I'd turn off the heat lamp, they don't need a basking spot and do well with temps from 68-75* F, too hot temps, like 80*F and higher can stress them out and ultimately lead to their demise. ='( And he is so adorable. Most people don't approve(breeders) about the longer head, but I LOVE the longer faces as opposed to the shorter heads.
I love his set up, it looks pretty nice, but more fake plants would always do well.. They like about 50-60% of the whole cage covered with leaves so they have plenty of hiding spots to get away from scary open places.
And mine always have their same favourite sleeping spots. They do absolutely nothing during the day unless you take them out to bug them. Only at about 11PM do they start to wake up. It is quite odd if you're used to a reptile with eyelids to see the geckos sleep with them open. Have you seen them lick their eyes yet? Normally they will if you spray them with water. And since you have a 10g, it looks like it might be horizontal and it's a glass one with a screen lid? Or am I seeing it wrong in that pic? They do better with vertical tanks, but as long as the [adults] have at least 15" of vertical climbing space, they're fine. So right now your little dude should be good, but he might want something taller when he gets bigger.
But if it's a glass tank with a screen lid, you might want to mist his cage 2-4X a day. Babies need more humidity than adults. I generally give my gecko's cages a good soak at night and that's it, but that seems to be what works for them. I give three of my six water dishes because those three actually use them.
Theyr'e SUPER easy to take care of once you get the hang of it. ^^ Thought I'd just give you some tips though