Hatchling Member
Soo my hubby went to the pet store to pick up our large order of supplies for my ever growing reptile family and well they asked him if we would take in this leopard gecko that they rescued. My hubby looked at him and could not resist. This poor little thing was starved for god knows how long and is blind because of many many layers of shed over his eyes. He is sooo skinny! The lady at the pet store rescued him a month ago and he has shed 4 times in the last month because he was finally given food. Currently he is being hand fed meal worms and using a carnivore care food mixture as a supplement to help him gain weight. He has eye ointment which I believe is the same eye ointment used for cats when they have eye colds. I've attempted hand feeding him last night and this morning but could not get him to eat any worms. I am calling the vet Monday because I want him fully checked out and I want to determine how to get this eye issue cleared up. The stuff on his eyes looks like it could wipe off but its so gooey I'm afraid itd stick to his eyeball and pull his eye ball out. I will post pics of him this evening. I have him set up in a 20gal tall tanks, a humidity hide with warm wet paper towels which he is loving. I am going to soak him once or twice a day and continue to try this hand feeding thing. He's very sweet I cannot imagine why or how people can do this to an innocent animal? It does make me feel good though that whenever the pet store gets a rescue they contact me because they trust my abilities. So any advice would help, because I'm new to leopard geckos. Thanks!