Hypo Babies! - The Coliosis Clan - Pics pg 11/12

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Juvie Member
Original Poster
Ah why haven't I been getting notifications sent to my email??!! I just got 2 emails today saying someone replied to 2 different threads I've replied to, but the latest posts were from July :s. So strange.
Yes Mika has black eyes as well, although they aren't as solid black as Blaze's. I definitely have to post some new photos, you should see Mika now!!! She doesn't stop eating :)
I've found that I can get all my beardies to eat more greens if I offer a large leaf for some reason, I have even gotten Maalik and Mika to start eating their veggies like champs by starting off offering them large pieces. Don't know why, but worked!

@Lonestar - Do you mean Daisy and Yogi, the parents of the babies in the photos/videos? Or the parents of the eggs that were just laid by Mika? Well either way, I don't know of any of their morphs specifically become I rescued all but Yogi from random people on Kijiji (Canadian craiglist basically). But Yogi is as far as I know a normal beardie, Daisy is an awesome orange hypo, Mika is a hypo trans leatherback and Maalik (potential father) is a hypo trans.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Nicole, check your junk folder. It's happened twice to me that everything got shifted. If your notifications are there, you can fix it by just moving them to your inbox & the notifications will work again. I talked to Alex about the problem, he's the one to say check the "junk" or spam folder & there they all were. So see if there's anything there; we couldn't figure out why this happened but it stopped the problem.

Glad that your gang is doing well, we're all good here. I have to weigh Gabriel again, but at last weigh in mid August he was 386g! That's from 280g when I brought him home in April. So I'm very proud of my little man!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
That's so awesome, way to go Gabriel!! :D

So no luck with the junk folder, I still couldn't find any emails there unless they got automatically deleted for some reason?

Things have been pretty hectic over here with me starting school again (yay...-_- lol) and trying to finish our other big enclosure, but things are soon to be much more hectic ( and exciting!!!!). It's day 56 for Mika's eggs!! So they could start hatching any day now!!! I am so excited but nervous at the same time...I just hope they all turn out okay. I say this because Mika is a hypotrans leatherback and she was apparently "accidentally mated" with another hypotrans and I've heard that you aren't supposed to mate two translucents together. Hopefully they aren't related at all, if possible, or at least very distantly related.

Here are a few pics of Mika and Zeus and Hades. They're a couple weeks old, I'll get new ones tonight maybe after school.







Just a reminder of how Mika looked when we got her...

I'll weigh her again tonight too, she eats like a champ! :)


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Wow, Mica looks like a different dragon, she sure looks great! And the eggs are almost done, will be watching to see how they turn out. Zeus and Hades sure look wonderful, too, it's amazing how well they do with good care. Gabriel is unbelievable, I weighed him yesterday & he's now up to 448g. Here's a pic of my "brand new" dragon!

Good luck with school, I can just imagine how that makes your life much more busy. Thanks for the pics. As for the notifications, I have no idea why you're not getting any. If you go to "View your posts" every post you've ever been on will be listed there. When I don't get notifications & they're not in "junk" I check there & find all of them, so try that.

I'll be looking forward to more updates on your crew. How many babies do you still have or are they all sold but the ones you wanted to keep?
Talk toyou soon,


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Wow Gabriel looks great! He's gained so much weight :) School definitely has me busy, and I'll be more busy now that the eggs have started hatching!! I've sold all of the other babies except the ones we're keeping.

So we have 4 that have hatched so far, 1 just has his head sticking out of the egg and the other 3 hatched a few days ago and are in their tank now, but I have bad news :( None of them seem totally healthy right now. One of the babies limbs are all deformed...it's like his hands/feet are backwards and he doesn't really have a left leg. Here are some pics:


He seems to be doing okay so far, he can actually get around the tank so as long as all his insides were developed properly, he could live. I guess I have to just wait and see? Any suggestions on what to do with him would be appreciated..

Then the first one to hatch is TINY and his head is strange looking, but other than that he seems fine. It looks like he is shedding skin on his back. Here he is:


(baby food on his face)

Then the third guy looks normal, but he was tilting his head to the left and would roll around when I sprayed him with water...

He's really dark in this pic.

I hope they are okay, this sucks. Trans X trans already isn't great, but Mika was also skin and bones and malnourished AND too young when she laid them...ugh.

Well on a lighter note, we got two more babies at a reptile expo! Both female. One is a trans, and one was supposed to be a hypo, but I'm pretty sure she has black nails sooo she's probably just a high colour normal, maybe they meant het hypo? I don't know. Oh well she's adorable and eats like a pig! Here they are:






BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Nicole, I'm so sorry to hear and Mica's babies, but when you think of what she was like when you got her, it's not that surprising that the babies wouldn't be 100%. You'll just have to see how they manage in the days ahead...don't think there's anything you can do though, just keep them fed and wait to see...please let me know. Are there any more eggs that are hatching? Didn't she lay 14?

