Hypo Babies! - The Coliosis Clan - Pics pg 11/12

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Juvie Member
Original Poster
Hey Deb how's your gang doing? :) Mine are all doing great. Some are still sleeping a lot and not eating too much, but then it's as if everyone else has woken up early and are ready to go!! Holy hormones!
Thanks for the tips on the meds and everything, they seemed to work wonders and Yogi has been SUCH a pig lately! I love it! But he's been really "cranky" lately too, freaking out if we try to touch him, acting tough like he's going to bite (even though we know he won't...lol) but I think it's all hormones. He used to be like that before until we put him and Daisy together. He was a whole new dragon after that ahaha. He needs a girlfriend.
Daisy is doing great as well and actually laid eggs on Dec. 12! We had her with our male Maalik Nov. 28, and I know that they did mate successfully, but that's only 2 weeks....is it possible for her to develop eggs that quickly?? They look good and fertile! Other than Maalik a few weeks ago, the last time she was with a male was with Yogi almost a year ago. Could these be Yogi's babies? I know they store sperm, but for that long?? She's already filling out again so I'm sure another clutch is on the way :)

That's a good idea, just dripping water with a syringe instead of waking them up and putting them in the bath. They hate being woken up bad enough :p Get the stink eye for awhile usually lol

Did you manage to plump up your babies?

Are you all ready for Christmas?? I can't wait! But I can't believe how mild it has been!! Am I not in Canada?!?! lol Although just this morning they announced that we should be getting a bit of a snow storm this Friday and Saturday so hopefully we'll have a white Christmas!!! :D

OH! I almost forgot! You won't believe what Kevin and I just got on Dec. 2...a black and white Argentine tegu! :) We bought him at an expo from Simply Reptiles. He's about 3 months old I was told, and captive bred. He's 16" and about 138g but not for long!!! He's been doing a lot of sleeping, but that's normal for this time of year (although I wish he wouldn't lol). We aren't going to try to keep him up though because we read that their first few hibernations are important, especially if you want to breed eventually (which Kevin really does).



BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
I can't belive I didn't get your last post. We're all fine. Rubio is still sleeping away & probaby will for another month or two. Didi and Leo are up & down like yoyos, I bought Didi 30 crickets last Sunday and he went back to sleep on Monday, so now I have a bunch of dying crickets that no-one will eat :lol: Oh well. Leo poked his head out today, then went back to sleep. They're both up tomorrow for baths, as they never did that last poop before they clunked out, then they can sleep for longer if they want.

Lonzo still has no function in his right lung, so he's up daily, guess he's gotten used to it now as I don't get a stink eye. I have noticed that he doesn't like to be out of his tank anymore either, when I do let him out, he waits under his tank, looking up, so I just leave him in it, he has lots of running around room. I've had to feed him his supers to get his weight back up, I mean actually put them in his mouth, as he won't eat them otherwise, so that's what I've been doing every 2nd day, he gets his superwork dose. He even opens his mouth for me, isn't that nice of him :lol: He'll be 10 in April, time sure flies!

Gabriel hasn't figured out brumation yet, he slept for 1 day so far, but doesn't look like he'll be doing that again; he's always waking up in the am and then going to sleep by 4 or so, so just earlier to bed than usual. He's another one that has to be fed his supers, otherwise he wouldn't eat them either.

So congrats on your beautiful new tegu, does he have a name yet? We once had a female, but she was very aggresive, so we gave him to another tegu owner who was thrilled to have her. That's where Rubio got his 75 gallon tank.

As for Daisy, I really don't know, but I do know they can hold on to sperm for a very long time. 2 weeks seems very narrow a time frame for Maalick's babies, even though Digi, Gina's big girl, was laying fertilized eggs 3 weeks apart. You might want to post that in the breeding section, see if anyone knows there. Hope they all hatch well, let me know!

Now it's after Christmas, but I had a great day, spent it at my nephews, went over for Christmas morning for a couple of hours, then went back for dinner and stayed the night. Spent New Year's Eve with them too, as my brother & sis-in-law got tickets for a concert that night. I'm also spending the night on Saturday, as my sis-in-law bought tickets as a Xmas present for them to go out. Then my sister & b-i-l bought us all tickets for the Cirque du Soleil, we go to the 1p show on Sunday. She bought all of us a ticket, so it'll be a great family outing. She's such a sweet sister!

