Health Issue with Bearded Dragon (Yellow Stain - Fungus)


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Help Needed: Health Issue with Bearded Dragon

Good afternoon, everyone.

I’m reaching out in hopes of getting some guidance regarding a concerning situation with our bearded dragon, Roger. Unfortunately, we live in Cyprus, and there aren't any veterinarians specializing in exotic animals, so we’re not sure what to do at the moment.

Summary of the Problem:
* Patient: Bearded dragon, 5 months old, 14 cm, gender unknown
* Terrarium: 100/40/57 cm (40"/15"/22")
* Lighting: Giganterra, heating included, temperature 29-30°C (84-86°F)
* Diet: Crickets, Dubia roaches, Zoophobas, salad, cucumber. We also provide calcium and vitamins. Food is available daily, and he eats once every few days.

The Issue:

We bought Roger in January 2024, when he was approximately one month old. He had a yellow stain on his neck, similar to his skin in shape and texture but a different color. About three weeks ago, the stain started growing, drying, and cracking. On his torso, the crust is solid, and we thought it was skin shedding. However, today, we noticed that the crust has spread to his eye, and Roger hasn't eaten for three days.

Seeking Help:

We’re seeking any advice or suggestions on whether this condition can be treated at home, as there are no experienced veterinarians for exotic animals here in Cyprus. If anyone knows someone who can help, we’d greatly appreciate your input.

I’ve attached photos and a short video of Roger for reference and 6.jpg as a reference of the photo taken one month ago.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,


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AHBD Sicko
Hi there ! I'm sorry to see that your b.d Roger is having this trouble. It does look like probable yellow fungus so the few things you can do are : get some antifungal cream from a drug store. Apply it on all the areas but avoid getting it in his eye. For his eye you can apply raw unpasteurized honey [ from a beekeeper or reputable health store ] The honey can be diluted with 3 parts lukewarm water and is safe to go directly in his eye.

Ypou DO need to get the basking temp. up to about 98 -105. The reat of the tank can have heat gradients from the high 80's to high 70's. Can you post a pic of his set up ?


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Dear AHBD,

You don't know how we value your help. Thank you very much.

Here are the photos of the enclosure as requested.

We will start the treatment immediately.

Best regards,


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AHBD Sicko
You're welcome, I'm hoping for the best outcome for Roger ! You may be aware that fungal infections, especially Y.F can be very serious and difficult to cure. Aside from the cream and honey for treatment it would be helpful to remove the loose substrate [ it can stick to the cream and also harbors bacteria ] and use non adhesive shelf liner and/or paper towels.
Remove the larger hide and one of the hammocks or ladders so it's easier to get around and he can have more uvb exposure. It's best not to have a very large hide area , that way he will stay warm which he will need to give him a chance to fight off this disease. Offer pureed foods, maybe dedicate a food blender for veggies + insects , adding a little bit of raw honey if you check first to see if even likes the taste. Whatever is healthy like that, find out what he'll possibly eat pureed , using a syringe. Are you able to get Reptisun or Arcadia retile bulbs ?

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I'm sorry your lil guy isn't doing well. Your in good hands with @AHBD
I see your using a coil uvb. Those are not sufficient for beardies and will impact his health. You need to have a long tube uvb for him. The t5's are the best but a t8 will work. The t8 neds to be closer to him than a t5.
A baby should eat 2 to 3 times PER DAY couple the fact he doesn't feel well and improper lighting and that's likely why.
@AHBD will be way more help than me with the Y.F. but I just about guarantee you, if you get the lighting on par, his appetite will improve. 🙂
For a baby basking temps should be 105 to 110 degrees. They need those temps to digest food. As he gets older you can start backing the temps down, by adulthood 95 to 100 degrees is good. Sorry I don't know the conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit.


Original Poster
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Dear @AHBD and @xp29,

Thank you for your invaluable suggestions.

* We will replace our lamps as soon as possible.
* I will restructure the enclosure.
* We will try another approach to feeding.

I truly appreciate your support and positive vibes. Thank you so much.

I wish we had known about this issue earlier. When the spot was still very small, I specifically went to the store to inquire about it, but the seller assured us that it was nothing to worry about.

Best regards,


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
🥰🥰🥰 My wife is sending virtual hugs to all of you for your support
We hope on the best and ready to work towards healing

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Me too!!! I hope you have success with your baby 🙂

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

He is a real cutie! As AHBD has suggested regarding the possible
fungal areas, the raw honey is the best treatment to use & it's safe to use on & around the eye area.
Definitely changing to a solid substrate will help to keep the tank environment much cleaner for him also.
Let us know how he is doing! I hope he gets better soon. It is a big
challenge but with some work you should be able to get it under control.



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Hi, just wondering how the baby is doing ?
Since our last discussion, we fought tirelessly for his life. We changed his enclosure, lighting, substrate, and feeding schedule. Despite his poor condition, we didn't lose hope and did our best. After a few days, we found a herpetologist here in Limassol. We had several appointments within a week at the Small Animal Hospital with two doctors. We bought him a nebulizer and antibiotics, and he had two sessions. The doctor even managed to feed him two crickets and removed a significant amount of dead skin from his weak body, noting that there was a lot of it. I believe we lost too much time, and he was already too weak to handle the disease. The doctor said he had a fungal infection and another infection affecting his eye. It was too much for such a young animal. Unfortunately, his condition worsened rapidly, and he passed away within a week. We buried him outside our home. I feel lost and don't know what to say since then.

AHBD Sicko
I'm so sorry. I suspected that he would have little chance of survival but you tried your best as you said. My heart truly goes out to you, it's a terrible feeling to want them to heal and see helplessly what the outcome ends up to be.
You are a very caring and diligent owner so when you feel like it you might get another but not from the same sore/breeder. It won't take Roger's place but can add some joy to you as you care for another one.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Oh no, I am so sorry to hear that you lost him, that is very devastating.
You did everything you could to help him & I'm sure that he appreciated
everything that you did for him.
I am sorry for your loss..


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