Crested/Gargoyle Geckos! :)

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Extreme Poster
There is a reptile expo at the end of April and I'm hoping to get a crested gecko or a gargoyle gecko, so I'm trying to decide which one I want! I think that cresties are cuter, but I like the fact that gargs get a little bigger, and it seems like they are more tolerant to handling. I want an adult/sub-adult though, so that might limit me to cresties... But we'll see!

I just had a couple questions that I couldn't get a definite answer on through research:

Is a 12" x 12" x 18" tank OK for one adult? I really liked the Zoomed ones!
What substrate is the best? I was thinking of using ceramic tile, and keeping some live plants in little pots to help prevent impaction. I'd like to try live plants, but if it isn't safe for them I won't.
Where do you keep your geckos? I'm a little worried about the temperature thing, since my house gets pretty warm in the summer. I figured I could move the tank into the basement on warm days though, since it is always cool there.
Does anyone know how much adult gargs usually are? I've only seen babies for sale at the expos.

And if you prefer one species to the other, I'd love to know why! :D


Sub-Adult Member
I don't know much about the gargs.
That being said I do own a crested gecko and have been doing alot of research on them as well. We are actually contemplating adding them to our breeding programs. I love the cresties. They are really cool geckos. Impaction with them isn't as big of a risk if you use coco fiber with spagnum moss over top of that. Keep the soil moist and the moss moist and they will love it. I believe I have the zoomed enclosure you are talking about. And if so, it is definitely big enough. They like to climb and will spend most of their time in the vines and fake or real leaves. I haven't researched live plants to keep with them yet. I feed mine mostly the crested gecko diet from Repashy. You can get a 32oz bag off of Amazon for like $30 and it will last a long time. I change mine out every other day. I also offer him a shallow pool for soaking as he seems to enjoy it and normally goes potty there. They are alot of fun and if you want I can post some of the care sheets and articles I have found on keeping them.


Extreme Poster
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Thanks for the info! The caresheets would be great! :)

Yeah, there aren't too many people who actually have gargs. :| Their care is identical to a crestie though.

Have you heard of a chahoua gecko? Those are my favorite of the ones I'm considering, but it sounds like they are pretty hard to find and expensive.


Gray-bearded Member
I have a crested.. but I want a leechie! They are cool looking, and they are fun to play with at night when my beardies are asleep. But they aren't anywhere as social as a beardie. Mine will only eat the CGD, never any bugs. And they lick their eyeballs.. LOL


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Leechies are awesome! :D One of them bit me at the last expo LOL. But $1000 is just a little bit out of my price range!

I know they'll be more of a look-at pet, like my leos. :) But they are such neat little dudes. I hope mine will eat some bugs though, because I have a ton of mini dubias that need to be eaten.


Gray-bearded Member
Jess":mbijivpx said:
Leechies are awesome! :D One of them bit me at the last expo LOL. But $1000 is just a little bit out of my price range!

I know they'll be more of a look-at pet, like my leos. :) But they are such neat little dudes. I hope mine will eat some bugs though, because I have a ton of mini dubias that need to be eaten.

yah, I've tried to feed dubias, and he doesn't want them. I have a friend who also has a juvie who is not interested in feeders either. I think babies are more apt to eat the feeders than Juvies. But, that's just IMO. I guess it also depends on where you get them from. Mine came from Petco, and so did my friends. But there is another girl I know that got hers from a breeder and they eat crickets.


Juvie Member is defintely the best place to go for all your crested/gargoyle gecko needs!

I have 1 gargoyle, but 5 crested geckos and 2 crestie eggs(as of less than a week ago!) and so far, my young Garg is still flighty since she's a juvie still.
I got to hold the adult garg there for sale as well, the biggest female there and she was darling, jsut the sweetest thing, felt awesome, and was BIG, bigger than my cresties.
If you want a gecko that's more like a bearded dragon, but WAY less matinence, then go for a Gargoyle. I personally like how the cresties look more(LOOVVE their heads), and I jsut adore the little guys. That's why in 6 months my crested gecko collection grew from 2 to 5 with 2 eggs and many more on the way!