Hope you all had a great Christmas, how are the rest of the clan? HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you, hope 2013 is a great year for you all!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Hey sorry it's taken me so long to reply! Good to hear everyone's doing well, how's Lonzo and his lung? Force feeding superworms does not sound like fun lol

Well I hope our tegu stays nice like he is now! It's too bad your female was aggressive, they're such great animals :) Our little guy still doesn't have a name to be honest, my bf and I can't agree on one. Soon enough! Unfortunately he has a slight rectal prolapse but it is going way, and good thing too or we'd be going to the vet.

Everyone else is doing well, not sure if Daisy is going to lay a second clutch or not, she is HUGE but it's been a long time since the last clutch. We think Mika is pregnant though, can't wait to see the babies that hatch this year!!! I'm so excited! We're almost finished a third enclosure for the babies, then we'll get started on a large 7'x3'x3' tank for the tegu.

Daisy's eggs could hatch any day now, I really hope they are Maalik's! I posted about it in the breeding section and some people thought it was too soon but AHBD says he's sure they're Maalik's, but I guess we'll have to wait and see!! I'm so impatient though, I feel like I am checking on them every hour! :p The incubator they are in that we bought awhile ago has worked beautifully, much better than our homemade one. We bought a second one as well, different one but same idea.

Good to hear your holidays were nice, I'm so jealous about Cirque du Soleil!! How was it?


Hatchling Member
The fact that your tegu is friendly makes me extremely worried about it. That 99.99999% of the time means it is not being cared for properly. The fact that he had a prolapse points to that too.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Cirque du Soleil was magnificent and being in the front row was awesome, could see everything on the stage going on. It was the best show I've seen, the others I've seen on TV, just not the same as being there in person. My sis and b-i-l were just the best for doing this for us, then we all went back to their place and my folks ordered great pizza and salad, so it was a wonderful day!

I'll be you're excited to see Daisy's babies, they will be so cute! Let me know right away, k?

I took Lonzo to the vet Feb 1 and she said his lung is clear and inflating and starting to work some. she had him walking on the floor, said he's in great shape for 10 yrs old. His back spine is full of arthritis, so she said to give him Serrepeptase daily now, as it helps him get around.

I also took Rubio, who was fine, just pooped on the vet :lol: He hold alot of liquid, so he actually peed at her first :lol: it was hilarious seeing this arc of liquid coming out of him. She backed off so quick and put him on the counter, that's when the poop came out, so she was laughing, said his fecal was fine, no need to test it :lol: He does this every time I take him in, he's just a nut. :lol: He wasn't eating after brumation, so thought was time for a visit and, of course, he started eating the next day!

I also took Leo in because his teeth were black, found out his has mouth rot, so have to put anitibiotic on is gums with Qtips every morning, needless to say he's not amused, he keeps trying to bit off the qtip, but he can't, so that's good. Have to do this for 3 wks and rinse his mouth out after eating. Seems he doesn't always get all his food down when he swallows, so that's led to food rotting and causing the bacteria, so hopefully 3 weeks of the treatment will get rid of it. Meanwhile he's quarantined in his tank, poor boy, but as he's next to the TV he doesn't seem to mind too much. He has lots of room to move around in his tank and has a great log to climb, so he's ok.

Glad to hear your crew are all doing well, and more eggies coming up from Mika? That is very exciting :D

You'll soon have babies all over the place, now that's something to look forward to.

Glad your tegu is doing well, but may be a good idea to get him to the vet re: prolapse. I had a beardie who had one and sugar water was what helped it the most, but it's always difficult to know what's causing it. Good luck.

Yes, my holidays were fine, but the last day jan 8, I sprained my ankle really badly and just going back to work on Tuesday. I tried to get back on Jan 22 but it swole up again, and the 2nd time it was longer to get it better. It's still week but I have a really good brace to wear and also got compression stocking, as have edema from sitting at work, so between those I should be ok at work. It's a pain, just recovered from tearing a muscle in my lower left quad, that took 2 months to heal. Gotta stop injuring myself, the older you get, the longer it takes to heal!

