Came home to this


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
There are many knowledgeable owners here, some that have also raised home bred babies and the majority use calcium with D3. It's just like any supplement, you don't over use them. Some people use the cal. w/D3 2X a week on one meal, very lightly. They also use plain calcium on 2 other days, also very lightly. So the insects you are feeding your beardie should not look like a powdered donut, just a very light coating.
Thats what i do + sometimes bee pollen too bc i read its good for immunity


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I think Karrie just meant that she doesn't agree that the broccoli was poo and that vit. D3 should never be given orally. That's all. At least the xrays showed no problem !
I honestly don’t agree that it was poo either!! It was literally green broccoli I could still smell the broccoli not poop!

AHBD Sicko
How is your baby doing now ? All in all if she's not too stressed you at least got some useful info from the xray, that rules out a tumor or mass of some sort.

AHBD Sicko
For how long ? I've never heard of gabapentin being used for a beardie, every case on here they've been given Meloxicam. You can Google it or even search it on here. The calafate should be safe but I'd be leery of the gaba. It can really knock them out and also cause nausea. Make sure you can read the syringes correctly so you don't accidentally give too much.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
For how long ? I've never heard of gabapentin being used for a beardie, every case on here they've been given Meloxicam. You can Google it or even search it on here. The calafate should be safe but I'd be leery of the gaba. It can really knock them out and also cause nausea. Make sure you can read the syringes correctly so you don't accidentally give too much.
They have the syringes marked in red I’ll post a pic when im home we’re otw back now should be 40 min to go

Will read a lot on both

They said those doses every 12 hours for two weeks and they cant be taken together so both different 12 hour cycles

AHBD Sicko
O.K, I doubt she'll need the pain med. for 1 week let alone 2. The carafate might be helpful but it might be hard to get her to take it. If she struggles too much or consistently spits it out it would be better to not force it, shell recover on her own but you can see how she does when you try it. You can also Google how to give meds. to beardie's , there are a few good Youtube videos.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
O.K, I doubt she'll need the pain med. for 1 week let alone 2. The carafate might be helpful but it might be hard to get her to take it. If she struggles too much or consistently spits it out it would be better to not force it, shell recover on her own but you can see how she does when you try it. You can also Google how to give meds. to beardie's , there are a few good Youtube videos.
Ok noted no forcing - he said it could be an ulcer that was my only worry with giving her meds, would she be able to recover from an ulcer without meds?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Get all copies of vet visit-
Yes I will - calling for the xray copy and will ask for blood work documents when they call me back with it. Should take 3 days.
This costed me so much money lol I’m about to sell furniture to pay rent !


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
It’s ok I’m not upset about it - I really love ivy so much and would do anything for her. I can’t wait for her to get better. Will ditch all plans to play with her. Genuinely cannot wait

My mother called me screaming to “give her away now that she’s fine” because “she’s a liability she costs too much she costed my wallet she costed my mental health for 3 days get a cat or dog they’re easier” and I blocked her lol. I hate people that don’t value beardies or take them as seriously as other pets literally no one around me takes ivy seriously she’s like a roach in their eyes

AHBD Sicko
Ok noted no forcing - he said it could be an ulcer that was my only worry with giving her meds, would she be able to recover from an ulcer without meds?
Well the vet is saying that there's a possibility of an ulcer but there's no concrete diagnosis. The carafate is med. for ulcers in humans, also used in animals, so the vet just wants to give it as a " just in case ", there's no actual diagnosis. The Gabapentin is used for anxiety + pain, sometimes for seizures. So both meds. are really given just in case there's an ulcer or in case she's in pain.

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