The new babies sure are cute and are doing well, so that's great. I can just imagine now busy you are with all the babies you kept, plus Mica's & plus the two new babies, plus school. Your hands are sure full!

Thanks for the pics, don't know how you found the time to get all that done, but appreciate the update. How are all your other babies? Are your adults slowing down yet, getting ready to brumate?

Rubio has been in his hide for 3 days, he's not sleeping during the day, just looking out from inside his hide :lol: He's just nutty! I'll see today if he actually decides to sleep.

Gabriel is doing really well, I'm going to post my favourite pic of him, he looks really smug, as if he's saying "well didn't I just find the best home in the world!" He's over 470g now & still growing, he eats constantly!

Lonzo is doing alot better, his lung is functioning more than it's not and he's energetic, which is great. Not sleeping yet, but has slowed down, so brumation is probably just around the corner for him.

Leo has gotten sleepy lately, too, just lying around mostly, and Didi's the same, even sleepier. None of them are eating much, and Rubio not at all. I'm hoping Gabriel decides to stay up this winter. It's sure going to be lonely if they all decide to sleep!

So here's Gabriel:

He's got a big belly now, too, his fat pads are huge and he just looks so healthy. He's free of parasites since early Aug and just doing really well. Right now he's sitting on my shoulder warming up!
Take care, stay in touch, good luck with the new babies & school,


Juvie Member
Original Poster
I know :( With her condition and the fact that it was two translucents that were paired...I hope they survive and don't all die at 4 weeks like I've been told :( They're all eating baby food willingly, and the one with the head tilt that can barely walk actually ate a few crickets yesterday! It's cute, if I make a little baby food pile they'll just eat right from that hehe, so I don't really have to hand feed them. So far 5 have hatched and are in the tank. She laid 14 but shortly after 2 died that never looked quite right, then a couple weeks later we had 1 go moldy, so down to 11.

Oh yes my hands are definitely full, but I love it :)

All my other babies are doing great, eating and growing like little monsters!!! Constantly in shed, constantly pooping. LOL. My adults are definitely slowing down, Mika is doing the exact same thing as Rubio, looking out from her cave all day. Maalik has been hanging out behind his cave and Daisy usually stays in the cooler end of her tank lately. OH speaking of tanks, I need to post a pic of the new enclosure! As for Yogi, he's actually still basking most of the day, but hasn't been eating all that much and goes to the cooler end earlier and earlier in the evening it seems. At least if all my adults go to sleep, I still have all my babies and juvies :)

Great to hear Lonzo is doing well, and holy is Gabriel ever getting huge! Look at that belllly!! He looks great! I love all the yellow throughout him!

Time to go feed everyone! ttyl!


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Keep me posted on the new babies, it's always sad when some don't survive, but it's such a good sign that they're eating. It's good to hear the rest of the babies are all doing well. Yes, it's slowdown time for the dragons, I'm not sure who's going to wake up today, but it's time to take the blankets off & check them out!
Thanks for the continued update & can't wait to see pics of the new viv.

Gabriel is doing really well, last weigh in last week he was up to 482g! He's a piggy, but he's slowing down on his food & the others are, too. We're getting really sunny & warm weather for the last week, so they do get as much sun as I can manage!

What are you studying? Forgot to ask last time.
Take care,


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Here are some pics I just took now


(looking more and more like momma I think!)
We separated Uno and Squirt because Uno was black bearding and head bobbing at Squirt, and we do NOT want them mating, obviously.

Mika in her usual spot lately:

Maalik actually basking!

Then a few minutes later back in his usual spot:

Zeus and Hades, who we need to separate soon:



Our new translucent (she still needs a name!)

Our other new female that was supposed to be a hypo (she still needs a name!)

The new enclosure!!!!

An example of what the insides look like (Daisy's enclosure):

I love this new enclosure way more than the first one we built! It's bigger, in the corner, has the piano hinges or w.e. they're called so no crickets can escape through the spots between hinges, and we covered all the wood along the bottom and up the sides slightly with plastic. This enclosure seems to have a better temp gradient too.

