Concerns regarding his breathing


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Was Swordtail
And yes, I returned his girlfriend

AHBD Sicko
That's good, it's a plus for him then to not appear to be too stressed out. He looks good too, more on the lean side is better than a super chunky or fat dragon. No wonder he has a trophy wife, er, girlfriend..


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Was Swordtail
It's best to not force feed them in that way. What have you offered him and what are his favorites ?
I've offered him crickets and superworms. The worms are his favorite though. He just hasn't eaten them though. I'm planning on blending some of them, straining it, and giving it to him through a syringe maybe


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Was Swordtail
You could do that with the crickets and the supers then.
My mom made a little bit of scrambled egg for him (he only eats egg if made by her for some reason. It's always been like this) because it has protein and I guess his love for egg overpowered his lack of appetite because he ate it up! I also found out that his shed is starting to come off because as he was walking around I heard a cracking noise, investigated, and found the shed on his legs was coming off

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