Take care


Juvie Member
Original Poster
ReptileAddiction":3dogj716 said:
The fact that your tegu is friendly makes me extremely worried about it. That 99.99999% of the time means it is not being cared for properly. The fact that he had a prolapse points to that too.

How is his personality suggestive of his care?? I understand how lethargy or inactivity would suggest improper care, but friendliness? :s He has been friendly since we got him and we were told that he is very friendly. He has his days (like today) when he doesn't want to be bothered but he has never tried to bite or shown any signs of aggression. But please do enlighten me, as I am new to tegus.

Deb- Wow front row?! That would have been incredible, I'm even more jealous now! Sounds like you have a great sister and b-i-l

You have no idea how excited I am! I'm getting so impatient. I will definitely let you know as soon as they hatch! or ASAP anyway :p Along with pictures of course!

Oh wow great to hear Lonzo's lung is improving! You should be proud, especially with his age! Sorry to hear about the arthritis though. Would silkworms help him at all? I thought I read they are a natural source of serrepeptase?

Hahhahaha that is too funny, good to hear Rubio is doing well :p and of course he started eating right after, doesn't it always seem to work like that?? :p lol

Goodluck with Leo, let me know how it goes! At least it sounds like you got it right as it was beginning so he should be fine :)

I'll be calling the vet today, so I'll keep you posted on that and what they say!

Holy woman what are you doing to yourself?! How did you manage that? Be careful and make sure you take it easy when you get back to work!

Have a good one!



BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Nicole, yes I want to know as soon as those little poopers pop out of their shells, bet their colours will be fantastic with Daisy as their mom! No matter who the daddy is, really!

Lonzo is getting the liquid Serrepeptase daily, I get the liquid from Tracie's site, which is great. I also have acidopholuz on it's way and got some Carnivore care, so Rubio, Leo and Didi got Carnivore care and water today, and then force fed some dubia into Didi. He was 432g on Jan 8 & yesterday he was 412g, so he's getting food whether he wants it or not. Rubio still doesn't have his usual appetite, neither does Leo with the meds he's taking. They all ate lots of Carnivore Care, then baths and water for each of them. I have to rinse out Leo's mouth, he's not too thrilled about that but it had to be done. Now he's not talking to me!

I take Serrepeptase, too, as I have osteo arthritis in all my joints and it really makes a difference. I notice it when I run out and can't get some until next pay, then I realize how much it's helping with pain & inflammation, so it's helping Lonzo, too. Arthritis sucks, it's so painful sometimes. I'm still personal training weekly and have to pause in some of the exercices as my shoulders are the worst, but my trainer's fine with the pausing (it feels like they're on fire for a minute) and then I start the workout again. I managed to do 480 reps yesterday, most I've done for the last 2 months. So felt good about that. I have 8 years to reitre at 65 and want to retire healthy...that's my major goal, so working out, stretching, walking up stairs (as soon as my ankle can support me) and losing weight, are all my goals for this year!

I'm so glad you and your crew are doing well, it's great to hear! You'll have to post pics of everyone, as I"m sure your babies and juvies have grown alot and I can't remember all their names either. When you have a minute. I've got more pics posted on my thread, if you have a minute. Did I tell you I have a new crested gecko, a 7 yr old female named Bunny. We play at night when the dragons are sleeping. I let her run on my bed, we play "catch the crestie" and she's doing really well. My other gecko, Rocco, is a golden and really hates being handled, so he gets a scratch on his back once in awhile, otherwise he just enjoys his tank & eating crickets.

So take care Nicole, thanks for the update!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Oh don't worry you'll know ;) and yes you're right, and speaking of Daisy...you should see her beard lately!!!! I'll get photos.

I bet the liquid serrepeptase will help Lonzo a lot. Sounds like everyone is being well taken care of, as usual :) I couldn't imagine rinsing a beardie's mouth out, have fun with that!

Hm I wonder if I should try out the serrepeptase too, I really don't think I have arthritis, I've even been tested for rheumatoid arthritis (and was negative) but I get really bad knee pain all the time. Ever since I was about 12 I complained of knee pain, at that time I was told it was patellofemoral syndrome and I would "grow out of it" but I swear it's just gotten worse. I went for an MRI (on only 1 knee, the scan took 30 minutes!! ) just recently and all they could say was that there might be a slight tear in my cartilage. So my doctor just prescribed me Naproxen which is apparently just an anti-inflammatory and I was on them for barely a week because I swear my knees hurt 50X more than what they ever have after I started those pills...I don't get it :s So I've stopped taking them and will have to make an appt to see my doctor.