I'm studying biochemistry! :)


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Wow that viv is massive and each condo sure has a lot of room. Good for you for making it so well. Your babies are all so cute & GROWING, they're so big since the last pics. I can see why you have to start separating them, they're getting to big to be together. And you sure don't want juvies to start laying eggs! Isn't it cute when the boys start realizing they have black beards? Rubio was 5 mo old when he discovered he could black beard & did it all day & he would have at night, too, but he had to sleep :lol: At one point he crossed his eyes to see his beard better & fell off his log. Boy did he look embarrased & jumped back on that log as quickly as possible. If it was possible for a dragon to have a red face, Rubio did. I even got pics of it all, it was hilarious! :lol: That's my Rubio, always making me laugh!

Good luck with your studies, that's alot of brain strain, biochemistry, but an interesting topic.
Take care


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Thanks, it was the wonderful work of my boyfriend Kevin :) Yeah my "babies" are getting huge lol Zeus and Hades have been separated and are loving it, Uno has been acting really strange though since I've separated him and Squirt. He hides in his cave a lot (brumation? :S He's too young isn't he?) and today he let me pick him up no problem so I was holding him against my chest and I look down and he's got his beard all puffed out and his mouth open at me! So I go to put him back in his enclosure and he leaps off my hand and frantically scrambles into his cave! Weird. Hahaha I would have loved to see Rubio do that, that's hilarious! Yeah my males love to black beard too, lots of females around and adult males too which sure doesn't help...lol

Unfortunately the little guyy with the deformed legs passed away a few days ago. :( He would eat but I never saw him poop, so I don't think his insides were developed properly either. Everyone else seems to be doing well so far. It's strange though. My little guy with the head tilt, it's like he got SO much better after feeding him baby food with the calcium and vitamins mixed in, then he didn't get calcium or vitamins for a couple days and it's like he went completely downhill! Went in circles, rolled, bad head tilt and his head was shaking all the time. Then I gave him some more baby food with the vitamins and calcium and in a few hours he was WAY better!! Everyone is doing well now, including him, so have just been eating crickets (dusted in calc/vits) on their own no problem. Do you think his problem could be caused by a deficiency in something? That's what I've been thinking. I know in humans calcium, potassium, vit B-12, etc play an important role in muscle contractions and nervous system function, so maybe it could be something similar?


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Sounds like it may be a VitB deficiency, just the fast that he does so much better getting vits every day, which isn't usually what we do with babies. You can get Vit B on it's own which may help. Did most of her eggs hatch now? How many in total? I know they're not all well, but doing better if they're eating crickets now. That's great! You have so many to keep now, how in the world do you keep track of everyone? I love the condo Kevin made, it's so cool, having them all have their own space & all in one place. Makes it easier to take care of them all. Do you still have some babies for sale? Or are you keeping all the ones you have now?

Gabriel is still growing, he's 492 grams now, even though he's not eating alot. And it may not be brumation for your younger beardies, but the weather does affect them, even at such a young age. I call it the Winter Slow Down. Hiding, not eating, but not sleeping either. Rubio is out, he's been asleep for almost a week. He wanted to sleep last week but I knew he had a huge poop in there, so pumpkin and baths & yep, he cleaned himself out, so he's allowed to sleep. Didi's going to be next, I woke him up this am & he's already black bearding me. So he's got to have a little poop and he can sleep. Lonzo isn't allowed to sleep this winter (he slept 3 mo in a row last year) because his right lung isn't functioning 100% and I don't think it ever will. So he's up every am, eating a bit; doesn't seem to mind, but I"m sure he's asleep early in the afternoon, which is fine. Leo is ready to sleep, too, but he's still eating, so 1 more bath/poop and he should be down. I'm hoping Gabriel doesn't know what it's about, he's about 2 yrs old, but I'd love him to be up this winter. I'd be too lonely! He's also sleeping on the sofa in the living room. I keep the heat up in the living room all the time because of my gecko, who's in a mesh tank. I like my bedroom really cold to sleep, and I can't get Gabriel's tank heated up at night enough to keep him warm, so I wrap him up and put him on the sofa & that's been working find. He doesn't move all night & he's still warmish in the am. Gotta do what you gotta do. I did try the CHE in his tank, he was up the next morning glaring at me, like "that was way too hot, Mom, what in the world are you doing to me?" Then the other heat lamp I had wasn't warm enough & in the morning his body temp was 22F, so that scared me & I thought of the sofa. And that works great.

Hope all will continue to go well with your new babies. Look into the Bvit complex for your little guy with the head tilt, that might help him alot. If you can't find any, I'll contact Emily, who's been giving them to Lexi, a rescue in very bad shape. Or I'll see if Tracie has it on her website. I'll find out for you & let you know.

