things from there. I've also ordered a bunch of hornworms because I know she LOVES those.

I'll take some pics of all my babies today, I've been slacking big time!!


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
I'm sorry to hear that your little guy passed away, guess he was just born wrong, sometimes it happens, but it's still so sad. At least all the rest of your babies are healthy! So Mica has found her appetite, that is such good news. I don't know if www.beautifuldragons.com ships to Canada, just contact the owner to ask. Sometimes if you put some items in your cart, the shipping will show US or Canada, that will also answer your questions. Glad you're getting these supplies, they'll do good for Mica, her being so skinny, but so glad to hear that she's eating & her greens, too. That must have been a surprise to you! keep me posted.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Okay thanks! I'll try to find out if they ship to Canada, I hope so!! Yes Mika eating her greens was definitely a surprise!! She looked as if she was testing them out for the first time..

Alright so I recorded everyone's (that we are keeping) age, weight and length in my "beardie records" notebook today, boy was that a task! I also got pics of everyone except for some of the babies from clutch #2 since they were being camera shy.

Yogi: 3 yrs, 19", 490.7g. Very steady weight for the past few months. Black bearding because he just saw Squirt!! I didn't realize he'd know that she is a female because she's so young, AND she was slowly head bobbing and arm waving at him...weird!

Daisy: 4 yrs, 17", 500.1g!! She only weighed 350g when we got her in January.

Maalik: 1.5yrs, 19", 426.0g. He weighed 390.9g when we got him July 4.

Mika: 1yr, 16", 239.8g. She was 254.3g when we got her July 4, then went down to 215.5g after laying 14 eggs July 20. She's gaining fast :)

Blaze: 9 months, 15", 169.2g. He was 9.5" and 40.0g when we got him 2 months ago on Mother's Day. :eek: Shedding, as usual...lol


Baby leatherback: 13 weeks, 9", 36.5g. Was 4.5" June 5 when we got him/her.

Chris Allen orange: 13 weeks, 9.5", 33.8g. Was also 4.5" June 5.


Uno: 12 weeks, 11.5", 63.9g.

Squirt: 12 weeks, 13", 99.1g.


That's crazy...my 12 week old Squirt is huge compared to Blaze when we got him at 7 months...

My boyfriend's brother's beardies (from our first clutch):

and Big O who is scared of the camera hahaha

Some of the babies from Clutch #2:




^ as you can see he didn't like the camera very much either and everyone else kept running away from me so I gave up for today lol :p


Sub-Adult Member
The pics are all great! everyone looks so happy and content. If beautiful dragons doesn't ship to Canada, Tracie does from her site www.bug-de-lite.com I purchase all my liquid calcium, electrolytes, serrapeptase and acidophiliz+ from her. She is really reasonably priced too especially when it comes to shipping.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Kalyn876":2m0jgm4b said:
The pics are all great! everyone looks so happy and content. If beautiful dragons doesn't ship to Canada, Tracie does from her site http://www.bug-de-lite.com I purchase all my liquid calcium, electrolytes, serrapeptase and acidophiliz+ from her. She is really reasonably priced too especially when it comes to shipping.

Awesome, thank you! I'd prefer to buy from Tracie anyways, seeing as she's on here frequently :) Thanks again!!


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
I forgot to give you Tracie's website, I get alot of stuff from her, too, especially Serreptase (sp) for Lonzo, who's 9. He seems to be developing arthritis, so have been giving him this liquid for a few weeks & I find he's getting around better & moving better, too. Could be my imagination, but I don't think so, so I'll continue to get that from Tracie. I also get Benebac for Gabriel, he's up to 340g from 280 when I got him 3 mo ago. He was also on panacur for almost 3 mo, get fecal done on Aug 3, & hope he's finallly clear.

Your babies & not so little babies are awesome. Daisy looks great, so does Mica and your 2 rescued little ones look great, too. Are you going to name them? The babies you're keeping also look great, especially Squirt. It's amazing how much Blaze has grown since getting into your care, and it's still hard to imagine that he was so small just a few months ago. Great job! I love to see your pictures, they're all so huggable & kissable. Even though I have 5 of my own & no more room, I'd still love to have a baby. Oh well, love the ones I have!