Sounds like you have some great goals this year! Good for you :) I really should start working out...

I'll go around and try to get pics of everyone today, I guess it has been awhile :p I'll go check out your thread as well! Kevin and I were thinking of getting a gecko or two, but not any time soon, we'll have enough babies to keep us plenty busy! Plus we've got our tegu to care for.

So I called the vet and left a message, then tried again 30 mins later and still no answer. They finally called back like an hour later but can't see our tegu until Thursday at 5:20pm. I hope they can help, it's $110 +tax just for the appt. :eek: I don't even want to know what x-rays, blood work or fecals might cost! Jeez lol Although I have done two fecal tests on him with my little DIY fecal float kit and they looked clean to me. I would love to buy a real microscope, one that connects to the computer would be awesome...one day!

I'll go work on getting some pics!



BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
I'll be waiting to check out the pics, I can just imagine how colourful Daisy is, if she's more colourful than her last pic, then I'll need sunglasses to watch 8) :lol:

I found the Serrepeptase very helpful, didn't really notice a difference until I couldn't get some for a couple of weeks and wow, I could feel all the pain, started it up again and 2 weeks later the pain was much less. It's expensive, you can only get it in health food shops, but I find it worth it. So good luck with your knee.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
New pics! I'll have to get a better one of Zeus, I didn't want to bug him, and Yogi too.




Peach and Ruby (Ruby is the red one)










Tegu's prolapse

Tegu basking (and shedding)


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Wow, Daily is getting brighter, love that beard, can't believe how big the babies are, all grown up! And Malick sure looks wonderful, so does Mica. Your tegu's prolapse isn't that bad, but best he be seen by the vet, don't want it to get worse and he'll be able to determine the cause. He is lovely, though and I'm glad he's friendly. Your crew looks so healthy and happy, congrats! Great so see them all! Ruby and Peaches are beautiful, Ruby sure has wonderful colours and they look like they get along together, at least for the photo shoot! Zeus is really cute, too, hiding time!

Thanks for taking the time to take the photos & load them up here, your crew are all beautiful. Must keep you busy! And Blaze, forgot to mention, he sure is beautiful, too, love his colours. He's so big now!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Okay so just got back from the vet! She said our tegu looks very plump and healthy so that's good :) As for the "prolapse," she doesn't think it's really a full-on prolapse at all, just irritated tissue around the vent. She said it looks like she may have prolapsed at one point then went back in and some of the tissue got irritated in the process (maybe by the substrate or something?). She felt all over her belly and said she felt full like she just ate (which she did lol) but she wasn't impacted, which our tegu was nice enough to prove by pooping right there lol

So basically we were told to keep doing what we are doing for now, salt/sugar baths followed by some KY jelly and high fibre meals just in case it was due to impaction. Oh and no substrate for now.

The vet gave some oral fluids as well as a fluid injection, in case it was due to impaction, and she also gave her a preventative dose of Panacur just in case. It was so hard watching her get all those fluids pumped in her, it was even coming out her nose :( Poor girl. The vet said if it were to get worse or doesn't go away we could do an x-ray ($150...). She also said we could bring in a fecal sample if we wanted although her BM looked normal, and I have also tested her twice at home with my little kit and haven't found anything.

Oh and the vet probed her and is pretty sure our tegu is a female :)


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Well that is good news, it can be difficult to get rid of a prolapse, but that's good news that it's not full and the sugar baths should take care of it. So just keep doing what you're doing. And if she's pooping well, good, that's a good sign. Hopefully it will return to normal asap!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Yes I hope it goes away asap as well, and stays away!! lol

Babies are hatching!!!! 1 started yesterday (exactly 65 days in the incubator) and 3 more started today! From what I can see they look pretty colourful already, but I can't see any nails to check if they are hypos! They do look a lot lighter than our other hatchlings...fingers crossed!

So 4/17 so far!! :)
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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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