Take care Nicole, good luck with school & keep me updated on your babies, big & small!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Sadly, as of yesterday, all of Mika's babies have passed away. :( I was hoping they would beat the odds. Exactly what I was told would happen, happened. They all seemed to be doing really well and then all died before they were 4 weeks old :s and it was always SO sudden! 1 day they seem a little odd then the next day dead! Or even the same day. It's sad that by the the last two babies I could actually tell by their eyes they were about to die, they almost seem to look dark and gummy. I even had one die in my hand...I think if I ever came upon this situation again, an accidental trans X trans mating, it would be better to just freeze the eggs.

More bad news...I just received a fecal test kit from beardeddragon.co so I tested Daisy and it turns out she has coccidia and pinworms :( So I'm treating her with Panacur Plus (100mg/mL Fenbendazole and 100mg/mL Metronidazole) and 5% Toltrazuril. Is it okay to give both at the same time? I'll also be giving her Acidophiluz+, would it be best to give this a few hours after the medication? What really sucks is that Daisy is also going into brumation so just wants to sleep all day.

Deb- Thanks, I really love the enclosures he built as well! It definitely does make it easier to care for everyone! Well, except for the cleaning part! I can barely reach the back of the enclosures!! LOL No more babies for sale, just going to let our babies grow and our adults sleep over the winter and then we'll be breeding in the spring! :) We are thinking of mating Maalik and Daisy and Kevin really wants to mate Hades and Mika eventually to get some silkies....but I don't know. lol winter slowdown sounds about right, Uno just chills in his cave for what seems like all day but yet food disappears and poop appears so maybe he's just hiding while I'm around :p You say Lonzo isn't allowed to sleep, so how do you keep him up?! I need Daisy to stay up! I put her under her light in the AM but she gives me such a stink eye them stomps back to her cave or a corner and goes back to sleep! Aw I bet Gabriel loves his new bed, great idea! :) I agree, I would be very lonely if all my beardies decided to sleep too.

Hopefully Miss Daisy is better in no time!

Oh and is the acidophiluz+ okay for all my beardies? Like a weekly treatment or something?


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Nicole,

I'm sorry to hear none of Mica's babies survived, I know you were afraid of this with that pairing. It's so sad.

I'll tell you how I keep Lonzo awake, I took his hide away last spring because of the constant flipping over & never put it back, so he has nowhere to hide. Even though one day he did hide underneath the newspaper. :lol: Guess he figured if he couldn't see me I couldn't see him, like I couldn't tell there was a lump under there! :roll: They're so funny. So now he's so used to being woken up every morning, that the one morning I let him sleep in, when I did check hin out about 2 hours later before putting the lights on, he was glaring at me for NOT putting his lights on. Go figure. So just take her hide out & put her lights on & go from there, she won't be happy about it but it's important she stay warm when being given those meds. As for both at the same time, I have no idea. I've only done that with one beardie & it seemed to take longer to get her back to normal again. I'd think asking Cheryl or Tracie would be the best bet, they know alot more about it than I do. And the Acidophiliz is great for any beardie any time, it can't do them any hard, just makes sure good bacteria is in their tummy. So for Daisy, you give it to her a couple of hours after the meds, which should be given on an empty stomach, then the Acidophiliz, then food. This is what I learned from Cheryl. When Gabriel had that load of parasites last April when I got him, I always fed him first, which turned out better for his stomach but is probably why it took so long to get rid of them. So I think Cheryl's way is best.

So Didi & Leo were asleep for about a week & they woke up last week, not eating much & they've both lost weight, so I think they'll be sleeping again soon. Last winter this was their routine, sleep for a week, up for a week, down for a few days, up for a few days. They did this all last winiter. Rubio's been out for about 3 weeks, I still have a warm living room, so I give him water weekly. Instead of giving him a bath (which was torture for both of us last year), a member here said she just raises the blankie they're under & drips water from a syringe, so I've been doing that & he drinks. So he won't get dehydrated with the warm living room, but he never really wakes up, when he's done I just put the blankie back over him & he's back to sleep. Last winter he slept for 3 mo, so I'm expecting the same this year, too

Gabriel hasn't figured out what brumation is, even though he's stopped eating worms (which was a shock, he used to down 10 a day if I didn't stop him) and he's slowing down, too, but so far up every morning and eats his veggies/greens. I don't know if I should be giving him protein in babyfood, he's lost some weight, too...not sure about Lonzo either, he's lost over 20 grams so far, I think I need to plump him up, so I'll start the babyfood tomorrow, see how they take it.

I''m glad the rest of your crew are all doing well. It's such a crazy time of year, when they don't know if they want to sleep, yet they're not eating as much. Drives me nuts but at least they're all healthy as I know your crew are, too! So keep me updated, I love to hear from you :D
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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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