Des' Thread 03-24-12

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Des' my first dragon. He is really a good boy. Great attitude, loves to come out and explore, sit on my shoulder, just all around the kind of dragon I wanted for my first one.
He grew up on my lack of knowledge, has always hung strong. Mostly ate crickets when he was young, with the occasional reptiworm or silkworm. After he hit 16 inches he wouldn't touch another cricket since he had a taste for superworms.

The last few months he had given me a scare, as he has been really picky on what he wants to eat. Some days it will be superworms other days he only wanted hornworms. Then I found butterworms. He will eat these worms almost any day of the week. He is still spoiled and thinks he is king as I went through allot, babying him by hand feeding every morning and evening. This is really the only way he will eat on a good basis. He had dropped a few grams from 335 to 325 when I tried to induce tough love.

As of today, on the beginning of his own thread, I am proud to state he weighs 350g. Still @ 17.75inches in length. I believe Des to be about 1 year ~2 months old.

Here are some pictures of my oldest boy Des-









Sub-Adult Member
I'll be having that soon. Nemesis is shedding her entire back, 1 arm, 1 foot, the whole beard and a random patch on her head. She's wearing her grumpy pants :lol:

Beardednoob Addict
Original Poster
NightmareDisco":mecj3ij3 said:
I'll be having that soon. Nemesis is shedding her entire back, 1 arm, 1 foot, the whole beard and a random patch on her head. She's wearing her grumpy pants :lol:
LOL@ grumpy pants :lol:


Sub-Adult Member
Beardednoob":3rkoep1n said:
Before and after Des

Today 08-30-11

Great looking dude you've got there! :)

I just posted a similar "flash back" of Dewey in his thread. It's so amazing to watch them grow as it's happening, but when you go back and see pics of the befores and afters, it really is mind blowing how much they change! Dewey today looks nothing like I was expecting him to.

Beardednoob Addict
Original Poster
Thank you for posting Mandy, I had looked at your thread of Dewey a bit earlier today, I may have failed to mention a response but, you have a very nice dragon too.
The before and after picture are a bit mind numbing :wink:

Beardednoob Addict
Original Poster
Des Des (yes that what I call him LOL) has put on a few grams weighing in at 390 grams today, for a small bulky guy it is about time. he has shown progress with eating more lately. Still picky of his salads, I will master what it is though that he want in them eventually.



From 09-13-11

Today, not too big of a difference but, there is a subtle one.


Best for last. :mrgreen:


MissT Addict
But I knew about Des' existence and still failed to find him :(.... I believe it is because his name is so short and because he seems to be the quiet one of your bunch!

Beardednoob Addict
Original Poster
McSkweeky":25b9q4kg said:
that last pic is amazing!
I know right, you can actually tell his leg doesn't come out of his neck :mrgreen:

He is pretty good when it comes to pictures now, I only had a better camera and talent. :wink:


Sub-Adult Member
I vote to start a Des appreciate society. He is one of my favorites, too. I know, I know I keep saying that but I just really like him! He's got hutzpah! If he took a trip to Australia the wild beardies wouldn't pick on him. They'd be like whoa, check out the spikes on that guy!


Sub-Adult Member
TerratheBeardie":ebg32s1g said:
I dunno.It looks like Des looks just as spiky as Terra. :lol:
Either way,he's a real looker. :D
That's why Des and Terra are two of my favorites!

tribute hijacking is allowed, right?


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