Carrot fungus dubias

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Hatchling Member
I bought 20 dubias bearded dragon loves them . I put in a couple of carrot pieces for them and the du it's seems to love them. But forgot to take those out and I noticed 3 -4 days later there was fuzz on the carrots.
The dubias looked fine. I fed 4 to my beard ie before I noticed the fuzz.
1) I am a terrible keeper and feel aweful I forgot the carrots out.
2) worried they are bad for my beard ie
3) disposal or let them be a few days and s?
I have since taken them out into new clean Contianer and placed dry food and water crystals.
I feel terriblefor. The little dubias and hope my beard ie will be OK

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
It should be OK. It's good that you removed them and provided fresh food. Keep an eye on the dubias for signs of problems but if it wasn't there long it probably won't be much of an issue.
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