Can Bearded Dragons Sense the Weather?

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Hatchling Member
Don't know if this is known but can bearded dragons sense changes in the weather, even before the change occurs. My dragons has been going crazy inside her cage for a few days now, and today a pretty bad tropical storm hit us. I read somewhere that they can "measure" barometric changes, but I'm still confused.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Beardies can definitely sense the weather as well as the days lengthening & shortening, too.
They can also feel barometric pressure changes too in the air.
When we lived in Key West for years, we went through 4 hurricanes & our dragons definitely could sense the changes, ahead of time.
Where are you located, in Florida?



Yup , they sure can , whenever there is a thunderstorm all my males go to ground and flatten out

My female button gets me laughing, one minute she is raising her head to hear the claps of thunder and the next time I look at her all I see is her tail sticking out of the cave :D


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
No I live in South Carolina. We just had a tropical storm hit us. Wasn't terrible... don't know if there was any flooding but still the storm wasn't that bad.

Ya my bearded dragon has just been going insane, running around her cage, and making tons of noises... not helpful when I'm trying to make music in my room...

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Well, she should calm down pretty soon, once the pressure drops back down to normal. :D
Bless her. Some are more sensitive than others though.


kingofnobbys Sicko
Yes they can , even when they live in an airconditioned home.

I suspect they sense changes in air pressure and humidity.

All my pet lizards hunker down when nasty weather is on it's way, both skinks and dragons.
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