

Sub-Adult Member
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Can someone help me figure out if my bearded dragon is gravid. He dug 3 times so far. Once was last night in his hut. The other 2 times was after I gave him something to eat or he ate himself. He has purée on his mouth and appears to be scrapping it off. He has been trying to scrape it off after he eats a lot. However, the last 2 times he clawed at the floor a little too. The last time he went to the entrance of his hut and did it. I tried to feel his tummy. It felt squishy to me, but I do t really know how to feel it. He went to the vet on Friday and the vet felt his tummy he felt nothing. He was not eating as good yesterday, but that seemed to improve. I don’t think he has been eating ravenously. He has only been glass surfing right before he poops. Can someone help?


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Lift Cole's tail in the air, like a dog that's excited with tail straight up. And yes you can put a dig box in the tank. Puree will come of , just be patient.


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No, all beardies like to dig, esp. near brumation season. Just give Cole a lay box and if there are eggs then laying should take place.
His tummy was felt by a vet on Friday. Wouldn’t he have felt something if he would be ready to lay eggs in less than a week? Also, I felt his stomach and it felt squishy

AHBD Sicko
You can't always feel infertile eggs So get a plastic box like this, see how I cut one corner out and packed it 3/4 with sand or topsoil + sand mix. Then just put a log next to it so Cole can get in + out. Once you put Cole in there the digging should start. There's still a very slight chance that Cole's a male but this way you have your set up.



Sub-Adult Member
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You can't always feel infertile eggs So get a plastic box like this, see how I cut one corner out and packed it 3/4 with sand or topsoil + sand mix. Then just put a log next to it so Cole can get in + out. Once you put Cole in there the digging should start. There's still a very slight chance that Cole's a male but this way you have your set up.

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