I wish there was more threads like this, the babies start of hatching, to them being sold. I just read this whole thread all 9 pages and I wish more people had these, they are so interesting!!! Tons of pics and lots of babies. Thank you for doing this :D


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Hey sorry so busy over here! How's Gabriel doing Deb? How did the fecal go? You should see Blaze lately, becoming quite the handsome lil man! I'll post new pics tonight, bf has the camera right now. He's so orange/gold now :) and still always shedding....lol
I think we're going to name the Chris Allen Zeus and the leatherback Hades.

Thanks Griffin :) Glad you enjoyed reading through! I'll get some more pics tonight too. When do you plan on breeding? Feel free to use the name Uno :p

Everyone seems to be doing really well over here, especially Mika! She was 239.8g July 24 and now she's 292.6g!! I don't want her to lay any more eggs but with this weight gain I'm guessing she probably will...
Blaze has broken the 200g mark! He's at 200.2g! Was 169.2g July 24.
Zeus (Chris allen orange) is now at 54.7g from 33.8g, and Hades (leatherback) is now at 47.1g from 36.5g. For some reason Zeus has been growing like crazy.

Guess what?! We got a veiled chameleon!!! She's 1.5 yrs and her name is Lily! We brought her home on July 28 and she was in a really small screen cage, I think something like 12"x18"x20" ! So we've since got her in a 2'x2'x4' screen enclosure which she seems to be loving. We also added a hibiscus plant but that seems to be dying...needs more light.


More pics of beardies to come!


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Nicole, so glad your crew are doing well, looking forward to new pics tonight. Gabriel is parasite free, YEAH, after almost 4 mo of panacur treatments. He's up to 348g and is full of energy. I'm so glad. You'll have to check my thread as there are alot of new pics. They've all been up to something lately! Must be the hot weather, we've been past 90F for the last 4 days, looks like it's a bit less today, but it's only the early morning.

Your new veiled chamelion looks really healthy, guess you're going to have to get a plant that does well in subdued light. Rocco, my golden gecko, has a fig tree in his tank & it's doing really well. I have to keep cutting it down, as it grows through the mesh at the top! It's the only leafy tree I have in the house, I spray it a few times a day so he has more humidity in his tank, seems to work well so far, seeing as he's been in the same mesh tank for 4 years!

Nothing else new here, looking forward to new pics. Glad to hear Blaze is doing well & that Mica has gained so much weight. I'm hoping she'll put off eggs for awhile, too, until she's well into 300g at least. I know she's small, but it wouldn't be great if she didn't make any for a year or so, give her a chance to get some better weight on her. So Zeus and Hades are also growing like weeds? That's such good news.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Nicole, a friend with a new baby, 6 weeks old, was wondering what the average amount of crickets a baby would eat & how often do you feed them. She just couldn't find that info anywhere. I did tell her as many as she would eat twice a day or even three times, so wanted to know what your feeding schedule was like and about what to expect in #s. Thanks much!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Yay good to hear Gabriel is doing so well!! I'll have to check out your thread tomorrow! I'll have to look into getting a fig tree maybe, or I've heard umbrella trees are good. Glad you think Lily looks healthy too!
Everyone is growing like crazy for sure, makes me proud :)
As for your friend's baby, I'd say on average my babies eat about 20 crickets each feeding, sometimes less or more, and I try to feed 3 times a day but sometimes can only manage 2.

Babies from clutch #2:

















BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
OMG Blaze doesn't look like the same dragon! He's gotten so big, way to go! And those babies are also huge, wow, it's amazing how fast they're growing. I just love the black eyes on Blaze & Maalick and does Mica have black eyes, too? It's hard to tell in the pics. Thanks so much for sharing, I really liked the collard greens feeding, looks like they were having fun. I'll have to try that next time, I tend to make little pieces & feed them, but maybe they'd eat more if I just offered the leaf to take pieces off of. Something to check into!
Yes, I'm so glad Gabriel's doing so well, you'll see lots of pics of him on my thread, I can't seem to stop taking pictures of him, he seems different each day. I really enjoy the face-on pics, it's like he has curly hair! The rest are doing well, Didi is, as always, a drama queen (or king?), Lonzo is as laid back as ever, and his lung is on-off but more on with the breathing. Rubio is my HUGE cuddler but loves to roam the balcony & still chomps on his impatient plants. Leo is a fierce as ever but cuddles just as much, if not more, than the others.
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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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