And if you want one that eats bugs, get a crestie because they're more likely to like bugs more than gargoyles. I know all of mine love crickets.
Garg's are more bitey as babies than cresties are, but are calmer as adults. If you like how leachie's look, get a gargoyle, their nickname is 'The poor man's leachie', plus their eyes are way cool. ^^
Or get a gargoyle and crestie(obviously different cages) if you can't decide. XD

I can tell you once you get on Rhacodactylus geckos, that you'll be hooked. I got my best friend addicted to them. XD
If you wanna see mine.... (excuse to show them off...)

Here's my favourite male, Dagger, next to my favourite female,Beast,(they'll be bred together next year) (female has spots)

Boga and Kess(the one on the bottom is Boga and this year he'll be 6 years old) Kess on top is bred with Dagger and just gave me two eggs.

My newest girl, Maka:

And finally my gargoyle, Rory/Freckles(She has two names. I thought she was a male, so I named her Rory, but after finding out she's female, renamed her to Freckles.. I still call her both names though)

I don't know if you've decided which one you want yet, this is just my $.02.

(By the way, I Love your dragon Dudley)


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Aww, all your babies are gorgeous! :D I love Beast's markings!

Yeah, I'm definitely leaning more towards the garg right now. I absolutely love leechies, but I won't be getting one any time soon so I like the idea of having a mini one, LOL.
I really want an adult though... I'm not sure if I would want a baby, since they take incredibly long to mature. Finding an adult or sub-adult gargoyle is going to be the tricky part. :| If I happen to find a chahoua gecko, that will make this even more difficult too!
I'm still working on convincing the parents though, so I'm not 100% getting one yet.


Juvie Member
Thanks! <3 I was actually just informed that it's possible to get an unsexed baby leachie for about 300$, and considering I paid 200$ for Beast, not that bad!

Really? You're parents need convincing? Have you told them that they are 100000000000 times more easier than leopard geckos and bearded dragons? They don't need to eat live food at ALL, they take up next to no room and don't smell? Like, ever?

These geckos are the only pets my parents don't seem to care about how many I get. XD Definitely the best. But yeah, go for the garg! They're pretty awesome!


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Oh, its more the number of pets I have then anything else LOL. I said I would stop getting more pets a leopard gecko ago. :p I have a roach colony and I work at a pet store, so it's not really the cost/space/ect. :lol: I can fit an unbelievable number of animals into my tiny bedroom!


Juvie Member
Ah, I see, I have that issue too.... I have five geckos in my room, moving my little girl Maka out of quarentine tomorrow so she'll be coming in my room, that's six geckos, 1 ball python, my bearded dragon, superworm AND cricket bin. Not to mention all the little baby geckos I'll have later this year. XD My room's getting cramped!
Anyway, I hope you can get one!


Extreme Poster
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I guess I can get one! :)

Question: Do gargoyles take 3 years to reach their full grown size, or does is take three years before they can breed? I read that they take a long time to mature, but it never specified if the 3 years is for growing or breeding maturity.


Juvie Member
Age doesn't have much to do with geckos for when they're full grown as far as I'm aware....
It's better to breed a 2 year old female than a 1 year old female, but they all grow differently... A full grown gecko weighs 35 grams+.
Most people don't go by age because there are some geckos, mainly cresteds I've heard this happening to, that can remain only a couple grams when they are a year old. I've never had that happen, but I'd say a gargoyle gecko would be full grown and ready to breed by 3 years at the highest. ^^

I hope any of this made sense! And congrats about being able to get one!


Extreme Poster
Original Poster
Do they stay tiny for the first 3 years though? That's what I'm trying to figure out LOL. I don't usually like to get pets as babies, so I was hoping them would grow up a little faster! :lol:

Thanks for all the help!
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